The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for January 16, 2013
Jazmine: This game looks fun. What's the objective? Huey: Shoot everything that moves. Jazmine: Can I play? Huey: Sure, but first you have to sign a release that says if you become a gun-toting psychopath, you can't hold me liable. Jazmine: What?! Huey: It's just a precaution. It rarely ever happens.
rayannina about 12 years ago
Huey must be using that new NRA app …
Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 12 years ago
I know this strip is in reruns, but this one comes back at a very appropriate time. Things don’t change much, do they?
J Short about 12 years ago
kittenpah about 12 years ago
On the other hand (paraphrasing Dick Cavet), watching sitcoms does not seem to cause spontaneous street comedy.
batmanwithprep about 12 years ago
If that were the case, we’d have probably seen a lot more kids grow up to be plumbers or hedgehogs.
Defective about 12 years ago
Violence in our media does actually desensitize us, though. Evidence of that abounds. Denying is amusing, but it happens anyway. There’s a reason that stuff like this didn’t happen a hundred years ago.
krys723 about 12 years ago
i agree
lilgriffdeuceclub about 12 years ago
Shame that even the repeats are relevent to today.
Omniman about 12 years ago
Advertising doesn’t depict buying products, only exagerated enjoyment of them afterward. It doesn’t encourage people to imitate what they see, but to imagine that buying their product will make it possible.
Jon Premium Member about 12 years ago
Sincere cheers to the readers of this strip for participating in the above civil discourse, rather than name-calling and politician-bashing! It is refreshing…