Flo and Friends by Jenny Campbell for January 28, 2025

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 1 month ago

    …and lettuce has pesticide and water has insect poop and…. best to lock yourself in the closet. LOL

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  2. Stormking
    mountainclimber  about 1 month ago

    Growing up we used to swim in the river just downstream of the chemical plant. We grew strong up — those of us who survived.

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    LOLBeth  about 1 month ago

    Watch out for that dihydrogen monoxide! It’s in EVERYTHING!

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    pheets  about 1 month ago

    Moderation. And keep on keeping on.

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  5. Stinker
    cuzinron47  about 1 month ago

    Conspiracy thoeyists have gotten much beet at their craft.

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    Sojourner  about 1 month ago

    FYI, you really can’t take results of research studies at face value. It was the same scientists-for-hire firm that once played villain in the real-life Erin Brockovich case which concluded that, even though lipstick may contain lead, the concentrations are so low that they “are not expected to pose any health risks to adults or children.” This was based on an assumption that lipstick would only have about one part per million lead or, at the extreme end, maybe two or three parts per million (ppm). But by 2016, about ten times more lipsticks were tested, and they averaged nearly 500 ppm—with 10 percent exceeding 1,000 ppm—going all the way up to 10,000 ppm, with more than one out of five exceeding FDA and even Chinese safety limits on lead in cosmetics. Lip gloss contained more lead than lipstick, with the <$5 lipsticks most contaminated. The highest concentration found was 10,185 mg/kg. That’s 10 grams per kilogram, which means the lipstick was 1% pure lead. That means a single application could expose a grown woman to perhaps 12 times the tolerable daily intake. Considering that no amount of lead is safe, this is a significant finding. (Source: NutritionFacts dot org, and search “Lipstick contaminated with lead?”)

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