That beagle nose knows where his buddy is! A friend and I had pizza delivered yesterday and my (deaf) dog knew when the delivery car pulled into my driveway. She could smell the pizza. She did not hear the car and could not see it where she was, which was right next to me. Beagles tend to walk with their noses almost on the ground.
BigDaveGlass 2 days ago
The snow has spoken.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member 2 days ago
You can stop there, LDL!
markkahler52 1 day ago
Figured it out in Panel One….
Moonkey Premium Member 1 day ago
That beagle nose knows where his buddy is! A friend and I had pizza delivered yesterday and my (deaf) dog knew when the delivery car pulled into my driveway. She could smell the pizza. She did not hear the car and could not see it where she was, which was right next to me. Beagles tend to walk with their noses almost on the ground.