Sometime I forget what a Val Donna can be.
Speaking of hydration, I saw where some guy made a Billion dollar company selling WATER!! But, hey, the price of eggs!!
A growling stomach might be a sign of passion for her little bunny friend…
Gag me with a spoon! Fer shure! OMG! ( Kudos to moon-unit Zappa).
The inside, Donna. Not the outside…
November 06, 2015
Pharmakeus Ubik 1 day ago
Sometime I forget what a Val Donna can be.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member 1 day ago
Speaking of hydration, I saw where some guy made a Billion dollar company selling WATER!! But, hey, the price of eggs!!
The missing M. Smokey 1 day ago
A growling stomach might be a sign of passion for her little bunny friend…
davidob about 11 hours ago
Gag me with a spoon! Fer shure! OMG! ( Kudos to moon-unit Zappa).
ChristineFoxdale 22 minutes ago
The inside, Donna. Not the outside…