Rabbits Against Magic by Jonathan Lemon for January 06, 2025

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    Argythree  2 months ago

    No one would call the richest man in the world an immigrant. He’s a ‘naturalized citizen’, if you please…

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    syzygy47  2 months ago

    Maybe Donny can take an immigrant’s job. Don a dress and become Elon’s First Lady. Musk has bought the office and Trump lives by quid pro quo from those who can do things for him. Looks like Trump will continue to be Putin’s useful idiot.

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    DamnHappyChappy  2 months ago

    If you believe that any modern day President rules the country, you are living in a dream. It is run by the ultra elite corporations and super wealthy individuals. Musk most like being one of them.

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    morningglory73 Premium Member 2 months ago

    In future we will be voting not for a person for president but a big business corporation against another big business corporation.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 2 months ago

    He was born in South Africa then moved to Canada before moving to the US. While he can’t legally become president he can have great influence over the convicted criminal moving back into the White House. So therefore trump is in effect letting a migrant take his job

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    tallyho  2 months ago

    Without him we would have astronauts left dying in outer space.

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    kennecwk  2 months ago

    I have no idea how those two egos are going to fit in the oval office for an extended period. The ‘Trump Era’ is definitely going to be interesting like catching Norovirus is interesting. My bet is that once Trump is cleared of all wrongdoing he’ll let other people run the show and he will sit back as long as he can profit from any decisions made. So it will be one way or another a defacto Oligarchy / Kleptocracy. His admin. has just forced the resignation of the Fed’s top bank regulator. Finance will be greatly deregulated. This will be followed by excessive greed (think crypto), followed by fear and crashing of the economy. But not before the Oligarchs next to Trump get their cut. Think 2008 and more all over again. I do hope my speculation is wrong.

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    patlaborvi  2 months ago

    Since he isn’t a natural born citizen Musk can’t be president, but he seems to have found a way around that rule.

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    mistercatworks  2 months ago

    He already knows what it’s like to be married to one.

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