Peanuts by Charles Schulz for February 23, 1958
"Hi, Charlie's the friend of all mankind?" Shermy asks as Charlie Brown passes by. "HA HA HA" Pig-Pen laughs at his witticism.<br> <br> "Good grief!" Charlie Brown exclaims. In the background they laugh:"HA HA HA HA.."<br> <br> "Well, if it isn't Charlie Brown!" Patty exclaims as she and Violet watch Charlie Bornw walk past.<br> <br> "Good ol' wishy-washy Charlie Brown!" Violet adds. They stand in profile.<br> <br> HA HA HA HA! They laugh. Charlie Brown frowns and clasps his hands together as he walks along.<br> <br> "Hi, Charlie Brown..Is that your head or are you hiding behind a balloon?" Lucy greets him as they pass each other in front of the fence.<br> <br> "HA HA HA HA HA" Lucy laughs uproariously at her own joke as she walks off. Charlie Brown closes his eyes.<br> <br> He is inside, and shuts the door behind him.<br> <br> Click! Charlie Brown crouches down to the floor and turns on the radio.<br> <br> He sits on the floor. He hears from the speaker: "...And what, in all this world, is more delightful than the gay wonderful laughter of little children?" <br> <br> Charlie Brown gives the radio a good kick.<br> <br>
pillars over 12 years ago
charlie brown got daily bullied before it was mainstream.
weatherford.joe about 10 years ago
Kids are cruel
Melkior over 9 years ago
“… so long as you’re far enough away not to know what they’re laughing at.”
yow4zip Premium Member about 7 years ago
Appropriate response, Charlie Brown.
ootey almost 7 years ago
I understand Charlie Brown…
PBSherm about 6 years ago
One like= One punch in the face for everyone who teased CB.
Nate Wright! over 3 years ago
Archistoteles over 2 years ago
With friends like these, you don’t need enemies.
peanutsmean 3 months ago
Is this the only time we see Pig-Pen being mean? He’s usually pretty chill towards Charlie.