Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for November 07, 2009

  1. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 15 years ago

    A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do–especially to wake the nearly-dead rockers.

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  2. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  over 15 years ago

    Careful - she might use that guitar on your head!

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  3. Missing large
    jrbj  over 15 years ago

    I used to have every one of Anne’s albums. She didn’t drink herself to death, she didn’t get stoned, never cancelled a concert tour to go into rehab and she sang beautiful music.

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  4. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  over 15 years ago

    Right on jrbj!

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  5. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member over 15 years ago

    And she was much kinder on the eyes than say
 Amy Winehouse

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  6. Missing large
    Allison Nunn Premium Member over 15 years ago


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    j42case  over 15 years ago

    No doubt Anne was a great artist. I never cared for Joan Jett, anyway. Who needs testosterone in a leather skirt? But the insinuation in the comic was perfect for the time in which it was written. Of course, they could have used “Karen Carpenter” instead, and Milo would have been killed!

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  8. Unicorn 184
    Ghille  over 15 years ago

    Anne Murray was Elvis’ favorite female singer! He stated so in interviews, said she had the best natural singing voice he ever knew.

    Pretty high praise
.and he was alive then, too!

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  9. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  over 15 years ago

    Anne Murray IS, not WAS. She does have a beautiful, mellow voice and a very pretty face. Her songs may be dull by today’s standards, if you consider having an actual melody to be dull.

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  10. Dim2
    farren  over 15 years ago

    What a bunch of fogies. And I say this as a 60-year-old fan of pretty much all music, mind you. Anne Murray was a pretty good musician, all told, but hardly one of the greats, no matter what Elvis might say in one of his drug-addled moments. Joan Jett is also a pretty good musician, with several times the energy of Anne Murray. And if you think Jett’s stuff doesn’t have a melody, then you have little idea of what a melody actually is. What I really hate is this creeping Rush Limbaugh style of criticism where if you don’t like it, make up stuff you don’t know anything about.

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    spiritoflionelhutzlives Premium Member over 15 years ago

yes, but can either Anne or Joan’s singing sterilize frogs a hundred yards away like Yoko Ono’s singing?

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  12. 7f3d0b65e55138ce1d14ffc89514315c x50
    mikdeeps  over 15 years ago

    Miss Murray is a truly great singer,wonderful and smooth on the ears
.farren she was always a singer,maybe play a little piano or guitar,but,first and foremost a singer,and this comes from a fan of all music,in his late 50s.So hey little snowbird spread your wings and fly

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  13. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  over 15 years ago

    farren: you’re attacking something I never said. I did not say Joan Jett’s music was not melodious. In fact, most rock is pretty melodious Much of today’s music has no melody. I also never said that energy was bad. Pat Benatar, Chrissie Hinds, Heart, Joan Osborne are pretty energetic as well as singing songs with melody, and so they are among my favorites. I would say that you’re the one making things up; attacking a straw man.

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  14. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  over 15 years ago

    I don’t think I want to get involved

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  15. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  over 15 years ago

    Rock ‘n’ roll isn’t pretty, and neither is Tess Turbo.

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  16. Dim2
    farren  over 15 years ago

    Guess you don’t know what a straw man is, either. Setting up your own straw man (“much of todays’ music has no melody”) is the straw man here, not my statement.

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  17. Pats
    mjlew01  over 15 years ago

    Anne Murray?!?!? the canadian singbird is a COMPLETE BORE!!


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