Good morning and Happy Thursday. We may get snow here today so the state is in a panic. I don’t expect it to be bad today, but we may have icy roads tomorrow. JFri, can you pass me a doggie bag? JohhnyD good to see you again.
Doc, we’re getting that large amount of snow I told you about. 2 inches on the ground and it’s still coming down fast. Supposed to do this all day long.
Doc, I’ve been replacing a fuel pump outside the last 2 days.The gas tank has to be removed to replace the pump. I’m lucky I got it done yesterday. I sure wouldn’t want to be out there today.
We’re OK–we don’t get too upset (or, I believe the word was panic?) at threats of snow, or cold for that matter. The high today is supposed to be around -10F. If we get lucky.
But we do know how to dress up. And, no, it’s not true we don’t put on jackets unless it’s below 0.
We put on jackets when it gets into the 40s, and coats below about 35, at least in Fall.
It’s only Spring when we feel 0 is nice enough to be out without a coat. ;-)
cleo, where do you get all that clear sky stuff? We are overcast AGAIN!! No rain yet, but like Dry said, it’s a comin’ and we have had plenty this year already. Of course, it’s good it’s dry there so the paint can cure properly! SNERK!!
JFri it may be sunny here, but I bet it is warmer in your neck of the woods. It was 29 when I got up this morning. I am not complaining. The air is clear and we are far from the rotten weather that the rest of the country seems to be suffering through.
just got off the phone with my godchlids mom my friend, she is not doing good shes at the doc right now and they just gave her bad news. the baby is fine n growing well due in march, but mom not so hot. sniff
You are in the wrong line of work Doc. I think you should join Santa at the North Pole. You can be one of his little helpers and have all the snow that you can handle.
Good Morning (or for those in the Eastern time zone), Good Afternoon! The sun is shining, the electricity & internet are working, so it would be a great day, IF I didn’t have to get out of the house. Unfortunately, it is my son’s bowling league day, so I’ve got to take him to it, and do some shopping while I’m in town. We didn’t get any of the freezing drizzle, rain, sleet or snow here that they predicted. Wichita may have gotten a little, but from the news, it must not have been too bad, no schools are cancelled. However, it is bitterly cold here. Currently 10F, but with gusts of 33mph, wind chill is -10F. Actual temp (not wind chill or “feels like”) for tomorrow morning is predicted at -6 F. Which leads me to my survey question…
I know here in KS we can get below zero actual temps in the winter. (Thank goodness, usually just single digits, but below zero isn’t record setting. We only have to go back to 2004 to find temps this low before.) We also get above 100F (actual, not “feels like”) almost every summer. Is there any other areas where BOTH extremes happen fairly often?
good early afternoon, Tribe
too much to catch up on so i can’t comment on everything (i can hear everyone saying, “thank goodness,” from here); but i have to let Dry know she was correct on the question i posed her yesterday. also, on the subject of “radiating heat like a space heater” which DocT was talking about earlier today, i am exactly the same. in summer, i have a lot of difficulty in dealing with temps in the 90’s, but winter poses no problems at all. lastly, the ND photo Lonewolf posted for bmonk & DocT reminded me of a couple i have on my computer at work. a little place on the island of Newfoundland called St. Anthony’s where the snow regularly rises to the rooftops. they are right on the tip of the peninsula which sticks up from the top of the island and must get “lake effect” type snow from both sides. i like winter, but it isn’t a place i’d like to live.
hi Rmom
i think the Canadian prairies get similar weather extremes. i know Calgary has temps that can be well below zero and then get a chinook off the mountains that has everyone golfing in February, but i don’t know if it goes that far apart over the year.
Hi yguy! I’ve been meaning to ask you and always forget, have you been to the CN Tower? I’m sure you have. I loved that! I was terrified going up that high, but it was SOOO COOL once you got up there! And all the wind on the outer viewing deck, crazy! I’d love to go back there again!
Hi, cleo, Terry, Doc, & yyyguy!
Thankfully, we don’t stay in extreme cold for long periods. We usually get a spell in February with 60’s or 70’s. Our latest frost is usually between March 15th & April 15th, so even though winter can get harsh here, it doesn’t last as long as some places. We’ll have to ask our Canuck friends if it gets above 100F (I’ll let someone else do the metric conversion) in the summer on the Canadian prairies. I’m guessing if it does, it would in ND where bmonk is at, too. But I think the 100 degree range ends in Nebraska, although I’m not sure.
And I’m back from doing chores, I like having only one class on Thursdays and Fridays. I also like having the Great Lakes as a buffer from the cold temperatures. If that means a little extra snow, then so be it.
Rmom 100F is in the neighbourhood of 40C, (body temp in Celsius is 37) and i know from watching weather news that it does get that high in some areas of Saskatchewan - though rarely. your Feb temps sound like the Chinook temps Calgary gets, you probably just have a different name for the phenomenon.
Dry i have been up the CN Tower twice, but it’s been WAY too long since my last visit (1981). living this close, we tend to take it for granted - just like some of the other “tourist” oriented things. my second trip was made at night to look at all the city lights. gorgeous. (and i can see the tower from my window.)
so i ran off for a bit, sorry. got the kitchen picked up again, ana has been in time out for about 30 mins now, I DID NOT PUT HER THERE. dad put her in time out told her she could get up after about 10 mins and she had a fit and didnt listen so he told her to stay there. what happened to the sweet baby she used to be?
Morning Saucy and Rmom and Jdoc well afternoon here.
I was going to say, we do get above 100F (38C) on occasion, but it’s pretty rare, and there are not even all that many days when it hits 90 (32C), but almost always at least a few every summer–maybe 20-40 most summers.
We’re far enough from the Rockies that our Chinooks are much gentler affairs–trees don’t explode from thermal stress, for example, when the temp rises 40+ degrees in 15 minutes. When we get one, it might go up about 20 degrees in the course of an hour or so. Still fast enough to notice, but not like some get.
It may snow tonight - a whole 1/2” is expected. They are already considering canceling school tomorrow
RE: the strip - My first day on my 2nd job as a nurse on an ambulatory care unit, I walked into a patient’s room who was post-op plastic surgery. I walked back out again - I had never seen such a sight. Hate to think what WInk is going through!
celecca my mom was a nurse for over 40 years, and a Lt. in the army nurse corps during WW2. She loved nursing! A lot of times it made her sad, a lot of times happy, but she felt it was her calling, to help others. She was disappointed I think, that I didn’t follow in her foot steps. I just couldn’t do it.
Hello yyyguy and Saucy. Just a quick stop to say hibye.
I just made a batch of granola. Anybody stopping by in the wee hours can help yourself to some. I put it in where I keep the Booker’s so nobody would have a problem finding it.
Growing up (small town), it seemed I had only 3 choices - be a nurse, be a teacher, or get married. When I was three, I wanted to be a nurse, so my future was decided then. It didn’t matter that I was terrible in math, it didn’t matter that I enjoyed performing and fine arts. I had to go through two years of therapy in nursing school just to get through, and I was always begging to quit. I honestly tried for 6 years to work as an RN, and was never happy.
I admire anyone who works in nursing. It just wasn’t for me, either.
doc go back to yesterdays, i THINK i posted it somewheres. not sure. i am running around its about time to get read to head out to see my friends but i have to worry about ana and get us both ready so im starting early we dong have to leave till 2:45 or so. ill be in and out.
okay, im all dressed and ready to go, now fot the child. also have to stop at the store to get her some juice and a snack, so im going to leave a little early to get that done.
got my hair straightened, it looks okay, but the weather wont alow it to look good. where did you all run off to?
Greetings all. I just stopped in this late to see who was or has been here.
About the weather, it is time for all this cold to go. A few years ago we were delivering the morning paper in Edmonton. We didn’t have any snow until New Years night but then it forgot to stop. They finally had to plow some of the side streets and we had to climb over piles as high as my head. The temp during that time was -40 or worse for six weeks straight. [I doesn’t matter what system you use, tht’s COLD] It felt like a heat wave when it finally warmed up to -20C. Granted that was a bit unusual but temps of -20C or worse are common. I live for those Chinooks in winter.
Now if I may quote someone, how much longer until spring?
Cleo I’ll bet he’ll look the same after shelling out thousands of dollars, or else he’ll look so ridiculous that we’ll flood the Big Top with tears of laughter!
I have had a rough day. I think I need a Booker’s. I managed to replace the empties that Dry & JFri left about. One thing you can’t accuse either of them of being is neat.
I’m back! I think I’m beginning to thaw out so I can type. Actually, I bundled up pretty good today, so my nose was the only part that got down right miserable.
Terry - You’re welcome. I’m glad I can help.
yyyguy - Thanks for the metric conversion. Somewhere around here I should have the formula, but I don’t have it memorized, and didn’t have time to look for it.
bmonk - In KS, we don’t summer’s arrived until it hits 90F.
I haven’t ever heard those warm spells in the winter called by any special name, but I think they are a wee bit more gradual here. Usually takes a day or more to climb up that much. Now, we do have cold fronts that can drop temperatures that much that quickly, but I don’t think we get the sudden warmth. When I was single, my car tag always expired the end of February, so I would wait until a warm spell came to take care of that task. Very rarely did I have to do it in the bitter cold. We can say a lot of bad things about KS weather, but boring isn’t one of them.
Tabby I was working instead of going to bed. I checked in and couldn’t help noticing you were the historian for the Tribe. I’d love to see when I arrived.
Since becoming a member of the Tribe I have really grown to feel lucky with our winters. We can have some bad storms, flooding instead of snow, but all in all not bad. I am certainly glad that I am no longer a neighbor to you bmonk. Snow, I enjoyed as a kid, but now…not so much.
so i found out what i have been doing so wrong. i keep saying “Lord please give me pacitence help me out down here” and you should NEVER pray for pacitences bc he will teach you how to have them by giving you times you need to use it. like now.
Still not snowing. That could be a BAD sign! It was supposed to start 2 hours ago, which usually means the storm is hung up somewhere longer than it was supposted to be, which means.… . more snow than they said before.
Dry you didnt answer though. YOU SHOT YOUR STOVE!? what?
i know i loved prickly city as well.
il feed you you take her, deal! sold! when can you get here? i have had her for a full 24 hours pluse some now. grrr. since 1:20 yesterday till now. all night even.
Doc i am so totaly jelous right now. I had ana for company in my bed last night. fun fun fun the child talks in her sleep, moves around like a crazy thing and snores. sleep is overrated right?
Tabby - I know when I have a migraine, and am waiting for my meds to take effect, dark, quiet & cool are best. I’m sure having to watch Ana is not helping right now. Is there anyone who will entertain her for a while, so you can rest? I’ve gotten migraines from fasting before, so I know that can cause them. Lack of sleep, too, so it sounds like you have more than one factor. I hope you have some meds around you can take for it. I have prescription stuff, but my 20 year old son gets them occasionally, and the over-the-counter stuff works for him.
Doc - Sounds like a card I have that I’m trying to decide if I’m bold enough to give it to my friend.
(Front) You know you’re getting older when someone ask if you’re “getting enough”…
(Inside) …and you think they’re talking about sleep.
Rmom, my friends would get a real chuckle out of that card. But my friends aren’t your friends. LOL
Doc I slept on a futon for years and loved it. We just bought a new cover for our old futon, which serves as our movie watching couch and it looks wonderful. But, my new mattress is the best thing that I have ever slept on. Good mattresses aren’t cheap, I was expecting to spend a few hundred dollars, talk about naive. We bought this mattress because it was a demonstration model and they took a thousand dollars off the price. Can you believe that??? Now I am glad that we spent the money. I spend about 8 hours a day in it. It is worth the cost.
Dry I was watching a show that I never saw before and I watched lots of TV back then. It is called “Trouble With Father” and I saw the first episode on youtube.
Cleo - This friend & I have become close, but we don’t have a long history with each other. Since each of us have been married to our husbands for over 25 years, that topic hasn’t been discussed between us.
Geez I spent $60. bucks on a Pacific Coast Hotel Collection down and feather pillow, and I thought that was bad! But I so LOVE the pillows at Hilton Gardens, Courtyard Marriots and Hamptons I just had to have it! Sleep real well now! I LOVE MY FEATHER PILLOWS! And “they’re mine, ALL MINE!” BWAAHH!
I happen to love our king-sized waterbed - and it didn’t cost anywhere near that much! (Of course, part of the attraction this time of year is climbing into a nice warm bed…)
JFri ain’t is in the dictionary these days, sir!
And I love that the job got done! Masterful work on my part, I pretended I couldn’t get the paint mixed, so he steppped in and said “Let Me Do It” and before long, I was moving further and further away, and he was doing more and more painting! LOL!! And then I went and got the Bookers! SNERK!
:-P :-P :-P :-P
okay so i have been gone for what 24 to 26 mins and only one post? hello peoples!!!
you know what i hates? when you are running the hot watter on high and its only kind of warm. grrr!!
ana is in the tub now. playing i enjoyed my shower in quite by myself with no little one bugging me. it was nice. but im gonna miss her when i go back to school sigh i sound like a parent.
Rmom I understand. My friends are all very upfront and very few topics give cause for pause. Your friends and mine just have been raised in very different environments and I am sure that some of it has to do with where we live as well.
if anyone wants to send me something sendme ice cream!!!!
bbs i hope. i am about to tick this child off big time getting her out the tub and dressed now. im tired of this little room. grrr. yes im in the bathroom talking to you all. lol
Cleo we heard you the first time! We get it, you don’t thnk we’re neat and leave a mess! :-D Now since you mentioned Bookers… This gal is getting thirsty!
Carmy i have no clue as of now, i hope she is going home, tabby needs a break and Ana needs to see her mother. but the weather is bad and its cold out there, not sure what we are gonna do, pluse im out of pull ups bc she pottied in her last one here last night. so im being brave and praying bc she has on big girl undies. lol but i have things that need to be done around home with out ana here. my life is crazy lately. maybe ill vent to you if its okay with you. ;0)
wow! shika you have been here since day one of the tribe under the bt? didnt know that.
this is pretty much our tribe.all under one big top. so great.
as of April 13, 2009 we have been a tribe under the big top. we are a family and no one is gonna change that. remember who we were then and who close we have become look at us now. we have became a family. we have gotten through some rough spots and some, well alot of trolls. lets not change guys lets be us forever. we shall remain a family.
Shikamoo said, 9 months ago
I love this one because it borrows from Calvin and Hobbes. Brian Basset is not only a great cartoonist, but he has discriminating taste.
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Shikamoo said, 9 months ago
I’m afraid I have to say I prefer Brian Basset as the artist. I couldn’t figure out what had happened to Adam and Laura- they don’t look well. (sorry about this, but it’s true.)
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Dry said, 9 months ago
information, Brian only does the Sunday strips now, and I think that will end soon as well. He’s putting all his efforts into Red & Rover, another GREAT strip.
M.B. give Mr. Harell a chance! He die a great job with “The Big Top”. Sure it looks different but look how many strips have transitioned from one cartoonist to another and are still going strong!
Shikamoo said, 9 months ago
Since you are a cat, you can’t be that bad. I’ll give him a chance, I just like the expressions Bassets draws better. The jokes are comparable though.
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Gutten morgan, although it’s still night as I type this. It looks like this will be the new spot for a while, until it gets overwhelmed with trolls. Just don’t feed them, they can’t stand being ignored.
Pulling a Shika move here. Just to reply to Cleo that women usually talk most about what is wrong in their lives. If something’s okay, then we’re not feeling the need to talk about it as much. (Unless they aren’t friends, THEN it might be bragging time.) Therefore, applying that standard to the not-discussed-topic, you might understand it isn’t a lack of openness as much as contentness.
I’m a lot more open about that topic than most - to my sons’ embarrassment sometimes. But I figure that if I don’t tell them, who should? Of course it is kinda funny now that they are past the curious stage - the 20 year old doesn’t think we need to do it anymore, since we’re not trying to have more children. LOL!
Well, off to bed. I’ve got to spend most of the day tomorrow at my Mom’s house - meeting with the realtor & cleaning out stuff, so I’d better get rested.
Well, fancy that. I didn’t know I was here the first day of the party, but I must have heard the laughter and joined in! I’d forgotten that. I was in the middle of exams I see.
I didn’t read far enough Tabby Thanks for finding me.
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
OK, Carmy, fire up the buggy! Breakfast at Original Pancake House on me! We’ll bring back doggie bags for the late comers!
carmy about 15 years ago
JFri, the buggy is ready!
margueritem about 15 years ago
Did someone say buggy? I call whip!
margueritem about 15 years ago
carmy about 15 years ago
Morning Marg! Dry says Good Morning to you too!
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
carmy about 15 years ago
Grab the whip, Marg!
margueritem about 15 years ago
‘Morning DRY!! Cracckkkk, and we’re off!
Goodnight you two, pleasant dreams and a great sleep experience!
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
‘fraid I don’t understand this one… Ice chips for the hurt?
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
johnny, after surgery they give you ice chips to suck on instead of water to drink so you don’t aspirate it and …….well, that’s not a GOOD thing!!
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Ahh! Thank you for that Jfri. and good morning all, and good night all! (take whichever applies to you.)
carmy about 15 years ago
Nowadays the ice chips are flavored. The lemon flavored ones are pretty good, expecially if you’re starving.
Good Night Marg and Johnny! Sweet Dreams!!
carmy about 15 years ago
JFri, I hope we brought enough food back for the others. I’m touring the toons…
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Oooh, a road trip. Original pancake house ooh, if it is original it must be good. If they have real maple syrup then I am happy.
carmy about 15 years ago
”Morning Cleo! Goodnight JFri and Cleo! It’s off to bed I go…
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
cleo, their maple syrup is heavenly!!
Akenta about 15 years ago
Good morning and Happy Thursday. We may get snow here today so the state is in a panic. I don’t expect it to be bad today, but we may have icy roads tomorrow. JFri, can you pass me a doggie bag? JohhnyD good to see you again.
lewisbower about 15 years ago
Happy Pancake House TRIBE! Will they have enough seating for all of us? If there’s syrup, I’ll need an extra napkin or two.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Akenta & Lewreader
MisngNOLA about 15 years ago
Pancakes. Why’d it have to be pancakes? Good morning all.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Doc& MisngNOLA
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc, we’re getting that large amount of snow I told you about. 2 inches on the ground and it’s still coming down fast. Supposed to do this all day long.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc, I’ve been replacing a fuel pump outside the last 2 days.The gas tank has to be removed to replace the pump. I’m lucky I got it done yesterday. I sure wouldn’t want to be out there today.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc, We just got the new alert…………..10-13 inches total by tomorrow! James & I love it! Wolfangil doesn’t! LOL
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Wolfangil says that about me too! I do like the temp in the house lower than most people.
carmy about 15 years ago
’Morning Terry and Doc! It’s warming up in FL, 43F today.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Pretty much the same with me Doc.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
G’Morning Carmy! 43F woukld make it easier to work on cars here.
Digital Frog about 15 years ago
Morning All!
We’re supposed to start climbing above the freezing mark tomorrow, I hope they’re right.
carmy about 15 years ago
Good Morning Joy! Happy Day to you too!! Wait, maybe snow/sleet later this week? Oh no!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
HEY JOY! I can send some snow down your way tonight if you’d like!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Joy & Digital Frog!
carmy about 15 years ago
Good Morning Dry and DigiFrog!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hey Carmy
Digital, how do frogs get around in the snow? :-)
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Doc as soon as the snow arrives, I’m sending it back to you!
carmy about 15 years ago
-52 wind chill in ND! You okay, bmonk?
GoodQuestion Premium Member about 15 years ago
Dry-frogs don’t get around in the snow, they croak. Don’t know about Digital Frogs though, maybe they diggit.
With a hat and over coat, Wink could pass for the invisable bear.
35degrees in Austin TX - Go HORNS!
Digital Frog about 15 years ago
Dry & GoodQuestion - We just call the AAA and get toad…
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Goodquestion & Dry
Good question, I’ll be watching and rooting for those HORNS, too!
carmy about 15 years ago
Goodquestion, I’m rooting for the Longhorns too!
Hook ‘em Horns!cleokaya about 15 years ago
Good Morning All. It is a sunny cool morning here in the PNW.
bmonk about 15 years ago
We’re OK–we don’t get too upset (or, I believe the word was panic?) at threats of snow, or cold for that matter. The high today is supposed to be around -10F. If we get lucky.
But we do know how to dress up. And, no, it’s not true we don’t put on jackets unless it’s below 0.
We put on jackets when it gets into the 40s, and coats below about 35, at least in Fall.
It’s only Spring when we feel 0 is nice enough to be out without a coat. ;-)
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Digital, again, I swear you and bmonk should go on the road! LOL!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Cleo enjoy the sun, I see you have a lot of rain coming in this weekend.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Dry are you sending the rain? Knowing you, I just had to ask.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Cleo & Bmonk
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Good Morning Terry.
bmonk about 15 years ago
But, DocT, you know it’s all true. I’m sure you didn’t just grow up hearing North Dakota jokes–you lived them!
By the way, Dry, do you know the definition of a sweater? (This is true for all parts of the country, except Cleo’s house.)
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
BMonk & Doc–Here’s a good one for North Dakota!
bmonk about 15 years ago
Hey–it makes it easier to get to the wires to fix them, doesn’t it?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
morning all, ana went to sleep at what 930ish. got up at 1020am she got some sleep alright.
walking buddy is home..questioning look no return of phone call no email no clue how she is. sigh
catching up bbs. tpying with one hand ana on other one
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
cleo, where do you get all that clear sky stuff? We are overcast AGAIN!! No rain yet, but like Dry said, it’s a comin’ and we have had plenty this year already. Of course, it’s good it’s dry there so the paint can cure properly! SNERK!!
bmonk about 15 years ago
Before I go:
A sweater: something you wear when your mother is cold.
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Good morning all! It is snowing here too, I imagine two inches might stick.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
our weather
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Yes Doc that is indeed me.
JFri it may be sunny here, but I bet it is warmer in your neck of the woods. It was 29 when I got up this morning. I am not complaining. The air is clear and we are far from the rotten weather that the rest of the country seems to be suffering through.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Johnny, Tabby & JFri
That was a wild pic, Bmonk!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
bmonk had to read that twice before I got it, but I like it! LOL!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
im caught up.
just got off the phone with my godchlids mom my friend, she is not doing good shes at the doc right now and they just gave her bad news. the baby is fine n growing well due in march, but mom not so hot. sniff
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
doc snow and cold? Oh that just makes your day doesn’t it?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
That Herman is hilarious!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi tabby and johnny!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
hi dry good morning to you
cleokaya about 15 years ago
You are in the wrong line of work Doc. I think you should join Santa at the North Pole. You can be one of his little helpers and have all the snow that you can handle.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
who knew my hip was a chair, well the bone shall i say, shes sitting on my hip bone.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
shes not answering my phone calls!!!!!! grrrrr. i called her at 4pm yesterday and just now shes not answering or returning.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Good Morning (or for those in the Eastern time zone), Good Afternoon! The sun is shining, the electricity & internet are working, so it would be a great day, IF I didn’t have to get out of the house. Unfortunately, it is my son’s bowling league day, so I’ve got to take him to it, and do some shopping while I’m in town. We didn’t get any of the freezing drizzle, rain, sleet or snow here that they predicted. Wichita may have gotten a little, but from the news, it must not have been too bad, no schools are cancelled. However, it is bitterly cold here. Currently 10F, but with gusts of 33mph, wind chill is -10F. Actual temp (not wind chill or “feels like”) for tomorrow morning is predicted at -6 F. Which leads me to my survey question… I know here in KS we can get below zero actual temps in the winter. (Thank goodness, usually just single digits, but below zero isn’t record setting. We only have to go back to 2004 to find temps this low before.) We also get above 100F (actual, not “feels like”) almost every summer. Is there any other areas where BOTH extremes happen fairly often?
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Good day *Rmom. See, I knew my weather was pretty good.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Rmom
Snow still coming down like crazy here!
yyyguy about 15 years ago
good early afternoon, Tribe too much to catch up on so i can’t comment on everything (i can hear everyone saying, “thank goodness,” from here); but i have to let Dry know she was correct on the question i posed her yesterday. also, on the subject of “radiating heat like a space heater” which DocT was talking about earlier today, i am exactly the same. in summer, i have a lot of difficulty in dealing with temps in the 90’s, but winter poses no problems at all. lastly, the ND photo Lonewolf posted for bmonk & DocT reminded me of a couple i have on my computer at work. a little place on the island of Newfoundland called St. Anthony’s where the snow regularly rises to the rooftops. they are right on the tip of the peninsula which sticks up from the top of the island and must get “lake effect” type snow from both sides. i like winter, but it isn’t a place i’d like to live.
yyyguy about 15 years ago
hi Rmom i think the Canadian prairies get similar weather extremes. i know Calgary has temps that can be well below zero and then get a chinook off the mountains that has everyone golfing in February, but i don’t know if it goes that far apart over the year.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Yguy!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi yguy! I’ve been meaning to ask you and always forget, have you been to the CN Tower? I’m sure you have. I loved that! I was terrified going up that high, but it was SOOO COOL once you got up there! And all the wind on the outer viewing deck, crazy! I’d love to go back there again!
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Hi, cleo, Terry, Doc, & yyyguy! Thankfully, we don’t stay in extreme cold for long periods. We usually get a spell in February with 60’s or 70’s. Our latest frost is usually between March 15th & April 15th, so even though winter can get harsh here, it doesn’t last as long as some places. We’ll have to ask our Canuck friends if it gets above 100F (I’ll let someone else do the metric conversion) in the summer on the Canadian prairies. I’m guessing if it does, it would in ND where bmonk is at, too. But I think the 100 degree range ends in Nebraska, although I’m not sure.
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
And I’m back from doing chores, I like having only one class on Thursdays and Fridays. I also like having the Great Lakes as a buffer from the cold temperatures. If that means a little extra snow, then so be it.
Saucy1121 Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good afternoon tribe.
We are supposed to get a dusting to 2” of snow (depending on who you believe). I’m ready to go flush an ice cube so we get a bunch.
yyyguy about 15 years ago
Rmom 100F is in the neighbourhood of 40C, (body temp in Celsius is 37) and i know from watching weather news that it does get that high in some areas of Saskatchewan - though rarely. your Feb temps sound like the Chinook temps Calgary gets, you probably just have a different name for the phenomenon. Dry i have been up the CN Tower twice, but it’s been WAY too long since my last visit (1981). living this close, we tend to take it for granted - just like some of the other “tourist” oriented things. my second trip was made at night to look at all the city lights. gorgeous. (and i can see the tower from my window.)
yyyguy about 15 years ago
looks like i get #100 for my “goodbye” post. time for work, so i’ll bid you all adieu.
(((Tribe)))tabbylynn about 15 years ago
so i ran off for a bit, sorry. got the kitchen picked up again, ana has been in time out for about 30 mins now, I DID NOT PUT HER THERE. dad put her in time out told her she could get up after about 10 mins and she had a fit and didnt listen so he told her to stay there. what happened to the sweet baby she used to be?
Morning Saucy and Rmom and Jdoc well afternoon here.
good afternoon all
bmonk about 15 years ago
I was going to say, we do get above 100F (38C) on occasion, but it’s pretty rare, and there are not even all that many days when it hits 90 (32C), but almost always at least a few every summer–maybe 20-40 most summers.
We’re far enough from the Rockies that our Chinooks are much gentler affairs–trees don’t explode from thermal stress, for example, when the temp rises 40+ degrees in 15 minutes. When we get one, it might go up about 20 degrees in the course of an hour or so. Still fast enough to notice, but not like some get.
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Well, I think it might be time to rid myself of the Christmas beard. That is going to make it a bit chillier outside though. I’ll be back in a minute.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Afternoon Saucy!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
hi yguy bye yguy
Carmy reply last night- um they had some personal stuff on that link so i didn’t post it, but i will see what i can do for you.
Shika you waite till i go to bed to come out of hiding. shame on you, well ill see if i can find you, i had pland on it already.
lets see i found, marg, dry, carmy, doc, jfri, rad, joy who else??? i need to find my elders. Dry tell me who else to find please. :0)
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
oh and i found jdoc i think. yea i did. we had a party on winnie the pooh. :0)
bmonk about 15 years ago
@Tabby, sounds like Ana’s having a day like Calvin yesterday and today…
celeconecca about 15 years ago
With apologies to those who hate the stuff….
It may snow tonight - a whole 1/2” is expected. They are already considering canceling school tomorrow
RE: the strip - My first day on my 2nd job as a nurse on an ambulatory care unit, I walked into a patient’s room who was post-op plastic surgery. I walked back out again - I had never seen such a sight. Hate to think what WInk is going through!
celeconecca about 15 years ago
I never liked being a nurse….
Gave it up for Lent in ‘85 and forgot to take it back up again.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning/Afternoon Celecca
celeconecca about 15 years ago
Good afternoon, Doc
Taking a quick run through the toons while I enjoy this unexpected moment of stillness.
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
I remember WTP, that was back in aut nine, I believe.
celeconecca about 15 years ago
Granted, but, I can always go back and reappreciate. I’m doing that with Pogo right now. 1953 - Walt Kelly’s slammin’ McCarthy.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
doc I wish gocomics hadn’t dumped Prickly City, a lot of our history was there! Sigh!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
celecca my mom was a nurse for over 40 years, and a Lt. in the army nurse corps during WW2. She loved nursing! A lot of times it made her sad, a lot of times happy, but she felt it was her calling, to help others. She was disappointed I think, that I didn’t follow in her foot steps. I just couldn’t do it.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
RMom, Thank you for the other post also. Made me think correctly if you know what I mean. It is true & I feel better. I need to practice that always.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Hello yyyguy and Saucy. Just a quick stop to say hibye. I just made a batch of granola. Anybody stopping by in the wee hours can help yourself to some. I put it in where I keep the Booker’s so nobody would have a problem finding it.
I am off to work in the darkroom. BBL
celeconecca about 15 years ago
@Dry Growing up (small town), it seemed I had only 3 choices - be a nurse, be a teacher, or get married. When I was three, I wanted to be a nurse, so my future was decided then. It didn’t matter that I was terrible in math, it didn’t matter that I enjoyed performing and fine arts. I had to go through two years of therapy in nursing school just to get through, and I was always begging to quit. I honestly tried for 6 years to work as an RN, and was never happy.
I admire anyone who works in nursing. It just wasn’t for me, either.
celeconecca about 15 years ago
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Night Doc
Catch ya later.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
doc go back to yesterdays, i THINK i posted it somewheres. not sure. i am running around its about time to get read to head out to see my friends but i have to worry about ana and get us both ready so im starting early we dong have to leave till 2:45 or so. ill be in and out.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i am now ticked off as heck
Walking buddy just called me and hung up on me. what the heck.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
okay, im all dressed and ready to go, now fot the child. also have to stop at the store to get her some juice and a snack, so im going to leave a little early to get that done.
got my hair straightened, it looks okay, but the weather wont alow it to look good. where did you all run off to?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
okay all bbml peace and love tribe you know who you are. ;0)
bmonk about 15 years ago
Gee, DocT, did we ever decide what happens when we mix anesthesia and Nuclear Coffee?
I’m also wondering what all procedures Winky had done…did the doc go a little far? Did he really need his cheekbones shaved?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Poor Wink, but you couldn’t tell him, could ya!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I too am wondering what Wink is going to look like, hopefully he will still be his cute self.
serenasakitty about 15 years ago
Greetings all. I just stopped in this late to see who was or has been here.
About the weather, it is time for all this cold to go. A few years ago we were delivering the morning paper in Edmonton. We didn’t have any snow until New Years night but then it forgot to stop. They finally had to plow some of the side streets and we had to climb over piles as high as my head. The temp during that time was -40 or worse for six weeks straight. [I doesn’t matter what system you use, tht’s COLD] It felt like a heat wave when it finally warmed up to -20C. Granted that was a bit unusual but temps of -20C or worse are common. I live for those Chinooks in winter.
Now if I may quote someone, how much longer until spring?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Cleo I’ll bet he’ll look the same after shelling out thousands of dollars, or else he’ll look so ridiculous that we’ll flood the Big Top with tears of laughter!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Serena Have I told you lately:
I HATE WINTER!bmonk about 15 years ago
No, Dry, we had forgotten. Why don’t you let us know how you really feel. Don’t hold back now.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I have had a rough day. I think I need a Booker’s. I managed to replace the empties that Dry & JFri left about. One thing you can’t accuse either of them of being is neat.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
home safe, spent about 3 hours with two of my best friends and ana and kinsey. :0)
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
going fix supper wish me luck bbl
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
I’m back! I think I’m beginning to thaw out so I can type. Actually, I bundled up pretty good today, so my nose was the only part that got down right miserable. Terry - You’re welcome. I’m glad I can help. yyyguy - Thanks for the metric conversion. Somewhere around here I should have the formula, but I don’t have it memorized, and didn’t have time to look for it. bmonk - In KS, we don’t summer’s arrived until it hits 90F. I haven’t ever heard those warm spells in the winter called by any special name, but I think they are a wee bit more gradual here. Usually takes a day or more to climb up that much. Now, we do have cold fronts that can drop temperatures that much that quickly, but I don’t think we get the sudden warmth. When I was single, my car tag always expired the end of February, so I would wait until a warm spell came to take care of that task. Very rarely did I have to do it in the bitter cold. We can say a lot of bad things about KS weather, but boring isn’t one of them.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Don’t burn yourself Tabby.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Digital Frog said, about 9 hours ago Morning All! We’re supposed to start climbing above the freezing mark tomorrow, I hope they’re right.
DigitalFrog Climbing what? A mountain?
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Poor Wink! I wonder what he looks like now? After the swelling goes down that is.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Shika
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo, I’m headed out to pool league. I be thinking of you and your day when I order that first drink. :-)
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’m told that in the Yukon, if the weather is below - 35 o C, they tell people to stay indoors.
When a fellow student went there over the holidays, it never went below - 30 0 C without the wind chill, so she was able to travel.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
In case you missed my entrance.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Shika hello dear.
Good luck Terry.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi Terry Good luck at your game.
Tabby I was working instead of going to bed. I checked in and couldn’t help noticing you were the historian for the Tribe. I’d love to see when I arrived.
bmonk about 15 years ago
Tabby Lynn said, 21 warnings ago
“going fix supper wish me luck bbl”
Umm–do I dare even think of eating a supper that would require luck in its preparation? LOL!
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi cleo! Enjoy your bookers. I’d join you, but I have homework to do. I just dropped in to say hi and chlll for a couple of minutes.
Pardon the pun, it being very chilly out here.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
bmonk Come to think of it, “wish me luck” isn’t the ususal thing to say before dinner.
Unless I am cooking, LOL!
(I’m kidding. I’m not that bad a cook.)
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Shika - You’ll only need a couple of seconds outdoors here (or where you are) to chill. Minutes might make you more than just chilled.
bmonk about 15 years ago
I realized after my post that she might be referring to her habit of self-injury, In which case of course we wish her luck!
bmonk about 15 years ago
Minutes might lead to being a Popsicle, one of the “frozen chosen”!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Since becoming a member of the Tribe I have really grown to feel lucky with our winters. We can have some bad storms, flooding instead of snow, but all in all not bad. I am certainly glad that I am no longer a neighbor to you bmonk. Snow, I enjoyed as a kid, but now…not so much.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hey! Watch who you call the “frozen chosen” bmonk! Can I help it if I am in the Anglican church? :-D
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
I love snow, but that is because I don’t have to shovel it. It is pretty to love at, and fun to be in.
For a while, anyways.
Rmom Sounds too cold for me where you are.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Cleo the luck part is to beable to get it done with the child being a little pain. grr.
Hi shika hows it going?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
so i found out what i have been doing so wrong. i keep saying “Lord please give me pacitence help me out down here” and you should NEVER pray for pacitences bc he will teach you how to have them by giving you times you need to use it. like now.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi Tabby Always pray for patience. Yes, you will have times like these, but he will help you deal with it. Keep praying.
I’m fine, and should be working, so I am turning of the computer for a while to finish my reading.
Stay safe Tabby
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
shika thanks.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Tabby what are you having for supper? I need some ideas for rmr.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry you ask that question at the most perfect time. :0) bc i have a question for you about something you said 9 months ago…..
its bold and italic
Dry said, 9 months ago
GEEZ! I don’t get on for one day, and you guys just fall apart!!
JFri You’ll be fine! It’s called a “tan”. :-) just be careful and start using sunscreen!
doctortoon has a strange white box in the kitchen! Do like I did to the one I had in my kitchen! I shot it! :-D
I’ll have to go back and check yesterdays posts to see what ya’ all had to say! Joy did you stir up any trouble over SOTU? :-)
YOU SHOT YOUR STOVE!? woman you are crazy!! love ya
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Still not snowing. That could be a BAD sign! It was supposed to start 2 hours ago, which usually means the storm is hung up somewhere longer than it was supposted to be, which means.… . more snow than they said before.
It’s all doc’s fault, I just know it!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry we are having hamburger stakes with mashed tators and sweet peas.
also have a cranky kid would you like that also?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
someone asked i think it was doc if i found when we when to P. City.. i found this.
JFri said, 9 months ago
Joy, Dry Shall we pick on Prickly City tomorrow?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
have a favor to ask of you.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Sounds like a good supper, if you feed me, I’ll take Ana off your hands for awhile!
I remember that! I loved Prickly City! We had such fun over there!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry you didnt answer though. YOU SHOT YOUR STOVE!? what?
i know i loved prickly city as well.
il feed you you take her, deal! sold! when can you get here? i have had her for a full 24 hours pluse some now. grrr. since 1:20 yesterday till now. all night even.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
bbs maybe.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
back sooner then expected.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
where you going girl? What about my supper?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Where’d Cleo go? Is in the dark room again?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
we must have move around april 20th or so to prickly bc we are all apsent on pooh
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry here is you supper.enjoy. im not going anywheres i have a major headace and a bad kid
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
can i barf now?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
confermation we have moved
bmonk about 15 years ago
If you must, Tabby–but don’t get it on the computer parts.
bmonk about 15 years ago
@DocT, the girls must have been distracted by mounds of snow…
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
bmonk thanks. my head hurts that bad right now
Dry found u again.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
(((tabby))) I’ve had migraines like that - no fun!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Doc i am so totaly jelous right now. I had ana for company in my bed last night. fun fun fun the child talks in her sleep, moves around like a crazy thing and snores. sleep is overrated right?
bmonk about 15 years ago
BTW, Tabby, did you check out the Calvin & Hobbes strips for yesterday and today? Sounds like someone who’s in a bad mood–[Ana?]
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Dry I was watching an old 1950s TV show on the internet. Talk about a whole different era of innocence. Not always good but plenty naive.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
bmonk yes i did and yes it does.
Dochows the baby doing?
rmom thanks it dosent help that i have not had much food today and that this kid is being bad and making me fuss and being loud.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
doc thanks for letting it pass. ;0)
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Doc I am happy with that. I am just glad that we were not cross dressing.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
bbl time to eat.
bmonk about 15 years ago
DocT, the odd thing about a double entendre is that it can only mean one thing…
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Tabby - I know when I have a migraine, and am waiting for my meds to take effect, dark, quiet & cool are best. I’m sure having to watch Ana is not helping right now. Is there anyone who will entertain her for a while, so you can rest? I’ve gotten migraines from fasting before, so I know that can cause them. Lack of sleep, too, so it sounds like you have more than one factor. I hope you have some meds around you can take for it. I have prescription stuff, but my 20 year old son gets them occasionally, and the over-the-counter stuff works for him.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Doc we got a new bed this past summer and I have never had better nights sleep. It is all that I can do to haul my butt out of bed in the mornings.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Doc - Sounds like a card I have that I’m trying to decide if I’m bold enough to give it to my friend. (Front) You know you’re getting older when someone ask if you’re “getting enough”… (Inside) …and you think they’re talking about sleep.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Doc - I do appreciate your style. Those of us who’ve already had our minds corrupted will get it. Those who haven’t, won’t.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Rmom, my friends would get a real chuckle out of that card. But my friends aren’t your friends. LOL
Doc I slept on a futon for years and loved it. We just bought a new cover for our old futon, which serves as our movie watching couch and it looks wonderful. But, my new mattress is the best thing that I have ever slept on. Good mattresses aren’t cheap, I was expecting to spend a few hundred dollars, talk about naive. We bought this mattress because it was a demonstration model and they took a thousand dollars off the price. Can you believe that??? Now I am glad that we spent the money. I spend about 8 hours a day in it. It is worth the cost.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Cleo what were you watching? No doubt I know it! LOL!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Dry I was watching a show that I never saw before and I watched lots of TV back then. It is called “Trouble With Father” and I saw the first episode on youtube.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
I vaguely remember that title. Harry Morgan?
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I am off to din din. See you all later.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
No Dry, Stu Erwin (SP).
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Cleo - This friend & I have become close, but we don’t have a long history with each other. Since each of us have been married to our husbands for over 25 years, that topic hasn’t been discussed between us.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Geez I spent $60. bucks on a Pacific Coast Hotel Collection down and feather pillow, and I thought that was bad! But I so LOVE the pillows at Hilton Gardens, Courtyard Marriots and Hamptons I just had to have it! Sleep real well now! I LOVE MY FEATHER PILLOWS! And “they’re mine, ALL MINE!” BWAAHH!
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
I happen to love our king-sized waterbed - and it didn’t cost anywhere near that much! (Of course, part of the attraction this time of year is climbing into a nice warm bed…)
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
back kind of. about to do dishes.
rmom quite?? whats that?
no noone to watch her but me. bro is making her mad right now. grrrrr.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
dishes. bbl
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
I need a BIG shot of Bookers!! cleo, whaddya mean we’re not neat??
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
JFri yeah, what’s he talking about, not neat? Geez! I’m neat! You on the other hand, well you’re a man, ‘nuff said!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i can sure feel the love Dry has for you jfri some nights more then others. lol
hi you two!
doc what you doing lieing to my friend? shame on you, dont make me sick Carmy on ya!
carmy about 15 years ago
Dry, so Doc is getting shy, hm, we’ll have to think up a new plan. We will get him, oh yes we will!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
speaking of doc i found him on BT also.
hello Carmy
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Dry, what the HECK is AINT’T??? And yes, I AM a man! That’s the only reason the job got DONE!!
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-Ptabbylynn about 15 years ago
Found Akenta on bt
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
a whole new side of Wink
bbl need to shower while dad has Ana.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
JFri ain’t is in the dictionary these days, sir! And I love that the job got done! Masterful work on my part, I pretended I couldn’t get the paint mixed, so he steppped in and said “Let Me Do It” and before long, I was moving further and further away, and he was doing more and more painting! LOL!! And then I went and got the Bookers! SNERK! :-P :-P :-P :-P
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
okay so i have been gone for what 24 to 26 mins and only one post? hello peoples!!!
you know what i hates? when you are running the hot watter on high and its only kind of warm. grrr!!
ana is in the tub now. playing i enjoyed my shower in quite by myself with no little one bugging me. it was nice. but im gonna miss her when i go back to school sigh i sound like a parent.
where did Carmy Go?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
DRY go to march 18, 2009 on bt. they are picking on your boy pete, keep going poor kido.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
what happened to this being a kids comic strip?
cleokaya about 15 years ago
JFri & Dry the only thing neat about you two is the way you drink your Booker’s.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
JFri & Dry the only thing neat about you two is the way you drink your Booker’s.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
“How about a Punch- in-the-face-o-gram?”
and Dry aggred sigh
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Rmom I understand. My friends are all very upfront and very few topics give cause for pause. Your friends and mine just have been raised in very different environments and I am sure that some of it has to do with where we live as well.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Everything okay Tabby?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Cleo yes that was from BT about 9 months back or so. lol funny the dog said that
this is greatness!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i still dont feel good. i want ice cream. sigh
cleokaya about 15 years ago
You should start making your own ice cream Tabby. It is easy and oh so tasty.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
send me instructions, and if i have time and money ill look into it.
carmy about 15 years ago
Poor Tabby! I’ve got some Blue Bunny chocolate and vanilla, I’ll send you some.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
thanks Carmy
if anyone wants to send me something sendme ice cream!!!!
bbs i hope. i am about to tick this child off big time getting her out the tub and dressed now. im tired of this little room. grrr. yes im in the bathroom talking to you all. lol
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Oh be careful no water gets spilled on your lap top, girl!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I am off to watch a movie. If I return it means that I did not fall asleep in front of the blinking TV. Wanna lay odds on my return?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Cleo we heard you the first time! We get it, you don’t thnk we’re neat and leave a mess! :-D Now since you mentioned Bookers… This gal is getting thirsty!
carmy about 15 years ago
Cleo, I think it depends on what you’re watching. It’s either a snoozer or not.
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Dry, ain’t actually IS in the dictionary. But aint’t isn’t!! SNERK!!!!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
the lap top is safe from water. lol shes in the tub me by the door. safe. :0)
well shes out the tub now. we had a crying stage of, “I MISS MY MOMMY!!” said in sobs. my poor thing.
whats a girl to do?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Jfri always picking on her. lol i didnt catch that, could be because i spell so bad.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
JFri :-P :-P :-P SMARTA@@!!
carmy about 15 years ago
Tabby, is Ana staying with you tonight?
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Dry, thanks for the compliment! Most people call me a…….hey! I’m having Deja Vu!!!!!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Carmy i have no clue as of now, i hope she is going home, tabby needs a break and Ana needs to see her mother. but the weather is bad and its cold out there, not sure what we are gonna do, pluse im out of pull ups bc she pottied in her last one here last night. so im being brave and praying bc she has on big girl undies. lol but i have things that need to be done around home with out ana here. my life is crazy lately. maybe ill vent to you if its okay with you. ;0)
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry now THAT brings back memories!
Rakkav about 15 years ago
I see the Yappi Tribe is having its nightly pow-wow. Mr. Chairman, i move that “Yappi Tribe” be made its official name.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
april 12, my first post on bt.
carmy about 15 years ago
It’s okay with me, Tabby
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Tabby Where am I?
@Johanan Rakkav Only if you spell it Yappy Nuts, although I suppose that “Yappi” does have a certain J’ne sais quoi.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
wow! shika you have been here since day one of the tribe under the bt? didnt know that.
this is pretty much our tribe.all under one big top. so great.
as of April 13, 2009 we have been a tribe under the big top. we are a family and no one is gonna change that. remember who we were then and who close we have become look at us now. we have became a family. we have gotten through some rough spots and some, well alot of trolls. lets not change guys lets be us forever. we shall remain a family.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Carmy thanks. ill do so in a few
shika welcome back sis, you are in the middle i think of the first page.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Shikamoo said, 9 months ago I love this one because it borrows from Calvin and Hobbes. Brian Basset is not only a great cartoonist, but he has discriminating taste. Edit CommentDelete Comment
Shikamoo said, 9 months ago I’m afraid I have to say I prefer Brian Basset as the artist. I couldn’t figure out what had happened to Adam and Laura- they don’t look well. (sorry about this, but it’s true.) Edit CommentDelete Comment
Dry said, 9 months ago information, Brian only does the Sunday strips now, and I think that will end soon as well. He’s putting all his efforts into Red & Rover, another GREAT strip. M.B. give Mr. Harell a chance! He die a great job with “The Big Top”. Sure it looks different but look how many strips have transitioned from one cartoonist to another and are still going strong! Flag
Shikamoo said, 9 months ago Since you are a cat, you can’t be that bad. I’ll give him a chance, I just like the expressions Bassets draws better. The jokes are comparable though. Edit CommentDelete Comment
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
shika i guess you found your slef. :0)
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
This is where Dry alerts me to Big Top. My first day on Go Comics, March 15th 2009.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
margueritem said, 8 months ago
Gutten morgan, although it’s still night as I type this. It looks like this will be the new spot for a while, until it gets overwhelmed with trolls. Just don’t feed them, they can’t stand being ignored.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
wow sounds like some things never change.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Shika what comic?
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Dry Shows up here March 25th, Doc on March 26th.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
wow some history i am reading now!
Shika hello again
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
LOOks like the party set up about April 13th, 2009
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Tabby I am doing your work for you. I asked you to find me here on Go Comics.
You got lost!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i am guessing shika didnt read the post today. he he.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Pulling a Shika move here. Just to reply to Cleo that women usually talk most about what is wrong in their lives. If something’s okay, then we’re not feeling the need to talk about it as much. (Unless they aren’t friends, THEN it might be bragging time.) Therefore, applying that standard to the not-discussed-topic, you might understand it isn’t a lack of openness as much as contentness. I’m a lot more open about that topic than most - to my sons’ embarrassment sometimes. But I figure that if I don’t tell them, who should? Of course it is kinda funny now that they are past the curious stage - the 20 year old doesn’t think we need to do it anymore, since we’re not trying to have more children. LOL! Well, off to bed. I’ve got to spend most of the day tomorrow at my Mom’s house - meeting with the realtor & cleaning out stuff, so I’d better get rested.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Well, fancy that. I didn’t know I was here the first day of the party, but I must have heard the laughter and joined in! I’d forgotten that. I was in the middle of exams I see.
I didn’t read far enough Tabby Thanks for finding me.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
shika i told you i would and when i make a promise i keep it. :0) see i do loves ya.
i must say i am sorry to you for something, but will not do it here. if you get my drift.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good job Tabby! You found our original history and where Shika joined us!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry it was fun also! whats funny is that this was the most fun with hist i have had ever!
I am glad to see how long shika has been with us.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
That was interesting.
carmy about 15 years ago
Interesting? More like psycho!
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Carmy im with you on that one.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
shika in case i miss you ill say good night to you.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
I came back to say Good Night, Shika-wise.
Good Night all!!
Love ya!
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Tabby Ditto.
carmy about 15 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
where ya going?
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
To bed Dry! If you guys will let me. :-D
You know I am drawn to this strip like a fly to, well, a strip. Ew scratch that.
Good Night!
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Hello all! Just a quick stop in before I head to bed. How’s it going?
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
I said I’m going to bed, hear me? :-D
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
hey you hear that????
hear what?
my point excataly!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
okay i am stepping out for a few mins. ill bbs. most likely in time for beakfast. but who cares
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
HEY JOHNNY! Tabby has been hard at work finding our history of the Tribe and our origins!
margueritem about 15 years ago
I was worried about bmonk in all that bad weather up north, but I see that he posted, so I guess he’s OK.
margueritem about 15 years ago
I know where you got that dog avatar, Tabby!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Feel good music:
margueritem about 15 years ago
Now, don’t you guys hide so that I have to make breakfast again.
margueritem about 15 years ago
Love that song, Dry.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Oh come on Marg ! You could just take us out somewhere! But I want shotgun this time, okay JFri?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
So do I Marg! Listening to it right now! My kids burned me some GREAT cd mixes for Christmas! Are you familiar with Harvest Moon by Neil Young?
margueritem about 15 years ago
I don’t think I know that one, Dry.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
not hiding just have some emails to run threw and some venting to do. ill bbs promise.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
did you all miss me??? im back see done
now where did
Carmyrun off too?
carmy about 15 years ago
Tabby, it’s a brand new day at gocomics! I’ll answer you ASAP.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i understand take all the time you need. love you