Captain: Okay, the fiftieth time is not funny!! Jonas: That just shows you how opinions can differ, huh? Mouse: Really... 'Cuz the fiftieth time is funny!
colnell said, with malice aforethought: “I only did it to jab at you dorks. As to commenting on the actual comic, I will leave you nerds to it. Colnell out.”
So you’re a dork commenting about dorks commenting about a comic. You momma must be proud of you. Still riding the short bus…?
carmy over 15 years ago
Sorry Henry, it is very funny. More “terror from above” headed your way!
Yukoneric over 15 years ago
This would be great on a hot day.
Brenzluv over 15 years ago
Time for a cat, and a return to Boof, Seahawk and the crow’s nest guys…
lightenup Premium Member over 15 years ago
A little stomp on all those water balloons would do the trick, Henry.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Sorry gmartin, speak for yourself! I love the mice! I would like to see Seahawk, Malrene and Cecilia again!
mornin’ carmy!
Mornin’ doc. I thought I heard a horn this morning! That’s what woke me up!!
kirbey over 15 years ago
I’m with you Dry !
risitas over 15 years ago
So, you just signed up TODAY - well, hope to see your 1/2-witty comments here again soon!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
colnell, you must be AWFULLY BORED!!! You mock us and you’re the one who looks like an idiot!
risitas over 15 years ago
No, colnell, that’s 2 comments in 3 hours, on your first day.
You are an Official Commenting Nerd!
Welcome to The Club.
Colnell “IN”.
Brenzluv over 15 years ago
tsk, tsk
Storyteller over 15 years ago
colnell said, with malice aforethought: “I only did it to jab at you dorks. As to commenting on the actual comic, I will leave you nerds to it. Colnell out.”
So you’re a dork commenting about dorks commenting about a comic. You momma must be proud of you. Still riding the short bus…?
Brenzluv over 15 years ago
I believe it was the inimitable Hobbes who demonstrated the best response to water balloons to Calvin…. Now there was a comic strip!!!