Good Morning Tabby! I wonder where everyone else is.
If you’d like me to drive, I’m ready to do so. I’m glad you didn’t have any problems getting your charger. :)
Doc–I agree with you on the drive part. In Corey’s explanations, I don’t feel that drive from him, but that has to be part of the strip. Without that drive, the talent and imagination don’t mean much and can’t be relayed to the reader. Thom has expressed that desire and drive to you and I both and it shows in his strip. It’s a big difference.
Doc, I have read most of the old BL strips and I love them, but I wouldn’t want him to do them anymore than I would want you to continue your comics archives if you don’t have that drive. :^)
Doc,I’ve also gone through almost all of BB archives and you can see the advancement in his strips, both with the art and the lines. But as you can attest to, you never know when that feeling will end.
Doc–My daughter who is taking art for her third semester does cartoons and I am trying to talk her into doing the Sherpa thing. She has me do the captions on most of them.
As long as people can act as good as they think they are it’s fine. But some people think they are better than others. Hypocritical to say the least. Those are the ones that will NOT make it.
I, too, will miss Barkeater Lake. I can also understand that doing Elderberries, BL, Toby and Angry Eyebrows would take more hours than are in the day especially if income from those strips is not adequate.
okay in 30 mins i have managed to do nothing that i should do. i got on here to check something out for school and look where i am at…. this cannot be good. grr. im not addicted!!
Doc to do my work i need someone to hid my computer from me and hold me down and make me read. this hw assignment it just so blah! i have till 2:15 tomorrow to read it, but im off till 3ish today so why not read it? bc it sucks! sigh. im going to try to read it again. i pray it gets better. and my mother calling me to tell me she got a smoothie from my fav. smoothie place and making sure she got the right one was just a slap in the face. sigh
Doc I always lament when a good cartoon ends and it always seems like the most creative people burn out earliest. Citizen Dog is a strip I never heard of before I discovered gocomics and I read it everyday, even though it stopped before I ever found it. Far Side, C & H, Opus FBOFW, were all sad to see end. I know I am missing others I hated to see end.
johnnyd our winter has been most kind and we on the west coast never experienced the deep chill that seemed to grip the rest of the nation. Knock on wood.
It does seem to happen to the people that are already down.
I don’t recall winters here in my younger days to be quite so cold. I remember going outside a lot. It seems, lately, however, that any prolonged time outside will result in frostbite. I miss the good old days.
doc i love to read, but textbooks r just evil. and if its not intresting its even worse. at least with lectures i dont have to fight to say awake as bad. lol
terry i thought you were out for a bit? i must have read that wrong….
Cleo, and Jdoc its a nice day here today. low to mid 70s shorts and flip flops and boy is that sun shining.
jfri be safe on the flybys watch out for a shika curve
Hey Tabby, quit bragging about the weather, and get back to work. :-P
Cleo, My comparisons were for the same state, so they might be a bit more applicable.
LG’s son and daughter are here for a few days. they are taking care of last minute details before they drive up to Homer, Alaska. I’m just trying to stay out of the way.
Good to see you, Terry & cleo!
Another 5 minute break.
I’ve got a problem with photobucket, and don’t know if it is just “operator error” or not. I go to upload a picture, it gets to 100% and seems to get stuck there, still saying “uploading”. Is this normal? If so, what am I supposed to do?
Tabby - You could bring an energy bar or something to snack on during the 15 minutes in-between the two classes. Make sure you have sufficient fluids, too. If you have several members on each of your teams, you might not be as exhausted as you think. At least it isn’t track, swimming or something with continuous exercising.
Tabby - My sister got to take both bowling & swimming in her high school PE. We moved to a smaller school district, so I didn’t get to take the more fun PE subjects. I’ve never had a formal class in swimming or bowling, so I’m not great in either. Good enough to not drown & have fun, but that’s it.
My sons were/are on a homeschool bowling league, so they’ve become decent bowlers. Not the 300 game type, but at least respectable, instead of embarrassing. If I can get 50, I’ve had a good game.
so i just got fussed at for having to have the two classes i added today. its not my fault i can add anything else all my clases are full i told the woman that she said well add something stupid. so i did. now what? get fussed at for having to pay for two stupid classes? grr
okay so i am doing hw for two diffrent classes. ugh. one is on the computer the other is a book since i no longer have math i dont have class till 10 at the earliest. :0) so if i by some chance dont finish my hw tonight i have till then tomorrow to do so.
Hello again. I have been visiting with our company and watching as they plan their trek north through BC. They have also been scouting the daily whether predictions.
anybody want to to go and find things that remind them of me? thats my hw to go to that stupid site and find something that i can “relate” to. something similar that has happened to me. etc.
Today, I was wearing a shirt that had a picture of a squirrel and acorns with a caption reading “Protect Your Nuts”. My dad walked up to me, read my shirt, then punched me in the balls. FML
I actually believe in ghosts because I have seen one. Years ago my parents owned a country grocery store with our house attached. The store and house were old and been owned by many people over the years. Things had settled and the door that lead from our house into the store always flew open if you let go of it and banged into the stove. Over the period of about a week, several odd things began to happen. First there was an odd sound that began to come from the walls, at first I thought it was a mouse. The sound was exactly like the sound you make if you hold a pencil and let the lead hit a solid surface. (Kind of a tick, tick sound that would get our dog to barking.) One day the door to the store opened and instead of swinging into the stove, it then closed. Then for two nights in a row I woke out of a sound sleep to see a figure standing on the right hand side of my bed. He was completely transparent, but every detail of his clothes and face were neon blue outlines. Fold in his clothes were outlined as were his eyes, hands, etc. He would look at me bend over and smile, then disappear. The exact same series of sightings progressed the same way. I never got anything chilling from the encounter. After the second sighting everything went back to normal. Nobody can ever convince me there are not ghosts after that experience.
Cleo, I would never be the one to say it ain’t so. I truly believe in spirits not finding their way “home” in certain instances and just hanging about. Also those that are there to help a loved one along. I believe your experience, sir.
johnnyd I used to wake up every morning at 3 AM and lie away for hours, sometimes going to sleep around 5 for another hour, sometimes not. It is funny, once I met LG I am without fail able to sleep the night through. I don’t know why, but I do. How is your mattress? We recently bought a new one and it is incredible what a difference that makes.
Terry you have a perfectly understandable excuse. The only thing I can think of is that I don’t get enough exercise, and I am not tired enough to sleep eight hours, but I always have a hard time waking up the next day, and feel tired the whole next day. No worries though, it’ll go away, or I’ll catch up on the weekend.
Cleo, I love sharing ghost stories. I am not sure I believe in ghosts, but they are fun to listen to. When I was really little, 5 or 6 years old, I remember being in the basement in a coat room that separated the two main wings, I didn’t see anything, but I knew something was there, and I didn’t like it. I was so scared that I couldn’t yell, I couldn’t even cry. So I hid behind the coats. I don’t remember anything else, and since that was such an early age for me, don’t remember if it was even real or just a nightmare. The details I remember lead me to believe it actually happened, my rational brain sees no reason for it to be anything other than a dream. I don’t mean to mock people for believing in ghosts, but I had a number of reasons to doubt it actually happened, but can’t prove or disprove any of them now.
My dreams are an alternate universe for me. I dream about my parents and it is like I am having visits with them. I also dream many dreams from beginning through a plot to a natural conclusion.
My dreams are bizarre concoctions of ideas and pictures I have seen, usually I forget them, but some I remember, and they are fun to retell because of how odd they are.
I meant to add, I have never been afraid of ghosts since, being alone in creepy places doesn’t bother me, and I have lived near a cemetery for quite some time. I guess I don’t imagine ghosts the same way Hollywood does.
Enjoy dinner Cleo.
When I was young my friends and I used to ride our bicycles through a cemetery near where we lived, so I got used to those things at an early age. Back then we were allowed to be out past dark at 12-13yrs old. The innocent days! lol
My grandma’s house was right next to the cemetery (when I was little, the cemetery almost surrounds their house now.) Since it is a very rural area, we would always be playing around and in the cemetery at all hours of the night. Tripping over tombstones in the dark sucked though.
I have an interesting cemetery story. I lived kitty corner across the street from two cemeteries that took up an entire block. The one furthest away from me took up 1/4 of the block and was a pristine Catholic cemetery that was perfectly maintained. The one nearest to me was abandoned, except for the graves. It was just like something out of a horror movie. High grass, tipped over gravestones, some broken and the newest being from before 1910. We used it as a playground and had a great time there. One day the city decided to remove all of the old graves and build houses. My friends and I watched as they began digging up these long buried corpses. As you can imagine, the coffins were in pretty sad shape. I watched as one fell apart upon exhumation. A body fell out and dropped to the ground. it was a very unusual experience to watch grave upon grave exhumed.
Hello once again Terry. We had a long dinner. My wife’s son’s girlfriend told us about her years growing up. Very incredible story of her mom’s controlling husband. Then she wanted to know the details of the time my wife’s then 14 year old son ran away from home for 2 month. A very scary time for my wife and her husband.
Cleo, I had a friend whose daughter ran away for 3 months. My friend and his wife were devastated until she returned. Just terrible to see it all transpire.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
monkeys uncle!!!
okay for breakfast from me we are going to waffle house everyone pile in. and we will bring back doggie bags and maybe even get them to catter. enjoy
still serving the house special
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
computer charging. went there and back and didnt hit one thing. :D go me
carmy about 15 years ago
Good Morning Tabby! I wonder where everyone else is. If you’d like me to drive, I’m ready to do so. I’m glad you didn’t have any problems getting your charger. :)
Robert De Niro as Manfred? I’m laughing already.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Carmy you can drive no arguments form me. i dont like driving when its dark. i call shot gun!!
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Sorry, it’s too late for a car ride today for me, I gotta hit the hay. But first, an abbreviated toon tour.
margueritem about 15 years ago
carmy about 15 years ago
Good Morning Johnny and Marg! Johnny, we’ll bring you back some goodies. Marg, hang on tight up there!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
okay all be careful out there. im going to bed my eyes keep closing.
Good morning marg, joy, dry, shika, akenta, cleo, doc, jfri, and tribejohnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Hi Marg, and Carmy and Tabby and El Dorado Disc Golf! thanks for the doggy bag Carmy! I am off to bed now, peace and love all.
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
margueritem about 15 years ago
margueritem about 15 years ago
Goodnight, All!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
it looks like a mixed up morning.
Danielle180 about 15 years ago
It’s all about monkey business.
carmy about 15 years ago
Good night, Yappers!
Akenta about 15 years ago
Good morning and Happy Tuesday. Waffle House? I guess that’s the perfect place for this late night Tribe Do they even serve grits?
Lyons Group, Inc. about 15 years ago
Hey get into my Dorango, I’ll take you to Golden Corral! Oh, and good morning!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Tribe
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Doc, Joy & Akenta
Doc, I guess that poodle better look for a mexican hairless!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc, it doesn’t seem that bad. He’s not quitting completely.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc–Yes, but if he doesn’t feel he can do BL any more good, than what would be the logic in continuing?
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc–I agree with you on the drive part. In Corey’s explanations, I don’t feel that drive from him, but that has to be part of the strip. Without that drive, the talent and imagination don’t mean much and can’t be relayed to the reader. Thom has expressed that desire and drive to you and I both and it shows in his strip. It’s a big difference.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc, I have read most of the old BL strips and I love them, but I wouldn’t want him to do them anymore than I would want you to continue your comics archives if you don’t have that drive. :^)
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
I’ve talked with him on that and I agree, but again the “drive” is there.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc,I’ve also gone through almost all of BB archives and you can see the advancement in his strips, both with the art and the lines. But as you can attest to, you never know when that feeling will end.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Here’s one for you, Carmy.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc–You’re alright, my friend. Just keep doing like you do. That’s why we love ya!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc–My daughter who is taking art for her third semester does cartoons and I am trying to talk her into doing the Sherpa thing. She has me do the captions on most of them.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
im up what i miss?
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Tabby–It’s kinda quiet.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
well i best get some work done class at 3 something.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
I think you are correct in that assumption, Doc.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
As long as people can act as good as they think they are it’s fine. But some people think they are better than others. Hypocritical to say the least. Those are the ones that will NOT make it.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc, I feel my daughter is realistic enough to be able to take those comments for what they’re worth. She has a down to earth personality.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
I hear you Doc. LOL
That thought has crossed my mind……………more than once mind you.
Saucy1121 Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good morning, tribe.
I, too, will miss Barkeater Lake. I can also understand that doing Elderberries, BL, Toby and Angry Eyebrows would take more hours than are in the day especially if income from those strips is not adequate.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning, Saucy
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
okay in 30 mins i have managed to do nothing that i should do. i got on here to check something out for school and look where i am at…. this cannot be good. grr. im not addicted!!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Doc to do my work i need someone to hid my computer from me and hold me down and make me read. this hw assignment it just so blah! i have till 2:15 tomorrow to read it, but im off till 3ish today so why not read it? bc it sucks! sigh. im going to try to read it again. i pray it gets better. and my mother calling me to tell me she got a smoothie from my fav. smoothie place and making sure she got the right one was just a slap in the face. sigh
ill be on and off ill admit it
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
I cant belive i did not tell my JOY hello i am so sorry~
JOY IT IS LOVELY TO SEE YOU!!! LOVE YAjohnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Good morning all! Long weekend is finally over, but it gives way to a short, yet relatively busy week. Let’s do it!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
I’ll talk atcha later Doc!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Johnny
Have a good week, man!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hey Doc, check this out!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Good Morning all. Another beautiful day here in the PNW
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Cleo.
It’s a beautiful & sunny, albeit chilly, day here also!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Terry it continues to feel like spring here.
Doc I always lament when a good cartoon ends and it always seems like the most creative people burn out earliest. Citizen Dog is a strip I never heard of before I discovered gocomics and I read it everyday, even though it stopped before I ever found it. Far Side, C & H, Opus FBOFW, were all sad to see end. I know I am missing others I hated to see end.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc, I commented at RAM.
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Lucky you Cleo, while it has been milder over here, it has still been very overcast. I miss the sun.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
johnnyd our winter has been most kind and we on the west coast never experienced the deep chill that seemed to grip the rest of the nation. Knock on wood.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
The paper today said that as many as 200,000 people may have died in Haiti. Gosh, how much those people have suffered over the last number of years.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo, unfortunately it is over 300,000 at latest reports.
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
It does seem to happen to the people that are already down. I don’t recall winters here in my younger days to be quite so cold. I remember going outside a lot. It seems, lately, however, that any prolonged time outside will result in frostbite. I miss the good old days.
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
cleo, maybe YOU didn’t but we hit single digits for a week or so!! Just flyin’ bye! LATER!!!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
JFri howdy. No we didn’t get anywhere near single digits.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
johnnyd we had way colder weather when I was a youngster, because I grew up in North Dakota.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
G’Morning JFri
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
okay one chapter down one to go.
doc i love to read, but textbooks r just evil. and if its not intresting its even worse. at least with lectures i dont have to fight to say awake as bad. lol
terry i thought you were out for a bit? i must have read that wrong….
Cleo, and Jdoc its a nice day here today. low to mid 70s shorts and flip flops and boy is that sun shining.
jfri be safe on the flybys watch out for a shika curve
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
okay back to work i go. bummer. and now sneezing. i sound like caca. :0(
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Tabby, I have also been in and out here.
Doc, I would love 40’s. I am replacing spark plug wires on a full size van.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Hey Tabby, quit bragging about the weather, and get back to work. :-P Cleo, My comparisons were for the same state, so they might be a bit more applicable.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc–And that is nasty water in WARM weather, too!
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I am about to head out for my daily bike ride.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
wow its been an hour and no one seems to be home. bummer.
im done my hw till tonight when i cant sleep im in the getting ready to leave stages of the day.
fed the dog, fixed him new water, played with him. took a shower, started to fix my hair but it has to dry. so now im doing nothing.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Boy, another slow day around the Big Top.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Still doing my comic rounds, so I’ll BBL. Doc - Wildmustang has a question for you on Garfield.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Holy Moly! Nothing going on? Wow!
Finished a vehicle for a customer, called them and am awaiting pick up of said vehicle.
Anybody home?
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Howdy Terry. I know I have stopped by a couple of times and the Big Top has been mighty empty.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
It sure has Cleo. How is your day going?
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Hi! I’ve just got a 5 minute break, and then it’s back to Algebra.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Afternoon Rmom!
Good to see you! Have fun with Algebra!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
LG’s son and daughter are here for a few days. they are taking care of last minute details before they drive up to Homer, Alaska. I’m just trying to stay out of the way.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Good to see you, Terry & cleo! Another 5 minute break. I’ve got a problem with photobucket, and don’t know if it is just “operator error” or not. I go to upload a picture, it gets to 100% and seems to get stuck there, still saying “uploading”. Is this normal? If so, what am I supposed to do?
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Rmom, I’ve had it take some time occasionally, but not often. It could also be something wrong with the pic.(As far as photobucket is concerned)
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Cleo
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Hi Terry & Rmom. I’m just killing time before I make my weekly jaunt to the Bookmobile.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo–How far is the jaunt to the bookmobile?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
home but will be back no time soon
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Terry - I’ve had the same problem every time I’ve tried to upload a picture. (In other words, I’ve never gotten a picture successfully uploaded.)
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
okay im back, kind of. sooner then i was thinking for sure. so this is what i have now….
…Bowling, Beginning at 10:30 AM-11:45 AM and Intermediate Volleyball (lets hope my “skills” from hs pay off) also . at12:00 PM-1:15 PM
when am i going to eat? how am i going to breath come 1:15?
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Rmom, I haven’t had that problem except when there is a problem with the picture.
I’m just tried to upload both from my computer and from the web. Both worked and got saved to “my album” on photobucket.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Tabby - You could bring an energy bar or something to snack on during the 15 minutes in-between the two classes. Make sure you have sufficient fluids, too. If you have several members on each of your teams, you might not be as exhausted as you think. At least it isn’t track, swimming or something with continuous exercising.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Terry - I’m wondering if my pictures are too large? My camera has excellent resolution, so maybe the file sizes are too big?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
rmom i wanted Swimming i love to swim. but it being spring classes it was closed.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
got this in an email
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Rmom, that is very possible that they are too large. Try uploading a small pic from the web.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Tabby - My sister got to take both bowling & swimming in her high school PE. We moved to a smaller school district, so I didn’t get to take the more fun PE subjects. I’ve never had a formal class in swimming or bowling, so I’m not great in either. Good enough to not drown & have fun, but that’s it. My sons were/are on a homeschool bowling league, so they’ve become decent bowlers. Not the 300 game type, but at least respectable, instead of embarrassing. If I can get 50, I’ve had a good game.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Evening Doc
Nuttin’ Doc.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
People are really unbelievable sometimes. Makes me laugh………most of the time.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
hello doc
so i just got fussed at for having to have the two classes i added today. its not my fault i can add anything else all my clases are full i told the woman that she said well add something stupid. so i did. now what? get fussed at for having to pay for two stupid classes? grr
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
okay so i am doing hw for two diffrent classes. ugh. one is on the computer the other is a book since i no longer have math i dont have class till 10 at the earliest. :0) so if i by some chance dont finish my hw tonight i have till then tomorrow to do so.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc, when do find out about that new position?
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Hello again. I have been visiting with our company and watching as they plan their trek north through BC. They have also been scouting the daily whether predictions.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Tabby I got a real chuckle out of that ad. LOL
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo, how far is your walk to the bookmobile?
cleokaya about 15 years ago
**Terry it is 1.25 miles each way to the bookmobile. I didn’t walk it though. We get way to many books to make the walk enjoyable.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo, I didn’t even think about the books. Whenever I hear “jaunt”, I think of walking. LOL
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Doc, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, buddy!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Cleo I loved that ad. had to pass it along
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
anybody want to to go and find things that remind them of me? thats my hw to go to that stupid site and find something that i can “relate” to. something similar that has happened to me. etc.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Today, some drunk dude broke into my house while my parents were out. Scared, I asked him what he wanted, his response was “cookies.” FML
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Good evening all! How is everyone tonight?
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doing fine & dandy, Johnny.
How about you?
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Have a good one tonight, Doc! Good Luck!
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
See ya later Doc! Terry, I am a bit tired, and never looking forward to Wednesdays.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
not to apprt, but we laughed
Today, I was wearing a shirt that had a picture of a squirrel and acorns with a caption reading “Protect Your Nuts”. My dad walked up to me, read my shirt, then punched me in the balls. FML
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Johnny–It’s no wonder you’re tired. You are always running what with school and a job to boot! That’s quite a bit, man.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Each time I come to sit down, I get called away for some task.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
With company, that’s expected, Cleo.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo, I’m watching Paranormal State anyhow. More people with split personalities. lol
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Not so much lately Terry, I don’t work as much as I’d like to, and the class load isn’t too bad right now.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Johnny–Well, that sounds good. Is there another reason for being tired?
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I have been away from TV for so long that I am not at all acquainted with so many shows. Terry that is one that I have never even heard of.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Man, I can’t believe the Blackhawks!! They beat the good teams and then can’t muster up a good game against a .500 team!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo, it’s a good one. Especially compared to “Most Haunted”. They got caught “cheating” with their haunted encounters.
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Haven’t been sleeping through the night lately. Hopefully this week gets better.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I actually believe in ghosts because I have seen one. Years ago my parents owned a country grocery store with our house attached. The store and house were old and been owned by many people over the years. Things had settled and the door that lead from our house into the store always flew open if you let go of it and banged into the stove. Over the period of about a week, several odd things began to happen. First there was an odd sound that began to come from the walls, at first I thought it was a mouse. The sound was exactly like the sound you make if you hold a pencil and let the lead hit a solid surface. (Kind of a tick, tick sound that would get our dog to barking.) One day the door to the store opened and instead of swinging into the stove, it then closed. Then for two nights in a row I woke out of a sound sleep to see a figure standing on the right hand side of my bed. He was completely transparent, but every detail of his clothes and face were neon blue outlines. Fold in his clothes were outlined as were his eyes, hands, etc. He would look at me bend over and smile, then disappear. The exact same series of sightings progressed the same way. I never got anything chilling from the encounter. After the second sighting everything went back to normal. Nobody can ever convince me there are not ghosts after that experience.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Johnny–I really hope your sleeping situation gets better. That is no fun. I had sleeping problems like that when I was in Saudi & Kuwait!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo, I would never be the one to say it ain’t so. I truly believe in spirits not finding their way “home” in certain instances and just hanging about. Also those that are there to help a loved one along. I believe your experience, sir.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
johnnyd I used to wake up every morning at 3 AM and lie away for hours, sometimes going to sleep around 5 for another hour, sometimes not. It is funny, once I met LG I am without fail able to sleep the night through. I don’t know why, but I do. How is your mattress? We recently bought a new one and it is incredible what a difference that makes.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
The good thing about my ghost sighting is that it was never about fear. It was interesting.
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Terry you have a perfectly understandable excuse. The only thing I can think of is that I don’t get enough exercise, and I am not tired enough to sleep eight hours, but I always have a hard time waking up the next day, and feel tired the whole next day. No worries though, it’ll go away, or I’ll catch up on the weekend. Cleo, I love sharing ghost stories. I am not sure I believe in ghosts, but they are fun to listen to. When I was really little, 5 or 6 years old, I remember being in the basement in a coat room that separated the two main wings, I didn’t see anything, but I knew something was there, and I didn’t like it. I was so scared that I couldn’t yell, I couldn’t even cry. So I hid behind the coats. I don’t remember anything else, and since that was such an early age for me, don’t remember if it was even real or just a nightmare. The details I remember lead me to believe it actually happened, my rational brain sees no reason for it to be anything other than a dream. I don’t mean to mock people for believing in ghosts, but I had a number of reasons to doubt it actually happened, but can’t prove or disprove any of them now.
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Sharing ghost stories does get me too excited to sleep, but it is fun.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo, I don’t have a fear of ghosts either and have even looked to “see” if my Dad was at the foot of my bed some nights.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
My dreams are an alternate universe for me. I dream about my parents and it is like I am having visits with them. I also dream many dreams from beginning through a plot to a natural conclusion.
Dinner bell sounded. See you both later.
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
My dreams are bizarre concoctions of ideas and pictures I have seen, usually I forget them, but some I remember, and they are fun to retell because of how odd they are. I meant to add, I have never been afraid of ghosts since, being alone in creepy places doesn’t bother me, and I have lived near a cemetery for quite some time. I guess I don’t imagine ghosts the same way Hollywood does. Enjoy dinner Cleo.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
When I was young my friends and I used to ride our bicycles through a cemetery near where we lived, so I got used to those things at an early age. Back then we were allowed to be out past dark at 12-13yrs old. The innocent days! lol
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
My grandma’s house was right next to the cemetery (when I was little, the cemetery almost surrounds their house now.) Since it is a very rural area, we would always be playing around and in the cemetery at all hours of the night. Tripping over tombstones in the dark sucked though.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Yeah that hurts the knee caps and shins!
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Alrighty, I gotta try and catch some zzz’s long day tomorrow. Peace and love all!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
wow, where are all the ladies at tonight???
i’ll be on and off again
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Night, Johnny
Good luck at school tomorrow.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Since it’s so quiet around here tonight, I’m going to the wise thing and hit the hay early for a change. Well, early relatively speaking, LOLl!
Good night all! Wherever you all are!
HI MARG! HI JFRI! HI CARMY!tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry its quite bc you are not here to make it fun
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
night all
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
”Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are”
Now that’s an oldie but goodie!
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Can’t stay, but I love you all.
cleo Your ghost story spooked me a little, but I’m glad it wasn’t about fear.
You guys were yappy tonight. Miss you!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hi Shika
Good Night Shika!
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Night Terry!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Night Dry
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i cant sleep. :0(
hi shika!!!!
margueritem about 15 years ago
We have to get up and 5:00 for a 3hour drive to Quartzsite tomorrow. Enjoy the new comics!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I have an interesting cemetery story. I lived kitty corner across the street from two cemeteries that took up an entire block. The one furthest away from me took up 1/4 of the block and was a pristine Catholic cemetery that was perfectly maintained. The one nearest to me was abandoned, except for the graves. It was just like something out of a horror movie. High grass, tipped over gravestones, some broken and the newest being from before 1910. We used it as a playground and had a great time there. One day the city decided to remove all of the old graves and build houses. My friends and I watched as they began digging up these long buried corpses. As you can imagine, the coffins were in pretty sad shape. I watched as one fell apart upon exhumation. A body fell out and dropped to the ground. it was a very unusual experience to watch grave upon grave exhumed.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Night Marg!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
hello ((((marg))))) sleep well
hey cleo
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Gem show time for Marg.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
That’s a very good story, Cleo!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Hello once again Terry. We had a long dinner. My wife’s son’s girlfriend told us about her years growing up. Very incredible story of her mom’s controlling husband. Then she wanted to know the details of the time my wife’s then 14 year old son ran away from home for 2 month. A very scary time for my wife and her husband.
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo, I had a friend whose daughter ran away for 3 months. My friend and his wife were devastated until she returned. Just terrible to see it all transpire.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Yep, it is a parent’s nightmare.
Hello JFri.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello JFri
cleokaya about 15 years ago
So Terry do you have a pool table at home as well. Does James play?
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo, yes I have a pool table, but James & I have a Lionel Village/Train set up on it at the moment.