Breathed: “It was around this time that the Rev. Donald Wildmon started a boycott of Bloom County due my naming the Christian woman Edith Dreck. I had to explain that I had no idea that dreck meant s—t in Yiddish. I wasn’t lying. A rare moment for me…”
thirdguy over 12 years ago
How did they dig up dirt like that?
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Sister Edith has gone secular?! —That’s proof enough that Bill hasn’t gone straight!
Sportymonk over 12 years ago
I thought Bill was a cat but the photo shows a small boy?
Jaylene Hake over 12 years ago
Breathed: “It was around this time that the Rev. Donald Wildmon started a boycott of Bloom County due my naming the Christian woman Edith Dreck. I had to explain that I had no idea that dreck meant s—t in Yiddish. I wasn’t lying. A rare moment for me…”
Sir Osis of Liver over 12 years ago
Every soul is worth saving… wait, even the soul of this cat? and does he have a soul, to begin with?