“Your Moms” jokes are an essential element of “The Dozens” hazing among the young.
The trick is to stop before actual violent response.
The longhairs I worked with in the SideWinder Seeker cleanroom at Philthy Phrog AeroNeurotics used a de-sentitizing phrase “GawdamnLongHairedHippyFreakCommieFaggotJunkie PinkoMEATHEAD!”, which repeated enough, becomes an earworm.
arye uygur almost 14 years ago
Where IS his mother, anyway and WHY is he and his brother with their grandfather??
thirdguy almost 14 years ago
stop hatin!
drew88101 almost 14 years ago
they live with their grand dad cause their parents passed away i don’t believe they ever explain how it happened but i may be wrong
arye uygur almost 14 years ago
In that case, I think it’s quite hurtfull of caesar to be makong jokes mentioning his mother
pbarnrob almost 14 years ago
“Your Moms” jokes are an essential element of “The Dozens” hazing among the young.
The trick is to stop before actual violent response.
The longhairs I worked with in the SideWinder Seeker cleanroom at Philthy Phrog AeroNeurotics used a de-sentitizing phrase “GawdamnLongHairedHippyFreakCommieFaggotJunkie PinkoMEATHEAD!”, which repeated enough, becomes an earworm.