Rabbits Against Magic by Jonathan Lemon for December 14, 2024

  1. De6fdbq 5e0a21ac bc2f 4b76 855c 395d2ca0924d
    NRHAWK Premium Member 4 days ago

    With so many artists using A.I. on Deviantart.com one can really get lost down the rabbit hole trying to figure out where that extra arm or leg is supposed to attach to a person or animal and why so many cars have 3 or 4 headlights on one side but only one on the other. Those same pictures look very nice on first glance but then one begins to get weirded out by the anomalies. I really miss the artists doing their own digital art.

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  2. Img 1561
    Zebrastripes  4 days ago

    Awareness is the key to spotting the real from the fake…

    That goes for the new cabinet being vetted…Oy

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  3. 1
    ncorgbl  4 days ago


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