A shamrock shake sounds better than a green beer!
Extra fee, they’ll remove the snakes from your basement.
With a large fry, for dipping? (Can’t imagine it myself but it seems to be a thing.)
Oh alright… I’m in!
(Hmmm, I only get those as texts now!)
John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator about 8 hours ago
A shamrock shake sounds better than a green beer!
Zen-of-Zinfandel about 6 hours ago
Extra fee, they’ll remove the snakes from your basement.
goboboyd about 6 hours ago
With a large fry, for dipping? (Can’t imagine it myself but it seems to be a thing.)
Dobie Premium Member about 6 hours ago
Oh alright… I’m in!
(Hmmm, I only get those as texts now!)