Obscure reference:”The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes”
No Apple. PC, with Linux! Have you stroked your penguin today? On the other hand, a room without Windows can be an awfully stuffy place; XP available. NO Vista! That way lies madness. Picture Bill Gates as Roderick Usher… ;-)
Vista sucks!
alife over 16 years ago
Subtorp401 over 16 years ago
Obscure reference:”The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes”
stpatme over 16 years ago
No Apple. PC, with Linux! Have you stroked your penguin today? On the other hand, a room without Windows can be an awfully stuffy place; XP available. NO Vista! That way lies madness. Picture Bill Gates as Roderick Usher… ;-)
bluetopazcrystal over 16 years ago
Vista sucks!