Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for February 12, 2009

  1. Missing large
    Jimbag  about 16 years ago

    unfortunato: who gives a bleeep, it’s a 25 year old comic…

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    ForeverAllstar  about 16 years ago

    No, cfortunato is right, it really would not kill them. This website is so fubared sometimes I want to shoot the nimrods involved.

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    CougarAllen  about 16 years ago

    Do you really want to do without Bloom County for 10 1/2 months just so it would be in synch with the seasons when it resumes? I don’t.

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    ForeverAllstar  about 16 years ago

    No, we are saying they should have done it in the first place silly

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  5. Castle
    iowaweav  about 16 years ago

    This cartoon reminds me of youthful indiscretions of the past. One poor girl was always elected to host parties in her small rented house, which became known as the Cypress St. landfill. A friend literally swung from the chandelier on New Year’s eve. A dozen or more people would wind up sleeping on the floor; try to finish the keg the next morning…ah youth. I hear they sort of frown on such behavior now.:-)

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