Jimmy got 3.5 things right in his four years: (1) effective abolition of the ICC, which set truck rates for interstate shipping, (2) effective abolition of the CAB, which set airline rates for flights between states, and (3) effective abolition of Reg Q, which fixed the prices banks pay for deposits. Give him a half point for the Camp David accords, which brought peace between Egypt and Israel for the past 35 years, where there really had been none for the previous 35 years. Otherwise his administration was a disaster.
Reagan got it all right; after seeing that trickle-down government was an obvious failure in the 1970s (as it has been during the Obama administration), Reagan endeavored to constrain the bureaucrats, and indeed we had 25 years of pretty steady growth, until the democrats took control of Congress in 2007.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 11 years ago
Fundamental, or not clearly thought out?
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Too much pomade has clouded his thinking (although I’m not a big fan of Jimmy Carter).
KEA about 11 years ago
or gullibility
Ginrummy33 about 11 years ago
Jimmy also gutted the space program because all that science stuff just wasn’t Christian enough.
Radical-Knight about 11 years ago
Maybe if he behaves, Playboy will give him another interview where he can deny the lusts ho spoke of the first time.
klunker rider about 11 years ago
Fundamentalist fundamental: Live is easier when you stop thinking.
American1 about 11 years ago
So…being “born again” gives you an Elvis-like hairdo?
jbmlaw01 about 11 years ago
Jimmy got 3.5 things right in his four years: (1) effective abolition of the ICC, which set truck rates for interstate shipping, (2) effective abolition of the CAB, which set airline rates for flights between states, and (3) effective abolition of Reg Q, which fixed the prices banks pay for deposits. Give him a half point for the Camp David accords, which brought peace between Egypt and Israel for the past 35 years, where there really had been none for the previous 35 years. Otherwise his administration was a disaster.
Reagan got it all right; after seeing that trickle-down government was an obvious failure in the 1970s (as it has been during the Obama administration), Reagan endeavored to constrain the bureaucrats, and indeed we had 25 years of pretty steady growth, until the democrats took control of Congress in 2007.