Prickly City by Scott Stantis for February 07, 2025

  1. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member about 1 month ago

    3 special elections for house seats, why aren’t Democrats spending big time on these tie breaking seats…republicans are spending big!

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 1 month ago

    The ghost cartoonist is even less incisive.

    The ghost cartoonist believes that “unelected bureaucrats” are the scourge of the earth — except for HIS unelected bureaucrats who have stolen your financial and personal records.

    (It’s OKAY If A Republican Does It.)

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  3. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 1 month ago

    Kevin Necessary in substack or Facebook speaks right to the status of the lil’ right-wing populists, Sun, M.L. (heeeeee), and robby hood in the trumpster fire world…………………….nowhere, except supporting trumpster fire.

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  4. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 1 month ago

    This week’s Kallaugher’s speak right to the general incompetence of trumpster fire and his enablers.

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  5. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 1 month ago

    Concerning today’s Luckovich, I’m not ashamed, trumpster fire is a DH, and his enablers are dysfunctional. I’ll yell that from the nearest tall building (no mountain tops in Louisiana).

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    William Robbins Premium Member about 1 month ago

    The slow motion coup is speeding up. The architect of project 25 is in charge of Omb. The guy who wants to establish the Christian states of America has the power he needs to accomplish his goal. The special elections and midterms are critical.

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    MC3D  about 1 month ago

    Look whom are the most inefficient companies needing subsidies last year, who we supported in taxes that are now telling us that we are wasteful?

    Space X $19.8 Billion

    Boeing $15.5 Billion

    Amazon $ 6.7 Billion

    Tesla $ 3.4 Billion

    The Borring Co. $ 6 Billion

    Apple $ 2 Billion

    Intel Tech & Media $8.4 Billion

    Ford Motor $7.7 Billion

    General Motors $7.5 Billion

    Micron Technology $6.8 Billion

    Alcoa Industrial $5.7 Billion

    Cheniere Energy $5.6 Billion

    Foxconn Technology $4.8 Billion

    Venture Global LNG $4.3 Billion

    Texas Instruments $4.3 Billion

    Volkswagen $4.1 Billion

    Sempra Energy $3.8 Billion

    NRG Energy $3.4 Billion

    NextEra Energy $3.4 Billion

    Sasol Energy $2.8 Billion

    Stellantis Automotive $2.8 Billion

    Walt Disney $2.6 Billion

    Nucor Industrial $2.621 Billion

    USA Chips Initiative $7.9 Billion

    Exxon $ 2 Billion. as of December 12 2024

    These are what DOGE has cut so far. Department of Education $30 million, 12 underutilized leases $3 million. DOGE canceled 36 contracts, leading to savings of about $165 million across six agencies with devastating results.

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    ctolson  about 1 month ago

    Unfortunately people are speaking up but no one in Congress is listening. They forgot who the represent. Only a few Federal Judges have the balls to put somethings on hold becasue they are illegalor unconstitutional.

    Anyone one want to make a bet that Congress doesn’t have to go for another continuing resolution spending bill again? March 14th is fast approaching and they are as fragmented as ever!

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  9. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member about 1 month ago

    The “Banana Republics” were founded when US Marines supported whichever insurgent faction would sign with United Fruit. Panama is independent because Columbia wouldn’t let us build the canal. Everything old is new again, except Teddy fought for conservation & against monopolies. The crash seems likely before ’29.

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    sams1960 Premium Member about 1 month ago

    every now and then Stantis hits the nail on the head

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  11. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Just to fill out the Hillel quote, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I?”

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    christelisbetty  about 1 month ago

    Channeling their inner Melania. “I don;t care, do you ?”

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  about 1 month ago

    Yeah,“=the bad g uys w on” and throwing up your hands in ennui is tempting——then Trump opens his fool mouth and you’re ready to hit him with a pie

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  about 1 month ago

    The list of agencies the Trumps/Musk crowd is abolishing are the same agencies whose budget money will be stolen by selfsame. Check those Swiss accounts….

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  15. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 1 month ago

    People are crazy and times are strange

    I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range

    I used to care, but things have changed

    — Mr. Zimmerman

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  16. 1
    ncorgbl  about 1 month ago

    REAL Americans should worry.

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  17. 20250124 121401
    Font Lady Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Is gas under $2/gal yet like Trump promised he would do before the election? This question has nothing to do with Biden and only with the actual words that Trump said when Trump made the promise.

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  18. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 1 month ago

    From a comment on Mike Peterson’s CSOTD:

    Ultimately, the goal of Project 2025 and much of the Oligarchy is to destroy the American Dream.Investment groups buying up homes to raise prices forces many to become renters rather than home owners.Undermining funding for public education and scholarships removes opportunity, sticking many people with low level jobs and abusive bosses not only for them but for their children and grandchildren.Racism, misogyny, and other institutionalized forms of bigotry further reduce opportunity. Remove the ability to teach about heroes who look like most of our population by defining that as “woke” and then only a subset of white males can be defined as heroes despite the achievements of everyone else.Taking away basic needs also forces people to put up with deteriorating job, housing, health care, and education options.A feudal economy would largely secure the positions of the most wealthy by removing opportunity from the rest. So, in summary: the actual target of destruction is the American Dream. Everyone affected negatively is collateral damage.


    It’s not clear whether magats believe this is a good thing or that they are too stupid to figure out that it is happening.

    Not that it matters which.

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  19. Logo
    TwilightFaze  about 1 month ago

    It’s always someone else’s problem until there’s no one left. Both sides need to care, and they need to care about each other; not just themselves and their interests. Us vs Them never worked out historically and blaming the other side for it doesn’t solve a single thing. Both sides need to grow up and realize this.

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