Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for April 07, 2013

  1. Michael thorton
    Michael Thorton  almost 12 years ago

    See, this is why I eat sushi…Japanese food is about a million times healthier than any other food in the world. And it’s so easy and inexpensive to prepare! People should really try new things with more frequency or else we’ll end up in a homogenized dystopia a la Asimov’s Foundation.

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  2. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 12 years ago

    I guess old L.H. is something of a fatalist. Opus is a wimp.

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  3. Dsc00020
    starfighter441  almost 12 years ago

    Jeeze, now I have a craving for a bacon cheeseburger…

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    skeeterhawk  almost 12 years ago

    I always love Opus as he looks on, and even gives us a look. (Darn. I forgot the term for it.)

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    neatslob Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Yes, a fat-dripping burger can definitely add to the clogging of arteries and buildup of fat which can eventually kill you. Improperly prepared sushi, in the other hand, can kill you right now.

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    Rainfoot  almost 12 years ago

    Closest fastfood resturant to me is about a halfhour boat rideaway, thanks to that fact I prolly weigh about 20 to 30 pounds lighter than I would if I lived on the mainland. I have a weakness for big-macs and the fact I can can only get them once or twice a year means I can easily be bribed/pacified with a sack of them.

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    vwdualnomand  almost 12 years ago

    how about if we tax an extra 1% on fast food places to fund ways to end hunger and help hospitals dealing with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, etc..

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    Charles Hoeft  almost 12 years ago

    Michael Bloomberg will probably try to have this comic banned in NYC.

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    dwayne1943  almost 12 years ago

    I flagged VWDUALNOMAND for even suggesting another tax.

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  10. Kat 1
    katina.cooper  almost 12 years ago

    And a will that Opus can have him sign naming Opus as beneficiary.

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  11. Michael thorton
    Michael Thorton  almost 12 years ago

    Sushi refers mainly to RICE, not FISH, which you would not have known because non-Japanese have no way of knowing that distinction. It comes from an antiquated word which means ‘sour’, a reference to the technique of preparing fish in fermented rice.

    And besides, I’m half Malayali, which means I often go to Bombay and Kerala, and therefore I get to eat fresh river fish and excellent ocean fish without risks of metal poisoning.

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  12. Michael thorton
    Michael Thorton  almost 12 years ago

    I’ve eaten fish for all my twenty-two years. I have lived in India for almost that long, and in Delhi at that. I am no stranger to contaminated food. I should be safe from mercury poisoning. In fact, guys like you make me so suicidal I actually welcome it.

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    sarah413 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Back in the day, there weren’t all of these additives and preservatives in food. You bought only what you needed for a couple of days. Meats, specifically beef, actually had flavor. Try a hot dog in Europe. You might not believe the flavor without the corn syrup added.

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  14. Lllovetummyrubs 1
    cccare56  almost 12 years ago

    @skeeterhawk – an “aside”?

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  15. Snoopy8qj
    wronhewitt  almost 12 years ago

    I got up the nerve to try ‘raw fish’ (‘plain English for the trendy “sushi”) once…I only got the so-called healthy delicacy as close as my nose – ’smelled the seaweed – ’nearly retched – an’ resolved right then an’ there that the experience was sufficient for my lifetime…I prefer my fish an’ seafood cooked – an’ that’s the only way that I will eat it. It doesn’t have to be fried, either – grilled, or broiled are also wonderful ways to enjoy it…but RAW? – ‘not a chance, Aunt Agatha…-Opus turned to his readers, stuck out his tongue as his eyes got very large, an’ (if he could speak) would have uttered “BLEAH” (Maybe he learned that from Snoopy).However, I would like to have a taste of what ol’ L.H.Puttgrass ordered – even with his apocalyptic descriptions, it still sounds far more palatable to me that raw fish!

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    chrwest  almost 12 years ago

    I am ft putgrass and u are?

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    jbmlaw01  almost 12 years ago

    The vegans will live almost 15 years longer than the Puttgrasses. 100 years from now neither will matter.

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    dramac333  almost 12 years ago

    Maybe some herring McNuggets?

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    buckeyemark  almost 12 years ago

    the first lady would love this…govt telling us what we can eat and feed our kids…

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    joecool2013  almost 12 years ago

    I actually xeroxed this when it came out & sent to the local BURGER KING in my area. Then later I posted it on their front

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