Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for August 29, 2009

  1. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 15 years ago

    I would settle for a quad .50.

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  2. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 15 years ago

    Politicians on the campaign tour are indeed like that. BTW, a “50mm anti-tank bazooka” fired in the home would be rather destructive of more than just the aimed-at target!

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  3. But eo
    Rakkav  over 15 years ago

    No, and this isn’t Belgium, either. :)

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  4. Missing large
    jrbj  over 15 years ago

    I really don’t need the big, evil hardware. I’ll be happy if they just let me keep the rational equipment the 2nd Amendment allows me to have. Besides, I just don’t think it would work out acceptably to hunt Bambi with a bazooka or a quad .50. Nor would it be possible to conceal something like that in a shoulder rig and not look conspicuous. On the other hand, a missile launcher with some Sidewinders on it, mounted in the bed of my pickup, would look cool and probably get me through rush hour traffic quicker.

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  5. M67761m8zp9
    boozoothatswho  over 15 years ago

    Well, literally, the Second Amendment says ‘arms’, not assault rifles modified to full auto with cheap and idiot-proof kits purchased from sleazebags by the dozen out of car trunks in gun and knife show parking lots. So I guess if I want RPGs and Stingers, Scalia and Wayne LaPierre have me covered, right?

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  6. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member over 15 years ago

    I reserve the right to arm bears. And I’m trying to get some anti-aircraft weapons for a wolfpack in Alaska.

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  7. Missing large
    kittenpah  over 15 years ago

    Wouldn’t anything called a bazooka be an antique by now? Infantry carry shoulder launched rockets and grenades. The only bazooka’s they carry are in pink wrappers with cartoons on them. Though a 50 mm piece of gum would be pretty impressive.

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  8. Missing large
    jrbj  over 15 years ago

    Actually, boozoothatswho, an “assault rifle” would already come with a fire select switch. That’s kinda why they’re called assault rifles. If the subject rifle needed a fire select modification it would be because it’s a “semi-automatic rifle” and you have to squeeze off a single round each time you squeeze the trigger. Just because it looks like an M-16 doesn’t mean it works like one or even has the same M-16 parts that would accept a select fire switch. Fully automatic weapons have been illegal in the U.S. since 1934 and not even Wayne LaPierre has an argument with that.

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  9. Miserichord5small
    Miserichord  over 15 years ago

    “Antique” generally applies to something at least 100 years old. First experimental bazooka was 1918. First general issue Bazooka (M1) was in 1940, and was a 60 mm No US shoulder fired rocket launcher has been smaller than 60 mm.

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  10. Missing large
    johnnypar91  over 15 years ago

    I’ll take a .50 BMG! It’s on my Christmas list.

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  11. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  over 15 years ago

    .50 caliber rifles were made illegal in California - a legislator was afraid a terrorist might use one to shoot up gas tanks at fuel depots (true) - now, the poor terrorist who planned to drive into California with a .50 cal. in his trunk to shoot up gas tanks is stymied. He’ll say “Nuts! I’ll be breaking the law if I take this gun into California now”, and we all know that terrorists don’t like to break the law. Once again, our brilliant representatives have passed a law that does absolutely nothing - whoops, my mistake - I mean, a law that thwarts the dread terrorist.

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  12. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  over 15 years ago

    And remember, Opus, on Wednesday you’re a liberal and on Thursday you’re a Nazi; don’t get those two mixed up, now.

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  13. Va 127 1
    Skyhawk_maintainer  over 15 years ago

    If recoilless rifles count as rocket launchers, there was the 57mm. It was a one man carry with some other poor slob carrying the ammo.

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  14. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  over 15 years ago

    The Minutemen (the New England farmers, not the current crop) considered their muzzle-loaders to be the equivalent of what we call ‘assault weapons’; that’s what the Redcoats carried.

    Not everyone wants to have a 75mm pack Howitzer with a donkey-saddle, either, but there just might be times it would be handy if things got out of hand. Red Dawn, and all that

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  15. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  over 15 years ago

    i remember the scene in Red Dawn where the invading soldier pried the gun from the hand of the man he’d just killed right after the camera had panned over his NRA bumper sticker.

    you can take my gun when you can pry it from my cold, dead hand.

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