Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for October 02, 2013

  1. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  over 11 years ago

    If I were Mr. Ed, I’d feel insulted.

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  2. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 11 years ago

    Bah, hum-mold! I don’t believe in Elvis. Not Mr. Ed, either.

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  3. Calvin   hobbes   calvin
    erik.vanthienen  over 11 years ago

    Mr. Ed? It looks like the map of Europe!

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  4. Missing large
    2578275  over 11 years ago

    No, he foresaw the reelection of dubya dubya dubya. war.con

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  5. Missing large
    2578275  over 11 years ago

    That is, BB believed that W would somehow manage to continue as prez. Sorry, I’m having a lengthy dummy attack this a.m.

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  6. Tdk man in chair
    klunker rider  over 11 years ago

    Mr Ed has left the building..

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  7. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  over 11 years ago

    Looks like Bea Arthur to me.

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  8. Yosemite sam
    MEPace  over 11 years ago

    I thought the first patch looked more like Binkley and the second patch Wile E. Coyote.

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  9. Missing large
    GeorgeJohnson  over 11 years ago

    A little bleach will clear that right up…..

    @Night-Gaunt49 Good Grief. I detect just a little, teensy, bit of wealth envy there…. what’s a matter? Sad because you’ll never amount to anything?? or have a valid, functioning brain cell? Awwww……. 1%…… You whiners are just incredible.

    Don’t you even wonder why obama the lawless isn’t doing ANYthing about the economy? We’re losing millions of people from the work force. And that communist isn’t even TRYING to do anything about it. Doesn’t that even enter into your head? At all?? or do you see the 1% or the GOP (which has no power) behind it all and your boy is working hard? is that what you really see somehow??Here’s a tip, he’s not doing ANYTHING to help the economy! Can’t you even open your eyes and see things for yourself?? Instead of just parroting some BS you saw on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN etc…etc… etc….??My god man! God gave you a brain cell!!! Please, try to use it!

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