Bear has a point. Just look at FoodFight, for example.
You’re not alone Bear. The news freak a lot of us out … as if the newscaster were [insert here your dreaded fear, e.g., clowns, talking fsssh].
(senses two kinds of commentaries (on motion capture technology and televised news programs) in this cartoon; based on misidentification though)
Relax Bear ….. It could be worse ……. and it probably ……. “WILL” be ….. :)
Ellis97 4 months ago
Bear has a point. Just look at FoodFight, for example.
B UTTONS 4 months ago
You’re not alone Bear. The news freak a lot of us out … as if the newscaster were [insert here your dreaded fear, e.g., clowns, talking fsssh].
Mario500 4 months ago
(senses two kinds of commentaries (on motion capture technology and televised news programs) in this cartoon; based on misidentification though)
bwswolf 4 months ago
Relax Bear ….. It could be worse ……. and it probably ……. “WILL” be ….. :)