Always buy quality. I used to buy cheap umbrellas and they always disappointed me so finally I stepped up and bought a quality English made umbrella with the German carved handle. I found out in the literature that came with it that it was designed for self-defense and that one could stand on it without it breaking or bending. A few years later I saw its exact mate featured in the movie ‘The Kingsman’ only difference is mine isn’t bullet proof. That’s okay, I still love this umbrella that never collapses or fails in any way, so it always travels with me.
A few years ago, we had such heavy and frequent snowstorms around here that we couldn’t keep up with all the roof clearing. Lost many buildings and barns (a few animals, too, was a hard year for so many) . Beware the heavy stuff when it piles up!
Yakety Sax about 1 month ago
Shikamoo Premium Member about 1 month ago
Ha ha! Good luck with that, Rory!
GROG Premium Member about 1 month ago
It’s time for a snow plow to pin him in.
Rabbit Brown 2105-30 P coat about 1 month ago
Wow, what an instant snow fort maker.
NRHAWK Premium Member about 1 month ago
Always buy quality. I used to buy cheap umbrellas and they always disappointed me so finally I stepped up and bought a quality English made umbrella with the German carved handle. I found out in the literature that came with it that it was designed for self-defense and that one could stand on it without it breaking or bending. A few years later I saw its exact mate featured in the movie ‘The Kingsman’ only difference is mine isn’t bullet proof. That’s okay, I still love this umbrella that never collapses or fails in any way, so it always travels with me.
Ned Snipes about 1 month ago
Rory must get a baaad case of the frizz when he dries of from this.
ʲᔆ about 1 month ago
who wants a snow cone?
pheets about 1 month ago
A few years ago, we had such heavy and frequent snowstorms around here that we couldn’t keep up with all the roof clearing. Lost many buildings and barns (a few animals, too, was a hard year for so many) . Beware the heavy stuff when it piles up!
Frank Burns Eats Worms about 1 month ago
Whump there it is!
Zebrastripes about 1 month ago
I hope so too, Rory! But mean while, get warmed up at the vets office and a snack while you’re there! ☺️❤️
dbrucepm about 1 month ago
Rory’s fleece is white (as) snow