You’ll know for sure if Stumpy has a ’nip hangover.
I gave the furkids “drug” yesterday. They went nuts. My hand was licked over and over to get every speck of catnip.
What Angie says, Mitty. You know Stumpy nips and he’s a cat. Now check to see if he brought any extra nip with him.
I tend to accidentally drop some nip on my socks. One of my cats is very diligent about washing them until they are nip-less!
FreyjaRN Premium Member 1 day ago
You’ll know for sure if Stumpy has a ’nip hangover.
I gave the furkids “drug” yesterday. They went nuts. My hand was licked over and over to get every speck of catnip.
cat19632001 1 day ago
What Angie says, Mitty. You know Stumpy nips and he’s a cat. Now check to see if he brought any extra nip with him.
ladykat Premium Member 1 day ago
I tend to accidentally drop some nip on my socks. One of my cats is very diligent about washing them until they are nip-less!