I know it is a comic, but people really need to leave the families out of this. Be upset at a bad call all you want. If you start harassing family members, or sending death threats to anyone, you are an objectively bad person.
why are they upset at refs? they don’t call walks or carries anymore. I saw Lebron walk from mid court all the way to the basket and nver dribbled once!
carlsonbob 2 days ago
Refs are in Witless Protection Program.
baskate_2000 2 days ago
The kids don’t care — it’s their parents who insist on explanations.
Ellis97 2 days ago
Billy must be so embarrassed.
johnnydoc5 2 days ago
I know it is a comic, but people really need to leave the families out of this. Be upset at a bad call all you want. If you start harassing family members, or sending death threats to anyone, you are an objectively bad person.
johnaapc 2 days ago
why are they upset at refs? they don’t call walks or carries anymore. I saw Lebron walk from mid court all the way to the basket and nver dribbled once!
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 2 days ago
I once called a foul on Le Bron James—-the kids will think he’s the bravest man in the world
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 2 days ago
If Aaron Rodgers could throw four t ouchdowns in a game, why the CensOred didn’t he start earlier????