Rabbits Against Magic by Jonathan Lemon for February 05, 2025

  1. Jmao9763
    mddshubby2005  about 5 hours ago

    Let’s pray he stays black-out drunk on the job. We’ll be safer that way.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 5 hours ago

    All of the vile disgusting things Trump has done in his life — and continues to do — magats will claim that each and every one of them “didn’t happen” or was justified by some kind of mental gymnastics or by something some Democrat/libtard did.

    And they admire every one of those vile disgusting things.

    Bone spurs — really,really smart

    Pressuring for the execution of the central park 5 — Those People, who cares?

    Defrauding people of their life savings — again, smart. Their own fault anyway.

    Housing discrimination — again Those People, who cares?

    Tax evasion, over and over — again, really really smart. Everyone else does it or wishes he could.

    Contractors whose businesses, or sometimes lives, he destroyed — their own fault for dealing with him.

    Busting into teen girls’ dressing rooms — harmless fun. or something.

    Giving top secret information to Putin — aw c’mon Putin is a good guy and a savvy genius.

    “I moved on her like a b!tch” — Golly, what an Alpha Male.

    Committed sexual assault — Golly, what an Alpha Male.

    Adultery with every wife — Golly, what an Alpha Male.

    Paying off porn stars to affect election — didn’t happen because the judge was not Eileen Cannon.


    Magats admire every one of those and anything else not yet named.

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  3. Missing large
    maczuk  about 3 hours ago

    Please reference the sources of these claims that prove they are accurate. Otherwise it can be taken as left-wing propaganda.

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