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Good morning everyone, sorry I left so abruptly last night, I had to go pick up some relatives, and in the process got to chatting with them and didn’t get back until just now.
Thanks for the spread Bigg, forgive me if I don’t take some until the morning.
Good morning and good night Marg and everyone else. I have been awake now for almost 23 hours, and I am beat.
Kind of quiet here last night - I got caught up quicker than I thought.
Bigg another great breakfast - thank you!!
johnnyd did you get some sleep?
ladywolf welcome to the try - guess we passed dad’s inspection the other day. though going to sleep at 4ish eastern time is kind of late unless you’re another west coaster.
Good morning.
Bigg3469 breakfast soounds great. May I have some bacon, eggs and juice please?
Akenta funny strip. It reminds me of the time I brought my older cat bome from the vet.She hadn’t liked it there and didn’t smell too nice. I used a wash cloth to help her clean up. She didn’t scratch or fight but she did complain rather loudly.
RRAmom Today is your birthday? I hope it will be a happy one.
Good morning Marg and Johnnydoc and anyone else who comes in before I get back online today.
Akenta, Serena, Lonewolf, Dry & Doc - Thanks for the birthday greetings!
Today will be low-key - the big party for this old lady will be on Saturday. My hubby & I will go into town and do a few errands together, but since our sons are staying home, it will just be the two of us.
I wasn’t sure I’d have internet service today - another severe storm came through around midnight, and knocked out our power for almost 3 hours. Thank God the power is back on, and also the internet!!
Shika - Yes, it is rough to have my husband off and no pay, but at least this time, he didn’t have to take the 2 weeks off together, which helps a little. We’re just thankful he still has a job! The plant is shut down until the middle of August, and there’s only about 6 people who aren’t laid off for that whole time, which has been several weeks already. (They had employment over 100 before the economy went bad.) The 6 (which includes my hubby) have to take a couple weeks off with pay, but that is better than being laid off for a lot longer. Since his income is our sole support, we always have to watch our budget. But God provides for our needs, and several wants. Next year, I’ll be done with homeschooling, since this is our youngest’s senior year. That will free me up to find some work to help with our income, as our savings took a beating. I plan to go into substitute teaching, but I’m also experienced in accounting, and fairly proficient with computers, so I think I’ll be able to find some work when it is time. If not, guess I’ll try my black thumb at gardening! I figure when it is time for me to get a job, God will open the doors I need to go through. No sense getting worried about it.
doc - Yep, that filter is trying hard to make my day challenging. Today, it won’t let me go to the home page! Thank goodness I’ve saved a few links that go straight to a few places (like BT) so I can circumvent it. However, that means I can’t use my pre-selected tour around toon land, but “where there’s a will, there’s a way!” I’m going to have to wake hubby up and get us into the shower. He suggested going to Braums for breakfast - we’ll probably have the biscuits & gravy, but it is all great. I’ll do some hit & runs here today as I have opportunity.
Alright, you all, I have several RL chores I need to take care of. I’d like to blow them off, but even as exhausted as I feel, if I don’t do them now, they’ll just pile up on me anyhoo! BBML
all i have to run for a bit i just got a call andim about to get a baby so i need to pick up the house and do it fast. so i willl be back if i fin b4 they get here or when she is taking a nap. peace and love all and thanks for everything you do.
will catch up later.
Doc, I very much would like to know to whom you are referring to when you said some ladies may be a bad influence on Tabby. Did I mention that i just had my machete sharpened?
Happy Birthday RRAmom.
I am off to an appointment, see you all much later.
Thanks for BREAKIE,Bigg. I’m having a difficult time deciding what to have. It all looks great.
Yesterday someone asked what coddled eggs are. They are eggs in ceramic or porcelain containers topped with a little butter and any spices you might like and lids put on. They are then put into boiling water for six or seven minutes. Like soft boiled eggs but preseasoned and without the shell.
Had a great ride yesterday on a road that has just been completed so very little traffic through wonderful scenery. There was only one quite rough section of about ten miles. Not too bad! We also had a couple of walks down to the beaches. WOW!
Hi guys! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to RRAmom and all others who have a special day today. I’ve been spending time with my facebook, myspace and WEB sites. Finally gonna take some time to cruise the toons. BBLace and WEB sites. Finally gonna take some time to cruise the toons. BBL
Doc i think that Dry and Carmy are a good influence on me.
i have an 18 month old she is so bleeep cute. i hope that my kids ( that i will have in a very very long time from now) is half as cute has she is. she is so sweet and silly. she is running around with a toy storller and running me over with it. playing with trucks and blocks and bears. and she is so silly. lol she feel down. oh oh. shes okay. thank God.. She is sining along with the raido and me now. aww. can i keep her.
doc she calles me “Tabby” lol not as good as yours but one day it could be “nanny” lol
serenasakitty: Your story about washing the cat reminds me of what happened after my poor kitty came home from 12 days in the hospital, including major surgery. She was so filthy, and she’s such a fastidious little creature. She’s also very independent. I wrung out a washcloth in warm water, and, when I approached her with it, she closed her eyes, put her little face up, and purred. Broke my heart.
“we live we love we forgive and never give up cause the
days were are given or gifts form above and today we remember to live and to love”
wanna laugh? i was listening to my cd and i never herd this line before but she says ” you need that boy like a bollwing ball droped on your head, that means not at all” lol wow.
jdoc welcome back…
i did my house work then i had the kid over and now its crazy again… dont feel like clean now so will do it all again later. i did get clothes washed. and the living room vacumed and hall and my room so im not doing that bad. lol
I mowed the lawn, and lugged a bunch of junk to the dump this afternoon, the one good thing about this potential moving business, is that it is cleaning up this house really nicely.
I am now enjoying time in my basement where it is nice and cool and I can relax. Tabby you should take a breather too, you work too much.
Jdoc thanks i am… im just sitting back here at the computer doing nothing…. wishing i had a book to read… i have some but not what i want right now. lol
Well, back from a long day in town, but I am light of spirit. I went to the doctor today to have a few marks on my body checked for skin cancer. My wife’s family has a history of skin cancer and she herself has had things removed that were a mild skin cancer. She saw something on me that she thought I should have checked out. When I got into the dermatologist I was handed a little card with photos of growths that were signs of cancerous conditions. The first one on the list looked exactly like what I had, so as I was waiting i had this feeling of dread. But, she checked out my entire body and said I didn’t have any problematic moles. What I had were age spots. So I am healthy, just old. LOL
RRAMom, you might want to check out for some extra cash - it’s kind of slow in the summer, but you can make some decent money during the school year. You might enjoy it. I know I have fun most of the time.
Hi all, again.
Cleo, that is good news about the cancer lack thereof, my friend. I have had many an experience with cancer, and even had a mole removed myself. Sorry about the aging. As I here, there is still no cure.
Dry, I think we scared Doc away!
Tabby, I like your photo, it’s very nice, you look lovely.
Cleo, Yea! I’m glad you don’t have skin cancer! It was a good idea to get checked anyway.
Dry, I do a little tutoring - don’t make a lot of money, but then I don’t really try and get a lot of work. So far only qualified to help in algebra (also social studies, but happily they forgot about that). I have fun with it and I think I’ve helped a little bit too.
Cleo, forgot to add that I’m happy it’s only age spots
Hi Johnnydoc. Sorry to hear you’ve had a few brushes with cancer. I guess age spots are preferable to moles! It means you are getting older. (That’s bettter than not getting older, if you get my drift.)
Akenta, too bad I didn’t know you did that earlier. My one son could have used some help, he could have had a better grade with help and now actually needs to take it again in college, which means he needs to go an extra term becasue no one was offering that course over the summer.
Dry i am glad akenta said that, because i need help with math and now know where to go. lol
thanks all for the coments on my pic. i love my hair this length. its so easy to deal with now. it was almost to the middle of my back when i cut it. so its diffrent now.
Shika yuo dont have to answer if you dont want, but how was your friday and your weekend? i was worried about you. hope you are well. its odd being on at the same time. lol
Thanks Shika, but I have never had cancer myself, just some suspicious moles. I did know many people that died of cancer, though, some waaayyyy too young,
Hi tabby- Guess you didn’t see my posts on the weekend. The hearing: not great. ‘Nuff said.
The funeral: I’m glad I was at the viewing and the funeral for my friend. I loved her Dad too, and I can emphasize with osing one’s dad too soon. She’s much younger than I am, so her dad was about the same age as my dad when he died 20 years ago- 70 and 72 (her dad. Just barely retired.
I don’t see this friend too often becasue of location and our schedules, but we always email and talk on the phone.
No, I’m not speed racing tonight. I got that out of my system. I seem to need to blow off steam once in a while.
I’m glad I didn’t run anyone over last night. ‘Cept maybe Mua!
He has turned kittenish since his diet started to work. He jumped up on the toilet seat cover to drink water from the faucet- he hasn’t done that in YEARS!
johnny, sorry I misread your earlier post. I was concerned since I do have cancer. I get chemo treatments with all sorts of people with different types of cancer. I don’t any of my friends here to have to experience that too.
Thanks everyone for your good wishes. And Shika, my doc said that I should wear more clothes, but it’s just not my style. I do use plenty of sunblock .
johnny If it’s not too personal, were these family members?
((((carmy)))) You are such an inspiration. I love your wit and chutzpah. I hope I didn’t just insult you, lol I think I know what that means, but if it is not a nice word, let me know! :-D
(((Carmy))) You are in my prayers. I have watched the chemo and radiation do more damage than the cancer it seems.
Shika, my brother died of cancer 3.5 years ago. That sucked. He lost the battle 15 months after he was diagnosed.
Akenta - I’ll have to check out that link. The problem right now is that I have more (unpaid) work to do than I have time to do it. Not only do I teach (and learn alongside) with my son, I take care of my mother’s business affairs, in addition to the normal things like laundry, cooking, etc. Also, since my hubby’s job is 90 miles away, we do plan on relocating at some point (he lives in a 5th wheel when he’s there). That means I need to sort through the various stuff we have, and reduce tremendously. (I’m the daughter of 2 packrats, married to one, and I’m a “reforming packrat” myself.) I need to take a little more college to qualify to sub for public schools, but I’ve got enough for private schools here in KS. I’ve thought about trying to do college this year, but just decided I would be overwhelmed at this point.. I’ll check out, never hurts to explore the possibilities.
My parents both had skin cancer on their noses. Dad on his left side, and mom on her right. The doctor said it was from driving. Now I guess they have tinted windows on cars, but back in the days they were on road trips, the windows were clear.
It was just basal (sp) cell carcinoma, so it was treated with cutting and nitro something or other.
On the other hand, my friend’s sister-in-law died of melanoma a year or two after giving birth to their first and only child.
shika - Both of my parents & my oldest brother have had basal cell carcinoma as well, so I do try to watch my sun exposure. All of them had it removed by cutting it out, but Mom had some on her nose when she had her first severe stroke (at age 83). It would have required plastic surgery if they cut that out, plus the surgeon was afraid she’d die on the table. She ended up having radiation therapy on her nose, and it looks 100% better. They don’t use radiation therapy too often, but at her age, it wasn’t likely to shorten her life.
The melanoma is the worse kind I think. At least with basal cell, if you don’t ignore it, it is easily treated.
Shika ROFLBO they are my freinds kids that i babysit. they came running over when i was out side and asked to come play. now they are fighting over the video game. :0(
wow, this had turned sad. going to make a deposit in the bank just in case it’s needed. I think I will also say good night. Torchwood is about to start (first repeat from last night).
See you all in the a.m.
my best friend had it when she was in her early 20’s she is now 41 and doing great. she lost some things in the fight, but she did not lose her life so that is all that matters. she had cancer all over her body.
tabbylynn I’m glad you cleared THAT up! I thought that you were starting to attract strangers with your new look! hey, little guys fighting over a video game. What’s the difference when they get older? I can’t tell!
My hubby & I went into town as planned although there were a few surprises. My eye doctor said there is something wrong with my eyes (they keep changing & getting less near-sighted) because he couldn’t get them to 20/20 using the machine. I’m being sent to a specialist the middle of August, to see if he can find my problem. My eye doc asked me if I’m diabetic, so I called my MD’s office and got a blood test done today, that verifies I’m not. So the good news is that I’m not diabetic! I’m not going to worry about what my eyes are doing - I’ll cross those bridges when I come to them.
We had a nice day overall - ate at a steak place for about 1/2 price of normal. Bought some vinyl flooring for the kitchen. Stopped and visited with my mom & sister. Mom didn’t say anything, but at least she smiled a lot. It is so hard watching her go downhill! She gave me a hand-pieced & hand quilted quilt she made years ago. I’m sure it was my sister’s idea, but she was evidently in agreement with it. Mom is fine with dying, and is happy to see things that she can no longer use, go to other people, instead of holding on to them. (The day of Dad’s funeral, we were giving away his clothes “left & right” to anyone who came to the house afterwards who could use them.)
i dont go around guys so they dont see the new hair. lol the boys are crazy and for some reason love me… i here “Ms. Tabby Ms. Tabby” every time i turn around bc they want to come here. lol
well ill bbl or soon who knows i have to go fix the tators. lol and bring the boys home soon. see you all in a few…
did you see i asked where you were earler? im not sure if yuo saw it is why im asking. ;0) hope you are well.
Thanks all, it would appear that talking about it is the only thing that upsets me, but I am better now.
Rmom, as far as I know, everybody’s eyes get less near sighted to the point where most people need reading glasses, because they can’t see things up closer.
Shika, thank you for your kind words. I think it is very beneficial to have a good attitude when dealing with the chemo treatments. The chemo room is sometimes sad and sometimes it’s a lot of fun too. We joke and share stories. The nurses all are great too.
johnny - You’re right - I should have made myself more clear. My long-distance vision is getting better. I’ve worn glasses since 3rd grade - very nearsighted. When I got to the age where I am in bifocals, I wear single-vision contacts for the distance, and reading glasses over them for close up. (I only wear the bifocals until I get my contacts in for the day.) But w/o any correction, my distance for seeing clearly went from about 2 inches from my eyes to around 6-8 inches away. The area of my eyes that are acting weird is the long distance part.
Well I can give everyone a good laugh at least for the moment. Our neighbors have a woodpile out back, not very far from our yard! About 10 feet actually!
I just saw one black skunk and 2 with a lot of white on the top, actually they were mostly all white, going into the woodpile! Chills and thrills for us!
Any ideas anybody? How to get rid of them? I guess I could call our Wildlife Conservation Officer and ask him.
Just to lighten the mood a little…
They were baptizing people (dunking style) at church Sunday. My son leaned over and said to me: “That’s not how you waterboard someone!” I told him with baptizing, you get the confession first, unlike waterboarding where it comes afterwards.
RRAMom,. no we are in a residential area! And we can’t try to poison them, that would be cruel for one thing, and too many other critters and pets wander around. I must say, they were cute to watch though!
Dry - I hope you get better service from your Wildlife Conservation Officer than around here. I have no idea how to contact them, and they don’t ever want to do the trapping, etc. that they recommend. Not too long ago, there were some beavers trapped in a cement water fountain in downtown Wichita, and everyone in the government kept passing the buck. By the time someone got the beavers out, the poor things were so ill, most didn’t survive.
RRAMom,. that’s nothing! We had a squirrel in our hallway wall a few months ago. But it left on its own! Wildlife is moving closer into the ‘burbs! We have had bears and deer around and we live in a heavily bulit up neighborhood!
Skunks are cute, but boy, do I hate the smell! I’ve heard people have had their scent glands removed and made pets of them, but I don’t know anyone personally who’s done that.
Just make sure you keep your garage doors and any other possible hiding places closed & inaccessible, or they might make their home there. I knew one family who had skunks in their garage for a little while. I don’t remember how they got them to leave.
RRAMom, no I work for a sister agency of the Wildlife service and they are pretty good. It may help that we are all friends, but I rarely hear complaints from any clients of ours about them. The only complaints we hear are the cost of fishing and hunting licenses!
That is a shame about the poor little beavers, though!
Since the area that I live in is fairly wooded (especially for KS) and close to a river, we get a fair amount of wildlife. Deer, armadillos, raccoons, snakes, skunks, turtles, and lots of jackrabbits. Our neighborhood is comprised of 5 acres or larger per house, so there are a lot of places for wildlife to hide. We are out in the country, so firearms are okay, which come in handy occasionally for pesty critters. We’ve only shot a snake & a racoon in 10+ years, both of which were threatening our dog. (The racoon’s back was broken, so it wouldn’t have survived anyway.)
RRAmom, you live in an area where wildlife are supposed to be. I live in a town and when you see a bear walking past the YMCA, well, what can I say? It does make life interesting but also tells me we are taking away a lot of our natural land in the name of progress..
I lost a sister to melanoma. When she was first diagnosed, I looked it up in a medical dictionary. The definition began: “sometimes referred to as ‘malignant melanoma,’ but this is redundant.” There is no cure, and the average life expectancy after metastasis is 6 months. I’m virtually fanatic about sunscreen. Please use it every time you leave the house — even in the winter.
RRAMom, actually I think he was trying to get into the weight room but he didn’t have a membership card, so they turned him away!! LOL
All kidding aside that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen and I have seen a lot!! He was just strutting down the middle of the street like he owned it, of course, I guess he did at that point!
Abbie and johnny both, my condolences. As I posted, I believe last night?, I lost my mom almost 4 years ago now. She was 89, lived a good life, and it was expected, but still, when you lose a loved one, no matter what age, it takes a part of you with them!
Hello again. I just finished reading all the comments for today. How is a person supposed to keep up when there are 5 pages in just a few hours?
*major hugs to everyone dealing with cancer*
I’m putting a huge deposit in the bank for anyone who needs it.
doc, I started archieving (sp) Overboard a long time ago. Since, we’ve all gotten together, I am WAY behind! And by the way, DOCTORTOON, why isn’t Overboard available for Jan-June 1999? Do you know why? No one has answered that question for me and it’s been at least a year, i.e. gocomics.
Sorry about your brother johnnyd. I am also sorry to have turned the conversation onto the topic. I was just so relieved that I didn’t think about the fact that I might bring up painful memories for others. (((((((to all)))))).
RRAmom- I loved your joke about the dunking baptism1 I’ll have to remember that one.
Abbie T: I’m sorry to hear about your sister. The hair’s on the back of my neck are raised though because the woman I was talking about was Abigail- Abbie for short.
cleo - I think we all rejoice when one of us has good news - like yours!
I was telling my husband today at lunch (when we were discussing my eyesight problem) that I wasn’t going to worry about it, because that won’t change anything. I’ll just wait to see what the specialist has to say, and then take the appropriate measures. So many people have it far worse, that I’m not going to do the “pity party” thing.
Just heard today of a family who lost their only son (they have 3 daughters) in a freak accident on Friday. He was only 5. The father had just recovered a few months ago from a very bad horse accident. (The saddle horn pushed his organs from the front THROUGH his pelvic bone!)
I am thankful I don’t have diabetes. I have a good friend who has a very severe case, my hubby is pre-diabetic, and a late uncle of mine had it. I know several other people who have it as well. Not thrilled that the eye problem seems to be more severe than what I thought, but things could always be worse.
I see a lot of people have changed there avatars. Even my dad has changed his. Not me! besides I like being the little yellow wolf and am satisfied right now.
Shikamoo. Ok. Calm down and take a couple of deep breaths. Got it under control? Then, STOP POSTING THAT ONE. Sorry just had to get that out.
Doc it really is good that we can stop whenever we want to. We just don’t want to. Texting and taking calls can also be time consuming and distracting. Go for it!!!!
All this talk about skunks (P.U.) got me remembering the time when my dad went hunting. He had an Austrailian Sheppard dog named Grizzly that always went with him. Anyways my dad went pheasant hunting that day.
Unfortunately, Grizzly saw a skunk and ran after it getting sprayed in the process. Grizzly chased the skunk into a rocky formation of a cave. She killed about four skunks that day.
When my dad got home, my mom who was still alive back then handed him all of the tomato soup cans she had. It still wasn’t enough so my dad ended up sleeping outside with the dog.
I can only come into the office to use the computer every once in awhile as it has become the hottest room in the house. I had the blinds closed but it was a hot day today and even they didn’t keep this room tolerable.
Everybody in bed now or what! I mean I know that i missed a lot because I put in overtime today at work. Then again I’m on the west coast and it’s only a quarter after eight as I type this.
girl you had me laughing so hard i could barely breath and i was stupidly eatting while reading. i should know better. i loved to added comments after the same post… did yuo try to erase it or refresh it? lol it was great. you know your my tribe sister and i love ya, but that was just crazy. lol thanks for the laugh.
Dry the bear in town, is crazy. wow i couldnt imagin seeing that, had to be cool. the stinky cute things in your yard, i heard that tomaotes (sp have a brain freeze and i just cant spell) makes it wrose… dont know. i do know that dawn helps alot. dish soap
doc thanks now i know yuo have all seen it now i can cange it and feel more confortable. as i told you earlery im love you but us girls have to stick togther so im going to help my dry out. lol
tabby - I am back. Just got back from picking a bunch of blueberries and raspberries from our garden. Blueberries are a pain because they are so small and in tight clusters. I got a few strawberries too, but not many. Looks like most everybody is hitting the sack or off to work. I was going to get on **doctortoon’s & Dry’s but for behaving like wee ones, but it looks like I missed them both.
ladywolf - Hello back. Now I am in the process of putting raspberries on cookie sheets to freeze the ones that we can’t eat fresh. I freeze them so they aren’t touching one another, that way when, during the winter, we want some they aren’t all frozen in a big clump.
ladywolf how old are you if i can ask? im 19. he is just a friend right now nothing more nothing less. And hes not here for money for sure and no sex he is not like that, just friend ship
ladywolf your still young, take it slow dont rush into it for youself. dont listen to your heart, think before you leap. when he tells you you are beautiful dont just flip and go head over heals for him. no matter what take is slow ask questions. becareful. things happen. and not good things.
ladywolf & tabby - It is best to be smart about physical relationships. I am a guy, and I was out for whatever I could get when I was younger. Remain independent and don’t let anyone talk you into anything that you do not feel comfortable with. When I was young I was after conquests. I realize my immature ways now, but you need to realize that young men are all about achieving a goal that plays into a pre-conceived idea. Be yourself, and only give what you want to give.
Marg - They are red & a salmon colored raspberry. But, they are not salmon berries. My wife likes the red raspberries and I like the salmon colored berries. The red are much more prolific.
I’m back after a brief trip to the bathroom. My dad had a hard life tabby everyday was like living in hell for him. He had no friends growing up and his side of the family just wasn’t supportive of him. Then he met my mom and from her he found out what true love was about.
tabby - Thank you. As you get older, at least in my case, you realize what is really important and for me it is having a partner that is my best friend and someone that I can be totally honest with.
margueritem over 15 years ago
Good morning, bigg! I’ll have Mexican sweet bread, and some iced chai, and some watermelon.
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Good morning everyone, sorry I left so abruptly last night, I had to go pick up some relatives, and in the process got to chatting with them and didn’t get back until just now. Thanks for the spread Bigg, forgive me if I don’t take some until the morning. Good morning and good night Marg and everyone else. I have been awake now for almost 23 hours, and I am beat.
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
Just got done over at Pibgorn for the night. Thought I’d check in and say hi. before going to bed.
Akenta over 15 years ago
Good morning and Happy Tuesday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RRAMOM!!Akenta over 15 years ago
Kind of quiet here last night - I got caught up quicker than I thought.
Bigg another great breakfast - thank you!!
johnnyd did you get some sleep?
ladywolf welcome to the try - guess we passed dad’s inspection the other day. though going to sleep at 4ish eastern time is kind of late unless you’re another west coaster.
Akenta over 15 years ago
This new Dusty is scarier than the normal Dusty.
Akenta over 15 years ago
Since we were talking about washing dogs and cats yesterday…
serenasakitty over 15 years ago
Good morning. Bigg3469 breakfast soounds great. May I have some bacon, eggs and juice please? Akenta funny strip. It reminds me of the time I brought my older cat bome from the vet.She hadn’t liked it there and didn’t smell too nice. I used a wash cloth to help her clean up. She didn’t scratch or fight but she did complain rather loudly. RRAmom Today is your birthday? I hope it will be a happy one. Good morning Marg and Johnnydoc and anyone else who comes in before I get back online today.
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Good Morning All
RRAmom If it’s your birthday, Have a Happy Birthday!
Bigg Great Bfast. I’ll have bacon and eggs. Gotta find coffee though. I’ve got an early and long day today.
Hey Akenta and Serena and Marge!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
ROFLMAO!! This one is a hoot! Second panel is hilarious!!
bigg Great breakfast spread! I’ll have some of everything. Thank you!
Have a nice day RRAMom.
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Off to check out the toonland M-G-R. BBL
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Good Morning Dry
What a pleasant site first thing this lovely morning!
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Terry, you make a girl swoon! You old dog you!!
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Dry I thought I missed ya!
Morning Doc I never did like anything that was easy. The bigger the handful the better. Uh-um.
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
I’ll be in and out this today quite a bit. I’ll stop in when possible. BBL
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
I better leave that one alone for now. Remember I am trying to recover! LOL
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Who me? What’d I do? (innocent look)
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Akenta, Serena, Lonewolf, Dry & Doc - Thanks for the birthday greetings! Today will be low-key - the big party for this old lady will be on Saturday. My hubby & I will go into town and do a few errands together, but since our sons are staying home, it will just be the two of us. I wasn’t sure I’d have internet service today - another severe storm came through around midnight, and knocked out our power for almost 3 hours. Thank God the power is back on, and also the internet!!
Digital Frog over 15 years ago
Good morning everyone! Thx for breakfast Bigg.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Shika - Yes, it is rough to have my husband off and no pay, but at least this time, he didn’t have to take the 2 weeks off together, which helps a little. We’re just thankful he still has a job! The plant is shut down until the middle of August, and there’s only about 6 people who aren’t laid off for that whole time, which has been several weeks already. (They had employment over 100 before the economy went bad.) The 6 (which includes my hubby) have to take a couple weeks off with pay, but that is better than being laid off for a lot longer. Since his income is our sole support, we always have to watch our budget. But God provides for our needs, and several wants. Next year, I’ll be done with homeschooling, since this is our youngest’s senior year. That will free me up to find some work to help with our income, as our savings took a beating. I plan to go into substitute teaching, but I’m also experienced in accounting, and fairly proficient with computers, so I think I’ll be able to find some work when it is time. If not, guess I’ll try my black thumb at gardening! I figure when it is time for me to get a job, God will open the doors I need to go through. No sense getting worried about it.
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
DRY Knowing what’s underneath it I’m willing to accept the innocent look. LOL
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
doc - Yep, that filter is trying hard to make my day challenging. Today, it won’t let me go to the home page! Thank goodness I’ve saved a few links that go straight to a few places (like BT) so I can circumvent it. However, that means I can’t use my pre-selected tour around toon land, but “where there’s a will, there’s a way!” I’m going to have to wake hubby up and get us into the shower. He suggested going to Braums for breakfast - we’ll probably have the biscuits & gravy, but it is all great. I’ll do some hit & runs here today as I have opportunity.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
RRAmomcleokaya over 15 years ago
bigg - Thanks for the watermelon.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
*doc, :-( * You don’t buy my innocence? I’m shocked!!
*:-PSmiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Thanks cleo!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Doc, well that boat sailed a LONG time ago!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Good Morning! Happy birthday RRAmom!
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Thanks johnny!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Good morning johnny!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Forgot to say good morning
CLEO!COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Morning JDoc5
Morning Cleo
Geez…..All of this innocent talk is making me feel like I’m in the wrong place.
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
If my innocence had anything to do with a boat, it would be full of holes!
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Alright, you all, I have several RL chores I need to take care of. I’d like to blow them off, but even as exhausted as I feel, if I don’t do them now, they’ll just pile up on me anyhoo! BBML
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
I’m not going to get in to this innocence thing. We’ll leave that to the experts.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Looks like Doc’s coffee made it’s way over to Free Range!!
The Duke 1 over 15 years ago
Happy Birthday RRAmom & Comicgirl1000! Thanks for breakfast bigg!
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
What is that supposed to mean, Doc? Hi JFri!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
hi JFri!
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
how are you doing so far today?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RMOMLeft you a message on calvin and hobbes.
morning to all of you wonderful people.
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Hey JFri How’s it going?
Johnny Sounds like you are squeaky clean to me.
Doc I need some of that coffee before I carry on with the chores!
Saucy1121 Premium Member over 15 years ago
RRAmom: Hippo birdy two ewe Hippo birdy two ewe Hippo birdy, hippo birdy Hippo birdy two ewe.
Bigg: thanks for the breakfast. I’ll have the leftovers for my lunch.
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Good Morning Tabby
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
okay lonewolf thaks for the hug.
all i have to run for a bit i just got a call andim about to get a baby so i need to pick up the house and do it fast. so i willl be back if i fin b4 they get here or when she is taking a nap. peace and love all and thanks for everything you do. will catch up later.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Have a good afternoon
Tabbyrisitas over 15 years ago
Dusty’s always been a kind-a nuckin’ futz……….
And, mimes do not say:
”Honka Honk! Ooga! Honk. Honk. Beep!”Mimes usually say a lotta:
”……………………………………………..”carmy over 15 years ago
Hello Everyone!
Well I think Dusty is being cuter than usual.
Doc, I very much would like to know to whom you are referring to when you said some ladies may be a bad influence on Tabby. Did I mention that i just had my machete sharpened?
Happy Birthday RRAmom.
I am off to an appointment, see you all much later.
carmy over 15 years ago
I knew you were talking about me, Doc! My machete and I are heading to Colorado right now!
DawnAvril over 15 years ago
Happy B’day RMom!
DawnAvril over 15 years ago
Thanks for BREAKIE, Bigg. I’m having a difficult time deciding what to have. It all looks great.
Yesterday someone asked what coddled eggs are. They are eggs in ceramic or porcelain containers topped with a little butter and any spices you might like and lids put on. They are then put into boiling water for six or seven minutes. Like soft boiled eggs but preseasoned and without the shell.
DawnAvril over 15 years ago
Had a great ride yesterday on a road that has just been completed so very little traffic through wonderful scenery. There was only one quite rough section of about ten miles. Not too bad! We also had a couple of walks down to the beaches. WOW!
DawnAvril over 15 years ago
Glad you’re feeling a little better, Lonewolf.
Welcome LadyWolf and hello Tribe Cya later all.
Radical-Knight over 15 years ago
Hi guys! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to RRAmom and all others who have a special day today. I’ve been spending time with my facebook, myspace and WEB sites. Finally gonna take some time to cruise the toons. BBLace and WEB sites. Finally gonna take some time to cruise the toons. BBL
(Edited for proper links)
DawnAvril over 15 years ago
Yep - it’s a hit and run.
BTW, Hi Rad.
Digital Frog over 15 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
carmy, I think doc is referring to us when he says ” bad influence on tabby!” LOL I know he’s referring to me for sure! :-D
And as I read the comments, I see you are already on your way to Colorado with your machete! Care for someone to ride shotgun for you?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Hi Rad!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
doc you don’t need to mention names, we knew who you meant, and that innocent look wore off a LONG time ago!! ROFLMAO!!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
did I ever mention I own a pair of nunchucks? Hmmm?
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Doc i think that Dry and Carmy are a good influence on me.
i have an 18 month old she is so bleeep cute. i hope that my kids ( that i will have in a very very long time from now) is half as cute has she is. she is so sweet and silly. she is running around with a toy storller and running me over with it. playing with trucks and blocks and bears. and she is so silly. lol she feel down. oh oh. shes okay. thank God.. She is sining along with the raido and me now. aww. can i keep her.
doc she calles me “Tabby” lol not as good as yours but one day it could be “nanny” lol
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
dont remember if i told you this, but if you hit doc i wont see anything. (couldnt remember if i told you wink wink) lol
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Doc i could argue that, but i understand. she is either 18 or 19 months old…. lets see her bday is in oct. so you can do the math. lol
and im not encouraging her to hit you, i love you man, but i just want see anything if she does. lol
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
i dont think you said anything about my cat pic doc. what do you think? im about to cange it (one of these days lol)
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Now children, stop fighting!!! All babies and little ones that age are cute!!! :-D
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Dry you are correct. now wanna change the stinky butt she has? lol
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
I thought
DOCwould be impressed with my nunchucks skill, but he didn’t say a word! :-( I’ll bet he doesn’t know what they are, snicker!!
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Night Doc
Dryim losing my mind sorry. :D lol
and doc should be afriad.. them thinks can be bad. lol
AbbieT over 15 years ago
serenasakitty: Your story about washing the cat reminds me of what happened after my poor kitty came home from 12 days in the hospital, including major surgery. She was so filthy, and she’s such a fastidious little creature. She’s also very independent. I wrung out a washcloth in warm water, and, when I approached her with it, she closed her eyes, put her little face up, and purred. Broke my heart.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
shika in reply to last night. the song “my God” i love it. lol it was just great. lol so your mua liked it also
lizzie is eatting a flash light…. cant be healthy
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
tabby, I think doc is calling me clumsy! :-( Get tangled up in the chain, really,* hmph!! *I’ll show him!
(Hey tabby, can you help me unwind this thing, I can’t get it off my wrist!)
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Abbie T that is sweet i never thought of doing that with the warm wash cloth… little late now but when i get another cat i will do that.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Dry lol you have been around me to long… my clumsyness is rubbing off on you…
(lets see you go this way under the arm, no maybe over it.. now bleeep your free and im tangled in it.)
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
“we live we love we forgive and never give up cause the days were are given or gifts form above and today we remember to live and to love”
wanna laugh? i was listening to my cd and i never herd this line before but she says ” you need that boy like a bollwing ball droped on your head, that means not at all” lol wow.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
tabby, you are funny!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Tabby, I hope
Docskips past the tangled up part! LOL
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Dry thanks i think i cam crazy but they tell me im funny. i hope he does also.
sigh :0( my baby just left. no fun
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
WT HECK??!!!
Now all the post are to the side? whats going on with that?
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
hey dry have you seen #####carmy today? i think she had things to do i just hope she is well.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
and now the post are back in the middle. ugh my computer hates me.
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Hi again everyone. Phew, my vacation means I get to do lots of housework, but I am finally done.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
jdoc welcome back… i did my house work then i had the kid over and now its crazy again… dont feel like clean now so will do it all again later. i did get clothes washed. and the living room vacumed and hall and my room so im not doing that bad. lol
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
I mowed the lawn, and lugged a bunch of junk to the dump this afternoon, the one good thing about this potential moving business, is that it is cleaning up this house really nicely. I am now enjoying time in my basement where it is nice and cool and I can relax. Tabby you should take a breather too, you work too much.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Jdoc thanks i am… im just sitting back here at the computer doing nothing…. wishing i had a book to read… i have some but not what i want right now. lol
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
i think my dad is on his way home so i need to get off and get to work if its not done when he gets home im going to be in trouble. bbl
margueritem over 15 years ago
RRAmom: Happy Birthday! I hope that you’re enjoying your day.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
hi Marg
so even if he is on his way home i got all my stuff taken care of.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Well, back from a long day in town, but I am light of spirit. I went to the doctor today to have a few marks on my body checked for skin cancer. My wife’s family has a history of skin cancer and she herself has had things removed that were a mild skin cancer. She saw something on me that she thought I should have checked out. When I got into the dermatologist I was handed a little card with photos of growths that were signs of cancerous conditions. The first one on the list looked exactly like what I had, so as I was waiting i had this feeling of dread. But, she checked out my entire body and said I didn’t have any problematic moles. What I had were age spots. So I am healthy, just old. LOL
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Cleo dont scare me like that… glad you are fine.
(((((((((CLEO))))))))))Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Cleo, glad you got a good report!
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
hi dry welcome back….
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
porck chops and mashed taters with gravy and mixed veggies for supper tonight…..
wow thats bad when my country accient comes on on the computer. lol
cleokaya over 15 years ago
tabby & Dry - Thank you for the hugs. That was the best $130 I have spent.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Cleo you are important to us we will hug you as much as we can…. well i will lol
(((((CLEO HUGS))))
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
this will only be up till after my walk tonight. just so you can all see my new hair cut. lol then back to a cat.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
bbl RL beckons. :0(
Akenta over 15 years ago
I got to learn to read faster - I keep missing Tabby, though I got a cat on my lap (Flora) so it’s hard to type.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
tabby - I like the new haircut. It looks good on you.
Akenta over 15 years ago
RRAMom, you might want to check out for some extra cash - it’s kind of slow in the summer, but you can make some decent money during the school year. You might enjoy it. I know I have fun most of the time.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Hi guys!
Great breakfast bigg. You make an awesome Tribe member. As it is supper now, I’ll have a bit of everything.
Of course, I should go on to pages 2 and 3 before deciding, LOL
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
sorry Akenta
Cleo thanks
hi shika
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Nice picture Tabby!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
hi Akenta! So you tutor on line, huh? That’s interesting!
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Hi all, again. Cleo, that is good news about the cancer lack thereof, my friend. I have had many an experience with cancer, and even had a mole removed myself. Sorry about the aging. As I here, there is still no cure.
carmy over 15 years ago
Dry, I think we scared Doc away! Tabby, I like your photo, it’s very nice, you look lovely. Cleo, Yea! I’m glad you don’t have skin cancer! It was a good idea to get checked anyway.
Akenta over 15 years ago
Dry, I do a little tutoring - don’t make a lot of money, but then I don’t really try and get a lot of work. So far only qualified to help in algebra (also social studies, but happily they forgot about that). I have fun with it and I think I’ve helped a little bit too.
Cleo, forgot to add that I’m happy it’s only age spots
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Daaaaah strip! Dusty is really cute this way. I love nutty behavior- up to a point anyways.
Hi Risistas!
Hi Doc!
Hi Carmy! Hi tabby! (I like your hair cut!)
Hi cleo That’s good news. Ahem. You going to cover up now? Or is that none-o-my-beeswax?
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Hi Johnnydoc. Sorry to hear you’ve had a few brushes with cancer. I guess age spots are preferable to moles! It means you are getting older. (That’s bettter than not getting older, if you get my drift.)
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Akenta, too bad I didn’t know you did that earlier. My one son could have used some help, he could have had a better grade with help and now actually needs to take it again in college, which means he needs to go an extra term becasue no one was offering that course over the summer.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Hey Rad. You are pretty busy these days. It can be a great way to unwind. Also to keep in touch with friends.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Hey Lonewolf! Good to see you are back to your rascally self! Rowf! : )
Hey akenta- I think I missed you again. Hope you come back.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Dry i am glad akenta said that, because i need help with math and now know where to go. lol
thanks all for the coments on my pic. i love my hair this length. its so easy to deal with now. it was almost to the middle of my back when i cut it. so its diffrent now.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Shika yuo dont have to answer if you dont want, but how was your friday and your weekend? i was worried about you. hope you are well. its odd being on at the same time. lol
carmy over 15 years ago
johnny, I hope you are getting regular check-ups for the cancer. I pray that you will not have any more problems with that too.
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Thanks Shika, but I have never had cancer myself, just some suspicious moles. I did know many people that died of cancer, though, some waaayyyy too young,
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
I like the picture, Tabby. Carmy, thanks for your concerns, but see above. I am fine.
Akenta over 15 years ago
shika I’m back for a little while. Glad to see you’re not racing around tonight.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Hi tabby- Guess you didn’t see my posts on the weekend. The hearing: not great. ‘Nuff said.
The funeral: I’m glad I was at the viewing and the funeral for my friend. I loved her Dad too, and I can emphasize with osing one’s dad too soon. She’s much younger than I am, so her dad was about the same age as my dad when he died 20 years ago- 70 and 72 (her dad. Just barely retired.
I don’t see this friend too often becasue of location and our schedules, but we always email and talk on the phone.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Hi Akenta!
No, I’m not speed racing tonight. I got that out of my system. I seem to need to blow off steam once in a while.
I’m glad I didn’t run anyone over last night. ‘Cept maybe Mua!
He has turned kittenish since his diet started to work. He jumped up on the toilet seat cover to drink water from the faucet- he hasn’t done that in YEARS!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
johnnydoc Glad to hear it wasn’t you. But having to deal with young folks dying is hard too. Sorry you’ve had a big share of that.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Akenta- I missed you again. I’m trying to get supper. Sorry, I guess I should announce what I’m doing.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Looks like everyone is eating, so I will do the same.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
he shika im here computer being stupid and talking to to many people at once. lol
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
It isn’t pleasant. I deal with it the best I can. Enjoy dinner.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
yea i didnt see the weekend post… i skiped them got side tracked sorry about it all.
if you made any comment to me on sat sorry and please tell me and ill go see. lol
carmy over 15 years ago
johnny, sorry I misread your earlier post. I was concerned since I do have cancer. I get chemo treatments with all sorts of people with different types of cancer. I don’t any of my friends here to have to experience that too.
BBL - stepping out for a few.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Thanks everyone for your good wishes. And Shika, my doc said that I should wear more clothes, but it’s just not my style. I do use plenty of sunblock .
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
tabby I think I said some nice things about you, but don’t ask me to say when! lol
However, I was away a lot, so look towards the end of the day. I did comment on somethings you were saying.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
I’ve had my dinner.
johnny If it’s not too personal, were these family members?
((((carmy)))) You are such an inspiration. I love your wit and chutzpah. I hope I didn’t just insult you, lol I think I know what that means, but if it is not a nice word, let me know! :-D
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
tabby did you leave again?
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
cleo- You could always dress Shiek-like with a long flowing white robe. It’s cool and better than sunblock.
I’ll bet the sunblock company loves you if you cover yourself with the stuff.
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
(((Carmy))) You are in my prayers. I have watched the chemo and radiation do more damage than the cancer it seems. Shika, my brother died of cancer 3.5 years ago. That sucked. He lost the battle 15 months after he was diagnosed.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Akenta - I’ll have to check out that link. The problem right now is that I have more (unpaid) work to do than I have time to do it. Not only do I teach (and learn alongside) with my son, I take care of my mother’s business affairs, in addition to the normal things like laundry, cooking, etc. Also, since my hubby’s job is 90 miles away, we do plan on relocating at some point (he lives in a 5th wheel when he’s there). That means I need to sort through the various stuff we have, and reduce tremendously. (I’m the daughter of 2 packrats, married to one, and I’m a “reforming packrat” myself.) I need to take a little more college to qualify to sub for public schools, but I’ve got enough for private schools here in KS. I’ve thought about trying to do college this year, but just decided I would be overwhelmed at this point.. I’ll check out, never hurts to explore the possibilities.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
My parents both had skin cancer on their noses. Dad on his left side, and mom on her right. The doctor said it was from driving. Now I guess they have tinted windows on cars, but back in the days they were on road trips, the windows were clear.
It was just basal (sp) cell carcinoma, so it was treated with cutting and nitro something or other.
On the other hand, my friend’s sister-in-law died of melanoma a year or two after giving birth to their first and only child.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
She had a spot on her leg. It went inwards.
I think we’ve gotten too serious here. sorry to dwell on these things.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
sorry shika back now. my dad called me
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
You have two boys? What happened to your BF, LOL
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
shika - Both of my parents & my oldest brother have had basal cell carcinoma as well, so I do try to watch my sun exposure. All of them had it removed by cutting it out, but Mom had some on her nose when she had her first severe stroke (at age 83). It would have required plastic surgery if they cut that out, plus the surgeon was afraid she’d die on the table. She ended up having radiation therapy on her nose, and it looks 100% better. They don’t use radiation therapy too often, but at her age, it wasn’t likely to shorten her life. The melanoma is the worse kind I think. At least with basal cell, if you don’t ignore it, it is easily treated.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Sorry to hear that johnny Was he older or younger?
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Shika ROFLBO they are my freinds kids that i babysit. they came running over when i was out side and asked to come play. now they are fighting over the video game. :0(
Akenta over 15 years ago
wow, this had turned sad. going to make a deposit in the bank just in case it’s needed. I think I will also say good night. Torchwood is about to start (first repeat from last night). See you all in the a.m.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
sorry to here about all the cancer and the lost.
((((((to all who has lost some to cancer)))))
my best friend had it when she was in her early 20’s she is now 41 and doing great. she lost some things in the fight, but she did not lose her life so that is all that matters. she had cancer all over her body.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
RRAmom- Yuo are right about the melanoma vs. basal cell carcinoma. The latter is much more treatable.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Akenta good night my friend. have a good one
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
My mom is 84 now. She had her last spot removed about 6 years ago. they do come back if you are not careful.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Akenta- Enjoy your show. Thanks for the deposit. That’s what se do best- support each other.
Then we fight! LOL
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Thanks all, Joe was my younger brother, He was 15, I was 17. It sucked. A lot.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
tabbylynn I’m glad you cleared THAT up! I thought that you were starting to attract strangers with your new look! hey, little guys fighting over a video game. What’s the difference when they get older? I can’t tell!
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
im so so sorry.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Shika im here and your not talking to me. lol
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
bye jdoc sorry to have to talk about such said things. hugs we love you
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
That’s really hard to live with. I’m glad you are going into medicine. You will be great around people who need a sympathetic ear and a caring heart.
Joe was far too young to die. I’m very sorry.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Bye johnny. see you later.
I am talking to you tabby.
Akenta over 15 years ago
sorry to hear that johnnyd
(((johnnyD))Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Have you talked to BF today?
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Akenta- Is it a commercial?
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
My hubby & I went into town as planned although there were a few surprises. My eye doctor said there is something wrong with my eyes (they keep changing & getting less near-sighted) because he couldn’t get them to 20/20 using the machine. I’m being sent to a specialist the middle of August, to see if he can find my problem. My eye doc asked me if I’m diabetic, so I called my MD’s office and got a blood test done today, that verifies I’m not. So the good news is that I’m not diabetic! I’m not going to worry about what my eyes are doing - I’ll cross those bridges when I come to them.
We had a nice day overall - ate at a steak place for about 1/2 price of normal. Bought some vinyl flooring for the kitchen. Stopped and visited with my mom & sister. Mom didn’t say anything, but at least she smiled a lot. It is so hard watching her go downhill! She gave me a hand-pieced & hand quilted quilt she made years ago. I’m sure it was my sister’s idea, but she was evidently in agreement with it. Mom is fine with dying, and is happy to see things that she can no longer use, go to other people, instead of holding on to them. (The day of Dad’s funeral, we were giving away his clothes “left & right” to anyone who came to the house afterwards who could use them.)
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
shika maybe you are talking to me sorry
i dont go around guys so they dont see the new hair. lol the boys are crazy and for some reason love me… i here “Ms. Tabby Ms. Tabby” every time i turn around bc they want to come here. lol
well ill bbl or soon who knows i have to go fix the tators. lol and bring the boys home soon. see you all in a few…
Carmydid you see i asked where you were earler? im not sure if yuo saw it is why im asking. ;0) hope you are well.
see yuo all later.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
I have to do my dishes now. I’ll pop in again later.
See you.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Shika yes for a few mins its free to talk after 9 so we talk then. lol well i got to run sorry.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Whoops Akenta! I keep saying I miss you, and when you show up, I dissappear!
You still here?
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Guess the break is over.
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Thanks all, it would appear that talking about it is the only thing that upsets me, but I am better now. Rmom, as far as I know, everybody’s eyes get less near sighted to the point where most people need reading glasses, because they can’t see things up closer.
carmy over 15 years ago
*johnny, I’m very sorry about your brother. (((((((((((((((((((johnny)))))))))))))))))))))))
carmy over 15 years ago
Shika, thank you for your kind words. I think it is very beneficial to have a good attitude when dealing with the chemo treatments. The chemo room is sometimes sad and sometimes it’s a lot of fun too. We joke and share stories. The nurses all are great too.
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Thanks Carmy. Think I might be heading out for a couple of days maybe. If not, I’ll see everyone later. Peace and love all.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Well I picked page 4 to start with! Seems we have had a VERY SAD night here! I will go to page 3 after I give you all
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((for all of you)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
carmy over 15 years ago
I am doing okay. I know I’ll be better tomorrow though. :)
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Johnny (((((((((((((((((((((special hugs for you)))))))))))))))))))
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
im gald your doing okay. Tomorrow will be great, declare it. lol
Dry it was a sad page. love you and thanks for the hugs.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
johnny - You’re right - I should have made myself more clear. My long-distance vision is getting better. I’ve worn glasses since 3rd grade - very nearsighted. When I got to the age where I am in bifocals, I wear single-vision contacts for the distance, and reading glasses over them for close up. (I only wear the bifocals until I get my contacts in for the day.) But w/o any correction, my distance for seeing clearly went from about 2 inches from my eyes to around 6-8 inches away. The area of my eyes that are acting weird is the long distance part.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
And this is for losing your brother…
(((johnny)))Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Well I can give everyone a good laugh at least for the moment. Our neighbors have a woodpile out back, not very far from our yard! About 10 feet actually! I just saw one black skunk and 2 with a lot of white on the top, actually they were mostly all white, going into the woodpile! Chills and thrills for us! Any ideas anybody? How to get rid of them? I guess I could call our Wildlife Conservation Officer and ask him.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Just to lighten the mood a little… They were baptizing people (dunking style) at church Sunday. My son leaned over and said to me: “That’s not how you waterboard someone!” I told him with baptizing, you get the confession first, unlike waterboarding where it comes afterwards.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Dry - Are you in a legal area that someone could use a gun to shoot them?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
RRAMom,. no we are in a residential area! And we can’t try to poison them, that would be cruel for one thing, and too many other critters and pets wander around. I must say, they were cute to watch though!
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Dry - I hope you get better service from your Wildlife Conservation Officer than around here. I have no idea how to contact them, and they don’t ever want to do the trapping, etc. that they recommend. Not too long ago, there were some beavers trapped in a cement water fountain in downtown Wichita, and everyone in the government kept passing the buck. By the time someone got the beavers out, the poor things were so ill, most didn’t survive.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
I’m glad JFri and doc aren’t around right now! They would have a “Hay Day” with this one! LOL
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
RRAMom,. that’s nothing! We had a squirrel in our hallway wall a few months ago. But it left on its own! Wildlife is moving closer into the ‘burbs! We have had bears and deer around and we live in a heavily bulit up neighborhood!
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Skunks are cute, but boy, do I hate the smell! I’ve heard people have had their scent glands removed and made pets of them, but I don’t know anyone personally who’s done that. Just make sure you keep your garage doors and any other possible hiding places closed & inaccessible, or they might make their home there. I knew one family who had skunks in their garage for a little while. I don’t remember how they got them to leave.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Dry - Here’s a link that looks like it has some decent advice:
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
RRAMom, no I work for a sister agency of the Wildlife service and they are pretty good. It may help that we are all friends, but I rarely hear complaints from any clients of ours about them. The only complaints we hear are the cost of fishing and hunting licenses!
That is a shame about the poor little beavers, though!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
RRAMom I had afriend who had a skunk as a pet! He was so ADORABLE!!! He died a couple of years ago.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Since the area that I live in is fairly wooded (especially for KS) and close to a river, we get a fair amount of wildlife. Deer, armadillos, raccoons, snakes, skunks, turtles, and lots of jackrabbits. Our neighborhood is comprised of 5 acres or larger per house, so there are a lot of places for wildlife to hide. We are out in the country, so firearms are okay, which come in handy occasionally for pesty critters. We’ve only shot a snake & a racoon in 10+ years, both of which were threatening our dog. (The racoon’s back was broken, so it wouldn’t have survived anyway.)
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
*:-PNow are you going to help me get rid of these skunks in a humane way or not??
Little stinker, me? pish!!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Pardon me? Screwballs? LOL speak for yourself!
I’m just an off-the-wall-yappy-nut!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
RRAmom, you live in an area where wildlife are supposed to be. I live in a town and when you see a bear walking past the YMCA, well, what can I say? It does make life interesting but also tells me we are taking away a lot of our natural land in the name of progress..
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Dry Skunks in the woodpile. Hmm. Nope. Can’t help you on that one.
Do you have lots of tomato juice handy? LOL
Sorry. That really stunk. snicker
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
johnny Talking about it may be hard, but it is much better than not talking about it. Trust me, I know- I learned the hard way.
When you’re up to it, tell us some of your good times together. I’d love to hear about Joe and who he was.
AbbieT over 15 years ago
I lost a sister to melanoma. When she was first diagnosed, I looked it up in a medical dictionary. The definition began: “sometimes referred to as ‘malignant melanoma,’ but this is redundant.” There is no cure, and the average life expectancy after metastasis is 6 months. I’m virtually fanatic about sunscreen. Please use it every time you leave the house — even in the winter.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Dry - Do you think the bear has a Y membership? 8>)
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
AbbieT over 15 years ago
johnnydoc5: I am so sorry.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
RRAMom, actually I think he was trying to get into the weight room but he didn’t have a membership card, so they turned him away!! LOL
All kidding aside that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen and I have seen a lot!! He was just strutting down the middle of the street like he owned it, of course, I guess he did at that point!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Abbie and johnny both, my condolences. As I posted, I believe last night?, I lost my mom almost 4 years ago now. She was 89, lived a good life, and it was expected, but still, when you lose a loved one, no matter what age, it takes a part of you with them!
serenasakitty over 15 years ago
Hello again. I just finished reading all the comments for today. How is a person supposed to keep up when there are 5 pages in just a few hours? *major hugs to everyone dealing with cancer* I’m putting a huge deposit in the bank for anyone who needs it.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Abbie and johnny both, my condolences as well.
serenasakitty over 15 years ago
That was supposed to have hug signs around it but it looks like I forgot to add them. Oh well. ((((((((((((((((((((((all))))))))))))))))))))))
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
doc, I started archieving (sp) Overboard a long time ago. Since, we’ve all gotten together, I am WAY behind! And by the way, DOCTORTOON, why isn’t Overboard available for Jan-June 1999? Do you know why? No one has answered that question for me and it’s been at least a year, i.e. gocomics.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Sorry about your brother johnnyd. I am also sorry to have turned the conversation onto the topic. I was just so relieved that I didn’t think about the fact that I might bring up painful memories for others. (((((((to all)))))).
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
that’s okay cleo! I’m sure we all understand!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
RRAmom- I loved your joke about the dunking baptism1 I’ll have to remember that one.
Abbie T: I’m sorry to hear about your sister. The hair’s on the back of my neck are raised though because the woman I was talking about was Abigail- Abbie for short.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
cleo - I think we all rejoice when one of us has good news - like yours! I was telling my husband today at lunch (when we were discussing my eyesight problem) that I wasn’t going to worry about it, because that won’t change anything. I’ll just wait to see what the specialist has to say, and then take the appropriate measures. So many people have it far worse, that I’m not going to do the “pity party” thing. Just heard today of a family who lost their only son (they have 3 daughters) in a freak accident on Friday. He was only 5. The father had just recovered a few months ago from a very bad horse accident. (The saddle horn pushed his organs from the front THROUGH his pelvic bone!) I am thankful I don’t have diabetes. I have a good friend who has a very severe case, my hubby is pre-diabetic, and a late uncle of mine had it. I know several other people who have it as well. Not thrilled that the eye problem seems to be more severe than what I thought, but things could always be worse.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Shika - Now gmartin will think you’re just doing that to hit a new record!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Whew! It stopped, and so have I. See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love Tribe!
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
I see a lot of people have changed there avatars. Even my dad has changed his. Not me! besides I like being the little yellow wolf and am satisfied right now.
serenasakitty over 15 years ago
Shikamoo. Ok. Calm down and take a couple of deep breaths. Got it under control? Then, STOP POSTING THAT ONE. Sorry just had to get that out. Doc it really is good that we can stop whenever we want to. We just don’t want to. Texting and taking calls can also be time consuming and distracting. Go for it!!!!
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Good night, Shika!
I’m going to sign off for the night, too.
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
All this talk about skunks (P.U.) got me remembering the time when my dad went hunting. He had an Austrailian Sheppard dog named Grizzly that always went with him. Anyways my dad went pheasant hunting that day.
Unfortunately, Grizzly saw a skunk and ran after it getting sprayed in the process. Grizzly chased the skunk into a rocky formation of a cave. She killed about four skunks that day.
When my dad got home, my mom who was still alive back then handed him all of the tomato soup cans she had. It still wasn’t enough so my dad ended up sleeping outside with the dog.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
I can only come into the office to use the computer every once in awhile as it has become the hottest room in the house. I had the blinds closed but it was a hot day today and even they didn’t keep this room tolerable.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Doc, You are DOCTORTOON!! Maybe you better change your name!! I look to you for advice and you give me squat!!! LOL
*:-P *:-P *:-Pladywolf17 over 15 years ago
I too am sorry about your sister Abbie T, and thank you for the advice.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
ladywolf, your mom was a smart woman!
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
HOLY BLEEP! Shikamoo is your computer on over-ride.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
doc I became a genius only for Overboard!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
ladywolf, (Love ya shika but gotta say this), sometimes shika is on over-ride!
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
Me! I’m just waiting for the comics to update because I have a commitment to keep to a certain group that I promised too.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Doc i think you are in trouble. lol
Dry aim a little lower he keeps ducking.
im back form my walk and wating a little longer till i call him. lol
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Doc i need to know if you have seen my pic or not? so i can change it. lol
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
Everybody in bed now or what! I mean I know that i missed a lot because I put in overtime today at work. Then again I’m on the west coast and it’s only a quarter after eight as I type this.
serenasakitty over 15 years ago
Now now children. Fight nicely.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Give me a min.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
girl you had me laughing so hard i could barely breath and i was stupidly eatting while reading. i should know better. i loved to added comments after the same post… did yuo try to erase it or refresh it? lol it was great. you know your my tribe sister and i love ya, but that was just crazy. lol thanks for the laugh.
Dry the bear in town, is crazy. wow i couldnt imagin seeing that, had to be cool. the stinky cute things in your yard, i heard that tomaotes (sp have a brain freeze and i just cant spell) makes it wrose… dont know. i do know that dawn helps alot. dish soap
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
Now where’s my MP3 player at…………AAAHHHH!!!! Found it!
Hey doc ever hear that old expression (you can run but you can’t hide) Look’s like Dry”s going to get you.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
doc thanks now i know yuo have all seen it now i can cange it and feel more confortable. as i told you earlery im love you but us girls have to stick togther so im going to help my dry out. lol
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Tabby you do what you want with your pic. It is a lovely picture!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
No that innocent look is NOT going to work this time!!! BWWAAHHHH!!!
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
lol Doc and Dry didn’t see your post till after i change it sorry. this one is a bird being huged by a baby monkey its just so awww. sweet. lol
i dont feel confortable having my pic up all the time anymore… dry you know why part of it. lol
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
look again!
margueritem over 15 years ago
Tabby: get rid of that pigeon, and put your picture back, please.
AbbieT over 15 years ago
Thanks to everyone for your condolences. As for all the rest of this, y’all are too much! Fun, that is.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
marg. you are all killing me. lol okay
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
bye doc have a good night. tell you sweety hi for me.
marg is that better? lol
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Peace and Love Doc!
*And one for the road :-Pmargueritem over 15 years ago
TABBY: That is much better. I really like that picture. You can change it again tomorrow if you want. ;-)
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
lol marg glad i made you happy. i like the pic. but its crazy having it up for all to see.
margueritem over 15 years ago
Think I’ll go take a shower, BBL
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
okay then marg dont talk to me. :P
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Good night all!! P & L2U
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
I enjoy the comments as much as the comics. but got to go , maybe I’ll be back later, depends on how tired I am.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
dry im going to miss you hurry back!! ;0) love you
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
where did you all go? people just leave me alone shame on you
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
tabby i didn’t mean to bug off like that just that I had to take some meds because my ankle was hurting.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
tabby - I am back. Just got back from picking a bunch of blueberries and raspberries from our garden. Blueberries are a pain because they are so small and in tight clusters. I got a few strawberries too, but not many. Looks like most everybody is hitting the sack or off to work. I was going to get on **doctortoon’s & Dry’s but for behaving like wee ones, but it looks like I missed them both.
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
Hi cleo
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
Petting my little chihuahua puppy, Chica right now. She is so cute and adorable.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Cleo and Ladywolf im now on the phone with my “friend” lol so wont be on much.
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
And I agree tabby we girls should stick together, so count me in. I’m here for you Dry.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
ladywolf - Hello back. Now I am in the process of putting raspberries on cookie sheets to freeze the ones that we can’t eat fresh. I freeze them so they aren’t touching one another, that way when, during the winter, we want some they aren’t all frozen in a big clump.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Looks like It is just lonesome little me until it gets close to the turnover. It is a beautiful night here and the perfect temperature.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
still here…. kind of
cleokaya over 15 years ago
tabby - Had any chats with Prince Charming?
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
Still here cleo just changing a song on my MP3 player.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
yes cleo thats why im not here here
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
I’m so happy for you tabby. who knows maybe i’ll find a guy who wants me for me and not just for sex or money.
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
some day my prince will come. but until then, I’m just going to have a good time.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
cleo how r u doing? ladywolf how long have you been here?
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
I’m here off and on.
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
Pain medicine now starting to kick in.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
ladywolf how old are you if i can ask? im 19. he is just a friend right now nothing more nothing less. And hes not here for money for sure and no sex he is not like that, just friend ship
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
I am 17
margueritem over 15 years ago
OK Tabby, I’m back.
margueritem over 15 years ago
Tell him your wacky friends say “Hi”.
margueritem over 15 years ago
Cleo: send some of those raspberries and blueberries over here. Are they red or black raspberries?
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
My last boyfriend was a jerk that’s why I broke up with him. I am not ready to put out and don’t like being pressured to do so.
margueritem over 15 years ago
We haven’t had bagels for breakfast for ages. I’m leaving some here right now.
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
Hi Marg
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
he says hi back. lol
ladywolf your still young, take it slow dont rush into it for youself. dont listen to your heart, think before you leap. when he tells you you are beautiful dont just flip and go head over heals for him. no matter what take is slow ask questions. becareful. things happen. and not good things.
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
Thank you tabby
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
I have to go for a minute or two so i’ll see who ever comes over to calvin and hobbes when the comic updates.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
lady no problem i have had a hard life and i cant stress how careful you have to be.
he called me smart… says i sound smart
cleokaya over 15 years ago
ladywolf & tabby - It is best to be smart about physical relationships. I am a guy, and I was out for whatever I could get when I was younger. Remain independent and don’t let anyone talk you into anything that you do not feel comfortable with. When I was young I was after conquests. I realize my immature ways now, but you need to realize that young men are all about achieving a goal that plays into a pre-conceived idea. Be yourself, and only give what you want to give.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Marg - They are red & a salmon colored raspberry. But, they are not salmon berries. My wife likes the red raspberries and I like the salmon colored berries. The red are much more prolific.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
To me the salmon colored raspberries are more complex in flavor.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Cleo that is what my best friend, 41, told me she is smart and so are you.
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
I’m back after a brief trip to the bathroom. My dad had a hard life tabby everyday was like living in hell for him. He had no friends growing up and his side of the family just wasn’t supportive of him. Then he met my mom and from her he found out what true love was about.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
tabby - Thank you. As you get older, at least in my case, you realize what is really important and for me it is having a partner that is my best friend and someone that I can be totally honest with.