The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for October 09, 2012
Ruckus: Let's take boxing, for example. Black men don't possess the strength of character or the mental quickness to be great fighters. That's why all the best boxers in the world been white! Name me one great black heavyweight fighter! One! See. Can't do it, can you?
paulproteus48640 over 12 years ago
what about Jack Dempsey?
paulproteus48640 over 12 years ago
sorry should have been more current, Rocky Marciano. Oh, oh wait how about Ray Boom Boom Mancini.
paulproteus48640 over 12 years ago
whoops Mancini was not a heavyweight amoung other quailifications
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
Does Jack Johnson ring a bell?
kittenpah over 12 years ago
@baleyeman42, I believe this charaters main feature is that he is a black man who hates blacks. Not the sort of person I’ve ever met, but must be someone that McGruder has encountered on some occasions.
peachyanddanny over 12 years ago
says kittenpah: Allen West.
Defective over 12 years ago
no one mentions Cassius Clay? really? too obvious?
pbarnrob over 12 years ago
They’re both old enough, but maybe have already forgot Ali (who, BTW, is still around!)
lin4869 over 12 years ago
Mike Tyson?
PShaw0423 over 12 years ago
Joe Louis.
LOWRIDER84 over 12 years ago
As well he should.