B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for November 05, 2008

  1. Missing large
    Artrina  over 16 years ago

    That’s one for all women who aren’t a size 2!

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  2. I swear to tell the truth
    MishiUddo  over 16 years ago

    So, Jahosocat, your saying that women 0-2 can’t make a sexual joke tooward men? I don’t think so. If I didn’t know where you lived I would probably hunt you down for that comic, but only if it was a summer day. It is winter, you are okay. But why wouldn’y anyone from sizes 0-2 NOT be able to make a comment as such?

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  3. Spike
    444dlw  over 16 years ago

    Jahosacat: That’s a pretty crappy thing to say. I’m not a size 2 anymore or a size 4 either–and no spring chicken–but the construction guys adding 7,000 square feet to our building seem to appreciate any attention they get. I enjoy having them all wave and shout, “you are late today,” when I arrive in the morning.

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  4. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 16 years ago

    What kind of woman is Mishi Uddo talking about? Between size 0-2? Are we talking about the terminally ill? Deathly thin bean poles? My wife is like a 6 and she is MUCH too thin to be healthy. I don’t think I’ve ever even met a healthy woman who was a size 2, much less smaller.

    Jahosacats comment did not mean women that small couldnt make comments. She (or he, I guess) meant that men wont usually make flattering comments to larger women.

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