The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for April 10, 2011

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    grandia01  almost 14 years ago

    HAHAHAHAA good one aaron!!

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    rumplesnitz  almost 14 years ago

    Within six weeks of 9/11 we had entirely destroyed Al Qaida’s command and control structure in Afghanistan and chased them off into Pakistan and Iran, where WE COULD NOT TOUCH THEM.

    W’s ‘Mission Accomplished’/flight suit thang was about celebrating the end of Saddam’s regime. There’s nothing wrong with giving the troops a pat on the back. It was about the troops, not the Prez. The Lib’s just couldn’t stand all the positive press it got and went insane screaming lies to befoul the waters, and so it has been ever since. And the result? Non-committal politicians who won’t let our soldiers finish the job so they can come home. Shame, shame, shame on the shallow left-wing power-mongers who just couldn’t wait for the pendulum to naturally swing back in their direction, as it always does. The blood of many a soldier is on your hands.

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    pawpawbear  almost 14 years ago

    Amen, Rumplesnitz.

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    tedcoop  almost 14 years ago

 except that, within six weeks after 9/11/2001, the only military presence in Afghanistan was Al Qaida – the U.S. military wasn’t even there yet, Dubya was too focused on his daddy’s old mistake in Iraq.

    And that “Mission Accomplished” thing happened before anything at all was actually accomplished other than some of our people arriving in the Persian Gulf, which is why it was only Republisheep who weren’t criticizing the “President” for that boneheaded maneuver.

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    tedcoop  almost 14 years ago

    NG49, it will stop sometime after we stop electing career politicians to make decisions involving human lives.

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    TexTech  almost 14 years ago

    If I may point out rumplesnitz, why were we celebrating the ouster of Saddam when that had nothing to do with the ostensible reason for our starting a war with a country that Mr Bush really knew was not a threat to us? The excuse for the war was the alleged existence of weapons of mass destruction which even our intelligence agencies said was based on either very old or very unreliable information. When the WMD caches did not show up, Mr Bush tried to divert attention away from his apparent lies to America by switching to the “bringing democracy to the Middle East” propaganda line.

    And for what it is worth, let us not forget that Mubarek in Egypt was “democratically” elected for 30 years. And so were all the leaders of the former USSR. All we have probably done in Iraq is shift around who the new dictator will be.

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    pbarnrob  almost 14 years ago

    And if any of these countries we attack and occupy had a primary export of, say, broccoli, would we go bother them?

    I say we take the abundant sand, turn it into solar cells, and turn our back on oil and coal altogether. The quicker the better.

    Add wind turbines on a local scale, for night and storm, and distributed batteries for load-leveling (or another of several options for storage, including flywheels).

    Then our insanity would be unobscured by “Operation Iraqui Liberation” excuses.

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    steelersneo  almost 14 years ago

    Since there has neve been one shred of substantive proof the President Bush knew anything other than what his “inteligence” people were telling him, to call him a liar is to slander the man. Was he mistaken? obviously. But, had he been right, and done nothing, the leftist liberals screaming about what he did do would be screaming even louder about what he did not do. Hindsight being what it is let’s just leave it at that. And remember. Sadaam Husein is the one to blame for the carnage and loss of life in Iraq not the United States. He was given opportunity after opportunity to comply with the United Nations and refused. Had he done so he might still be in power today. But, again, hindsight being what it is, let’s just leave it at that.

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