During the Cold War, I would gaze at the Tropostatic Scatter Scanner and Microwave Antenna that were the sole communication between the 6th Fleet and America as I slowly fell asleep under the steel monstrosities I was sworn to defend.as the desert stretched far and wide.
Will Rodgers said ‘Things aren’t what they used to be and what’s more, they never were’.
For Someone, these will be the good old days. And they may even look back on today’s rotten music with nostalgia and longing, while complaining about the rotten music nowadays.
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Good grief! I guess Cap and Portnoy got in touch, since we’re all still here….
kreole over 14 years ago
‘Nuff said, Sisyphos………….
lewisbower over 14 years ago
During the Cold War, I would gaze at the Tropostatic Scatter Scanner and Microwave Antenna that were the sole communication between the 6th Fleet and America as I slowly fell asleep under the steel monstrosities I was sworn to defend.as the desert stretched far and wide.
Sandfan over 14 years ago
For those of you have forgotten, we really did have a SecDef named Caspar, known as Cap.
Droptma Styx over 14 years ago
Yeah … sure don’t miss THOSE days …
landshark67 over 14 years ago
I’m not so sure at least we knew who our enemies were. Plus the Soviets at least acted rationally instead of who we are fighting today.
JR6019 over 14 years ago
Ahh! The good old days of the cold war.
Will Rodgers said ‘Things aren’t what they used to be and what’s more, they never were’.
For Someone, these will be the good old days. And they may even look back on today’s rotten music with nostalgia and longing, while complaining about the rotten music nowadays.
That’s what happened to me.
ububobu over 14 years ago
I was on border guard in Germany with the 2nd Armored Cavalry during the Berlin crisis. Those were definitely the “?” old days.
Sherlock Watson over 14 years ago
Would “Sly Fox” be Slylock Fox, using a nickname? Did he call because he found six things wrong in the area where the Sixth Fleet is?
ChukLitl Premium Member over 14 years ago
The future’s not what it used to be, either.
policelimit Premium Member over 14 years ago
Where is that phone plugged into?
policelimit Premium Member over 14 years ago
Where is that phone plugged into?