Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen for March 08, 2025

  1. Lapin tapisserie
    Morriss H.  1 day ago

    YES! dump her, she’s no friend.

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  2. Fb img 1575732366064
    Macushlalondra  1 day ago

    How about a BFF bracelet?

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  3. The shadow
    Ubintold  1 day ago

    And they can use it for identification if you’re arrested.

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  4. Missing large
    Tupelodan  1 day ago

    Is this storyline ever going to end?

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  5. Ashampoo snap tuesday  october 4  2022 11h37m17s
    Ken Norris Premium Member 1 day ago

    I won a calypso contest once. The prize was a temporary tattoo. I passed on it.

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  6. Hammy
    TMMILLER Premium Member 1 day ago

    I subscribe to the warning from my 6th grade teacher. He was a retired Marine Drill Sergent. He had a tattoo of the Marine emblem on one arm and a “scantily clad beauty” on the other. During one of our many conversation it was asked if he had any regrets. He said only two, and pointed to the tattoos on his arms. He then said, and this is his direct quote to a bunch of 6th graders…."If I ever here of any of you getting a tattoo, I will hunt you down and kick your a$$! I took it as a promise! All these years later, I still hold him at his warning!

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  7. Bob blue
    Robert Miller Premium Member 1 day ago

    So, you can get temp tattoos made at several online locations…pre designed by real artists, or you can make one yourself! That way, you can see if you’d really like to go thru with it without it being on forever. They also sell pens that you can just draw on your skin with. I had some made for some friends one year…just for fun!

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  8. White tiger swimming
    cabalonrye  1 day ago

    Why get something permanently and painfully inked into your skin (until you tire of it and get it lasered painfully out of your skin) when you can have temporary ones without the pain, inflammation, and the risk of dirty needles or badly made permanent tattoos?

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