Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for February 11, 2025

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    snsurone76  about 1 month ago

    So—can we now go to the Old Comics’ Home and visit with the other retirees??

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    Dirty Dragon  about 1 month ago

    Look at Jeff flirting with Gertie.. I see that wink, you rascal!

    - – - – -

    Alas, the conductor sent out the train one car short to keep to the schedule, meaning a three-part classics update for the 11th:

    Rick puts his finger on a problem, but he has a steady job and responsibilities. Hipshot keeps his own counsel, but as a freelancer it turns out he can find the time to help fix the problem. But what good is doing a kind turn if no one’s there to give you an award?

    In 1950, we were still four years away from daytime soap operas. If Brenda even had a TV yet, on a reporter’s salary.. especially a reporter with high fashion standards. So if not the radio, the movie serials was the best alternative for a good continuing story. If that ambassador is smart, he’ll start trying to organize a submarine corps for the Glovanian Navy.

    The only thing more annoying than being without heat in the winter, is having to burn wet wood in your fireplace to keep from freezing to death. But at least Walt and Phyllis have the same alternative open to them as Joel does down at the dump.

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  3. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  about 1 month ago

    I swear !  Ms. Gertie’s gonna put Corky’s Diner plum outa business.

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  4. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 1 month ago

    Why did they visit? Guess we will know soon!

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  about 1 month ago

    Supersonic Sable,where are you?

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  6. Palm
    SGIBeachbum  about 1 month ago

    Maybe when (if) Walt retires to the Old Comics Home Gertie can move there as the resident chef.

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    ddjg  about 1 month ago

    Boys! Take your hats off indoors!

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    oakie9531  about 1 month ago

    this is cool

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