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Good EARLY Morning, Tribe
Eggs, made to order or egg beaters
Sausage, bacon, Canadian bacon and/or ham (pork or turkey)
Hamburgers, fish burgers, hotdogs & Rib-eye steaks made to order off the Bar-B-Q.
Pan Cakes
Breakfast Burritos
pan fried potatoes, hash browns
Kemah Boardwak Brick Oven Pizzas
grits, oatmeal & Honey Nut Cheerios!
Bush’s baked beans
toast (white bread or wheat), bagels & cream cheese, jams & jellies
assorted kolaches
fresh fruit
Pop Tarts
Blues Brothers special: Jake’s 4 Fried Chickens and a coke and Elwood’s dry white toast
pirate coffee
Doc Toon’s WORLD FAMOUS NUCLEAR COFFEEJohanan’s Starbright’s Divine CocoMocha
assorted juices & teas
assorted softdrinks, especially PEPSI!
Selected ice creams & ice cream floats!
Cold KFC
Root beer, PEPSI & other floats
Anything and everything Chocolate for LuvH8! (Sorry I have only enough for LuvH8 & Kitty)
Bloody Mary or Caesar
selected premium beers
GROG Good to see you slinging hash. I, unfortunately have decided never to eat again. After a small snack last night of half a devils food cake smothered in chocolate, a couple of Klondike bars washed down by about a quart of lemonade. for some reason I found myself running to the bathroom to either kneel or sit. Luckily I buy name brand roll products by the 12 pack.
This morning,SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED had left me a reminder, 4 pints of Ben & Jerry’s melted on the glass stove, I would have wiped the tears from my eyes but my hands were clamped over my mouth as I dashed back to the bathroom.
Why me TRIBE, why me? I’ll never open the refrigerator again. I’ll never eat another bite. I’ll be known as Lewreader the ghost. How long can ice cream sit on a stove before it makes your sick?
No breakfast for me here, alas, and I’ve even had my “morning caffeine injection” (CocoMocha) already.
Lewreader, I realize that you’re drawing upon Rumpole of the Bailey, but who says She… Must Be Obeyed”?!? Exercise some testosterone, man! :)) (Or drink some Nuclear Coffee or CocoMocha, or eat some of Popeye’s Spinach … whatever works.)
(Incidentally I’ve never seen that series… save just enough to make me wonder why Rumpole would let anyone henpeck him.)
And it’s hard to be sympathetic when you must’ve foreseen yourself what would happen after that kind of gluttony. Just thinking about all you ate and drank makes me gain weight.
There’s nothing quite like making offerings to the Porcelain Goddess, though, and for that you definitely have my sympathy.
I think we’re going to get more of what Robin Williams best described in Good Morning, Viet Nam. Of course I can’t say it here, but if you’ve seen the movie, you know what I’m talking about.
Hi, Terry! See you later.
RwB - You too? High or IN the 90’s? Are you in the same area as ♠Lonewolf♠?
Hi, Johanan!
Hi, Grog! - I haven’t seen that movie, but knowing the basic climate of Vietnam (my brother is a vet), and what Houston’s weather is like this time of year, I think I have a pretty good idea of your weather forecast. Now, if you’re talking about something other than the weather, you’ll have to clue me in.
Lew - Just the thought of drinking lemonade after ice cream, is enough to turn my stomach. I like both, but not at the same meal.
As for the cartoon (and yesterday’s edition): First, what kind of babes in such a restaurant would have that kind of interest in a bear and a lion? And second, who comes up with these stupid rules of coolness, anyway?
Just sayin’… :))
But then, I’m reminded of how I went too far in the opposite direction in my naivete while a teen. I still don’t know how, but I drew the attention of a trio of girls (to whom I didn’t respond in that way) even as I was chasing a fourth (who likewise didn’t respond in that way). The five of us must’ve made quite a parade…
Here’s another breakfast for all in addition to Grog’sLadywolf that is what I’m going through at work, by what Grog did for breakfast. Been unhappy since. Now I’m checking out college’s may have to settle for Jr. College, not sure my brian can absorb and with lacking jobs here not sure if at my age I will get a different one, I feel like I’m being squeezed out of my position.Grirrrrr :(
Hi, Kab!Johanan - My sons aren’t interested in having girlfriends yet. But my youngest has had several girls who have had crushes on him. It is rather funny, because all he does to attract them is to not be rude to them and listen (or look like it) when they talk. His Dad razzes him about being a “babe magnet”.
Good Morning, tribe [Yawn]. Sorry, it’s after six here in Colorado Springs. That pool party I went to yesterday at 6p.m.went a little overtime…I didn’t get home until nine last night!
I thought Colorado is an hour ahead of KS it’s 8:31am here.
**Grog my frustration has to do with that position I go to pm.
I got slammed last week. I came up with a great idea they liked then two weeks later they took that idea and gave it to someone else. Mad me so mad I wish I could leave but can’t. So I’m looking for classes I can sadly afford but at $30,000 to $60,000 for 15 months, and if I could get financial help would never be enough. At the age I am not sure could pay for it or if future employer’s would hire me since I’m not **Ladywolf’s age. I would have been better off doing this way younger.
Hi, Doc & DFrog!Doc - When the time comes, I think he’ll make a better husband than the oldest son. Although, when the oldest matures, he could turn into a decent husband. But the youngest is better at serving others, where the oldest expects people to serve him. I’ve convinced my sons until they’re ready to support a wife & family, women are just a waste of time, money & energy. Although now, their Dad & I are thinking it may take them getting interested in a female to get them sufficiently motivated to look for a job.
Kab- I feel your frustration! You might be better off just taking a class or two while you continue to work (and look for another job.) After having been out of school that long, you’ll do better in your class if you don’t have so many hours.
I was just looking at Butler’s catalog. They have a lot of “Business Systems Technology” courses that look great.
I’ve got to find some temporary type work myself, so I can have a college fund for me, and help with some of the extra bills we’ve got. At least I worked full time until the first child came along, and I’ve stayed up on a lot of the technology, so I’m hoping it won’t be hard for me to re-enter the work force.
Doc - I guess my sons figured that if I’d say that about my own gender, it must be true. I told them having a girlfriend when you can’t get married, is like having a car without a driver’s license. You might sit in the garage, and rev up the engine, but if you try to drive it, you’ll probably get in trouble. I figure if they’re not ready to get married, dating is only going to rev up the hormonal urges.
Since I’ve been honest about my failures with my sons (honest, but not all the details!), they have heard plenty about the negative consequences. They also know they can’t pull as much over Mom as I’m not as naive or gullible as some.
Thanks, Grog! - I think for the older person especially, it is better to take classes they can benefit from immediately. It is one thing when a person is in their 20’s or 30’s to work towards a degree, but when one is in their 50’s, we need practical education, especially if we’ve got to work.
Rmom, I went through University at night while doing my day job in ny 20’s & 30’s. Fortunately I was able to save up enough to take a leave of absence to finish off my final year.
But when you’re taking courses, people notice. Even if your company doesn’t pay for your tuition, Kab, keep your H.R. department informed of the courses you are taking as well as your boss.
Grog where I work at won’t make any difference. People who are full time they notice. There is absolutely no advancement in my pt position. Where as full time, unless budget cuts happen. can get financial help. The Admin Assist where I work at laked 17 hours she took all classes needed to get her degree. She is in a position she will not want to leave as she lives 10 min away.
I would only, and classes start next month taking either on line or morning only leaving evening to study. Just I’m not spring chicken and employer’s are mostly highering young ones. One regret I did start this over 10 years ago gone for an Assoicates though I never had Alegbra.
Kab - I don’t want to work 5 days a week. With my husband working in SE KS, we need to get our house ready to sell, so I need some time to work on that. Also, need some time to go to his trailer every so often, as he only takes the trash out, but doesn’t clean it. If I end up working in a public school, I’ll work closer to home in one of the smaller districts.
I am fairly sure that I am going to fail the sleep test. I woke up lots last night. And still didn’t sleep all that long overall. Do you think I will have to study for another test?
Luv - All I can recommend when I had a sleep test, is to try to get as little sleep as possible in the preceding 24 hours. I think I might have rested, but I don’t think I actually fell asleep. Part of that is because I had to lay on my back with the things stuck to my head, and I usually sleep on my side.
Doc - Is that the trick to getting males to work?
Doc, do you think your cats could teach me to stay asleep? The doctor suggested that if I fail this test, my brain never falls asleep like it is supposed to. No wonder I am so looney.
Before I go and get ready to eat lunch, change then go. Rmom where is SE KS will be moving to? Just wondering. I do wish you luck on selling the place your at.
For sleep I have a very hard time and comments on gocomics don’t help that much. I usually will read my big book. Over halfway for that. See all later.
Rmom I realize not everyone works at Cessna, by the way my hubby retired from Cessna after 36 years. Wish it was longer but he doesn’t, use to work for the west one then some hotshot said move everyone to Pawnee one, year after he left layoffs galore.
Grog, LuvH8 I wish I could do like our cat does sleep alot instead of being up till 1 am or longer. Then he will be noisy at night and if I go in living room he wants attention then goes to sleep. Go figure.
Well all I leave in twenty mins of misery. I’ve heard of people saying at least you have a job and there full time, Let them work pt no time off, see if their tone changes.
Our church goes to that area there is a church camp Christain churches uses. Some Baptist goes to OK I think.
Been a busy day getting not much done. Went early to the plasma place and I still had to park at the McDonalds and wait…wait…wait…wait. I got out of there about 12:30. Got home about half an hour or so (had a few more errands) and am hoping not to fall asleep so I can get some stuff done. At least my desktop is 2/3 clean now. It hasn’t been this clean since I moved it back here, and even then all I did was sweep the stuff off into an 18 gallon tub.
Hi LuvH8 - WARNING - Factoid:
Humans usually take a while to fully wake up. Cats though have a chemical in their brains that allows them to go from a deep sleep to fully awake almost instantly. That may be why they appear to be a light sleeper. It allows them to be able to defend themselfs when attacked while their sleeping!
Hey LuvH8, they won’t let me carry 9” nails beca…..uhhh, long, long story…..
I am feeling much better right now, my hubby got his unemployment backlog. He’s studying hard and still sending out applications, fighting the 20-somethings for those service jobs. Sigh. Hang on until May. Hang on until May.
Be going to Wal-Mart tomorrow morning, mostly for hamburger and sauce fixings. Going to make spaghetti sauce, gravy meat and some other stuff for freezing. And, since we have grocery money this week I will stash most of my blood money this week in the ‘mine’ envelope.
Got to run, time to start making jewelry once again.
If Tarter Sauce is very unhip, is Steak Tartare also unhip?
Good AFTERNOON, Tribe!
Our night was hot and stuffy, even after two rows of thunderstorms (including some hail, twisters, and the like). However, a gentler, third storm this morning finally cooled things off. All is right with the world–or so it seems on a day like today.
DocT & RwB, about the waste of time, money and energy on girls: reminds me of the fellow who inherited a fortune. He spend half of it on wine, women, and song–and wasted the rest.
I’ll provide a link to my photobucket account for those of you who would like to see my photos of planes, trains & automombiles and the Cowboys’ Stadium:
LUVH8 I definitely reccomend cats for sleeping. During my 45 minute afternoon nap (I can hear snickering) my male curls up next to my chest. When I am forced to watch something on TV, my female is on my lap sleeping with me. Both cats require constant attention during waking hours, theirs not mine.
On a personal note, thank you for the sympathy I requested ( how do you type sarcasm print on a computer?) You guys act like it was my fault I got sick. Mommy Mommy. These big boys forced me to drink beer and smoke marijuana. Yeah, I know where to find sympathy, in the dictionary between———–
Grog You dislike soggy summers and you want to move to Dallas? Dude, watch the weather channel for a bit before making that decision. It’s not quite as bad as Houston, but it comes a close second.
Hey, but if there’s stuff there you like, it will outweigh the soggy factor. I know there ain’t enough here to keep my a** in the armpit of the universe even if it was extremely nice weatherwise (it is better than Houston). I wanna move back to Houston, to where there’s life and stuff (yeah, yeah, and traffic and crime and summer mornings which are like coming out into a sauna)
Hi to all since I last commented. I checked all the PB updates, updated my good photo software I have and started working on my Africa photos. As that was on my other computer I wasn’t checking comments for a while.
Lewreader - You do have my sympathv! (Been there, done that, like happens to a lot of us.)
Grog - I looked at your photos, brought back a lot of memories of things. Thanks for taking and posting them, I really enjoyed looking at them!
Good evening all. Rmom I was surprise you mentioned the aircraft com by name. I wasn’t expecting you to list where you where moving. Afternoon just as boring. Mentioned to the boss about an idea when I finish scanning he doubt if his boss would go for that. I just wanted to stay business. Absolutely no sympathy at all. Scanning is moving to fast. Guess I better contact this one Jr. college I hope I can afford it. And better yet I hope I can sleep tonight. Haven’t been able to. Soon I will go for a walk. Later all.
Hi Doc - I have had recipes for a lot of things. I also have a cookbook for cats (actually it’s for making food for cats). I don’t have any recipies for cat brains, don’t think it would work, and couldn’t do that to a cat anyway! LOL
GROG You mean you don’t mix dope and booze? Someone ought to tell Hollywood. I’m allergic to booze. When I drink I break out in handcuffs, but you got me on the dope. I take my drugs as prescribed by all six doctors. This causes hell with my HMO but They haven’t caught me so far.BMONK scares me with talk of NUC COFFEE and ice cream.
Since the dastardly deed by SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED, I don’t have any ice cream in the house. Maybe I’ll detox myself for a few days.
Doc - With some cats I’ve had, I’ve wondered how they survive so long without brains. LOL!
Kab - It was the only way I could figure how to tell you whereabouts in SE KS. We did get a little over an inch of rain the other night. Most of it missed us until Sunday evening.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good EARLY Morning, Tribe Eggs, made to order or egg beaters Sausage, bacon, Canadian bacon and/or ham (pork or turkey) Hamburgers, fish burgers, hotdogs & Rib-eye steaks made to order off the Bar-B-Q. Pan Cakes Breakfast Burritos pan fried potatoes, hash browns Kemah Boardwak Brick Oven Pizzas grits, oatmeal & Honey Nut Cheerios! Bush’s baked beans toast (white bread or wheat), bagels & cream cheese, jams & jellies assorted kolaches fresh fruit Pop Tarts Blues Brothers special: Jake’s 4 Fried Chickens and a coke and Elwood’s dry white toast pirate coffee Doc Toon’s WORLD FAMOUS NUCLEAR COFFEE Johanan’s Starbright’s Divine CocoMocha assorted juices & teas assorted softdrinks, especially PEPSI! Selected ice creams & ice cream floats! Cold KFC Root beer, PEPSI & other floats Anything and everything Chocolate for LuvH8! (Sorry I have only enough for LuvH8 & Kitty) Bloody Mary or Caesar selected premium beers
Eat Hearty, Tribe
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Morning Everyone!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Sorry, LuvH8. You snooze, you lose!
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
You were afraid, weren’t you?
Hi Grog!
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
Hi Grog I wasn’t expecting you to post breakfast tonight.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning Tribe and all visitors!
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
One order of pancakes and toast please. With orange juice.
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
Hi Lonewolf.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Hi LuvH8 & Ladywolf. I was frightened buy your sudden silence before turnover, Ladywolf. I had to franticly call up my menu.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Morning, ♠Lonewolf♠
Very afraid, LuvH8!
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
I had a menu ready.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
I had a menu ready.
Good Morning Lonewolf & Little Sister
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Grog, Ladywolf & LuvH8
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
The pack is back!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Thank you, ♠Lonewolf♠
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Lio is mildly amusing for music buffs today.
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
{Gives Grog a hug}
I’m glad you had a good vacation.
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
Lio is always a delight. That boy can compete with Calvin.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
I’m glad too!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
And the pictures are awesome, Grog!
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Yes, it is good you are back. Why there have been no near fatal Oooops for a long time. You can fix that now.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Ladywolf, Lio has more friends.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Thanks, ♠Lonewolf♠
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
I’m looking at the pictures right now Grog.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
I am calling it a night. It has been a long day for sure. I’m sure your know what I mean!
Good Night Ladywolf, LuvH8 & Grog!
Good Morning, RwB, Lewreader & Johanan
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
It’s been a long day for me, too. Good night, ♠Lonewolf ♠. I’m not too far behind you.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
It is late……………
Good Night Lonewolf
Grog, may I have chocolate mousse, chocolate cake and white milk?
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
See you tomorrow Lonewolf.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Certainly, LuvH8
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Thank you Grog, a late night snack is just what I need to go to sleep.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
Good Night Everyone.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Woa! A little internet problem there Ladywolf!? Six posts as of 1:27 CT.
Good night all
Good Morning, those thereafter!
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
Yeah! it was weird. Like I had a ghost in the machine. I got it fixed though.
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
Good night again.
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
Good Morning ((Tribe))! Grog Glad to see you back safe and sound.
Toon commentIs it my imagination or did those two switch seats overnight??
lewisbower over 14 years ago
GROG Good to see you slinging hash. I, unfortunately have decided never to eat again. After a small snack last night of half a devils food cake smothered in chocolate, a couple of Klondike bars washed down by about a quart of lemonade. for some reason I found myself running to the bathroom to either kneel or sit. Luckily I buy name brand roll products by the 12 pack.
This morning,SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED had left me a reminder, 4 pints of Ben & Jerry’s melted on the glass stove, I would have wiped the tears from my eyes but my hands were clamped over my mouth as I dashed back to the bathroom.
Why me TRIBE, why me? I’ll never open the refrigerator again. I’ll never eat another bite. I’ll be known as Lewreader the ghost. How long can ice cream sit on a stove before it makes your sick?
I EXPECT SYMPATHY!Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
Poor baby….
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning Tribe!
Looking for another beautiful day weather wise!
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
Morning Terry… let’s hope for at least 2 more. Gotta stain the deck
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning, RwB. Today looks good, but tomorrow…………..
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Lewreader.
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Good morning, tribe! Looks like summer has returned to KS. Sunny, highs in the upper 90’s for the rest of the week.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Rmom. We are supposed to be IN the 90s but not the high 90s.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
I need to get some things done this morning. I’ll catch you all later!
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
Us too Rmom
Rakkav over 14 years ago
Good morning, Tribe!
No breakfast for me here, alas, and I’ve even had my “morning caffeine injection” (CocoMocha) already.
Lewreader, I realize that you’re drawing upon Rumpole of the Bailey, but who says She… Must Be Obeyed”?!? Exercise some testosterone, man! :)) (Or drink some Nuclear Coffee or CocoMocha, or eat some of Popeye’s Spinach … whatever works.)
(Incidentally I’ve never seen that series… save just enough to make me wonder why Rumpole would let anyone henpeck him.)
And it’s hard to be sympathetic when you must’ve foreseen yourself what would happen after that kind of gluttony. Just thinking about all you ate and drank makes me gain weight.
There’s nothing quite like making offerings to the Porcelain Goddess, though, and for that you definitely have my sympathy.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good morning, Rmom, Lewreader, RwB & ♠Lonewolf♠.
I think we’re going to get more of what Robin Williams best described in Good Morning, Viet Nam. Of course I can’t say it here, but if you’ve seen the movie, you know what I’m talking about.
4 Pints, Lewreader? Ouch!
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
(I just like doing that.)
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Johanan.
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Hi, Terry! See you later. RwB - You too? High or IN the 90’s? Are you in the same area as ♠Lonewolf♠? Hi, Johanan! Hi, Grog! - I haven’t seen that movie, but knowing the basic climate of Vietnam (my brother is a vet), and what Houston’s weather is like this time of year, I think I have a pretty good idea of your weather forecast. Now, if you’re talking about something other than the weather, you’ll have to clue me in. Lew - Just the thought of drinking lemonade after ice cream, is enough to turn my stomach. I like both, but not at the same meal.
Rakkav over 14 years ago
Good morning, Grog!
As for the cartoon (and yesterday’s edition): First, what kind of babes in such a restaurant would have that kind of interest in a bear and a lion? And second, who comes up with these stupid rules of coolness, anyway?
Just sayin’… :))
But then, I’m reminded of how I went too far in the opposite direction in my naivete while a teen. I still don’t know how, but I drew the attention of a trio of girls (to whom I didn’t respond in that way) even as I was chasing a fourth (who likewise didn’t respond in that way). The five of us must’ve made quite a parade…
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Here’s another breakfast for all in addition to Grog’s Ladywolf that is what I’m going through at work, by what Grog did for breakfast. Been unhappy since. Now I’m checking out college’s may have to settle for Jr. College, not sure my brian can absorb and with lacking jobs here not sure if at my age I will get a different one, I feel like I’m being squeezed out of my position.Grirrrrr :(
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Hi, Kab! Johanan - My sons aren’t interested in having girlfriends yet. But my youngest has had several girls who have had crushes on him. It is rather funny, because all he does to attract them is to not be rude to them and listen (or look like it) when they talk. His Dad razzes him about being a “babe magnet”.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Kab & Doctor Toon
Thanks, Doc
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
Rmom - Terry and I are practically neighbors. Give or take 6 or 8 miles.
Good morning Doc, Kab and Johanan
Digital Frog over 14 years ago
Morning All!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Thanks, Kab.
It’s nice to put the frustrations/aggrevations on hold for a bit.
Cindy Knight over 14 years ago
Good Morning, tribe [Yawn]. Sorry, it’s after six here in Colorado Springs. That pool party I went to yesterday at 6p.m.went a little overtime…I didn’t get home until nine last night!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Morning, DFrog
kab2rb over 14 years ago
I thought Colorado is an hour ahead of KS it’s 8:31am here. **Grog my frustration has to do with that position I go to pm. I got slammed last week. I came up with a great idea they liked then two weeks later they took that idea and gave it to someone else. Mad me so mad I wish I could leave but can’t. So I’m looking for classes I can sadly afford but at $30,000 to $60,000 for 15 months, and if I could get financial help would never be enough. At the age I am not sure could pay for it or if future employer’s would hire me since I’m not **Ladywolf’s age. I would have been better off doing this way younger.
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Hi, Doc & DFrog! Doc - When the time comes, I think he’ll make a better husband than the oldest son. Although, when the oldest matures, he could turn into a decent husband. But the youngest is better at serving others, where the oldest expects people to serve him. I’ve convinced my sons until they’re ready to support a wife & family, women are just a waste of time, money & energy. Although now, their Dad & I are thinking it may take them getting interested in a female to get them sufficiently motivated to look for a job.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Cindy
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
Haven’t we all, Doc? Haven’t we all.
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Kab- I feel your frustration! You might be better off just taking a class or two while you continue to work (and look for another job.) After having been out of school that long, you’ll do better in your class if you don’t have so many hours. I was just looking at Butler’s catalog. They have a lot of “Business Systems Technology” courses that look great. I’ve got to find some temporary type work myself, so I can have a college fund for me, and help with some of the extra bills we’ve got. At least I worked full time until the first child came along, and I’ve stayed up on a lot of the technology, so I’m hoping it won’t be hard for me to re-enter the work force.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Sound advice, Rmom
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Doc - I guess my sons figured that if I’d say that about my own gender, it must be true. I told them having a girlfriend when you can’t get married, is like having a car without a driver’s license. You might sit in the garage, and rev up the engine, but if you try to drive it, you’ll probably get in trouble. I figure if they’re not ready to get married, dating is only going to rev up the hormonal urges.
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Since I’ve been honest about my failures with my sons (honest, but not all the details!), they have heard plenty about the negative consequences. They also know they can’t pull as much over Mom as I’m not as naive or gullible as some.
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Thanks, Grog! - I think for the older person especially, it is better to take classes they can benefit from immediately. It is one thing when a person is in their 20’s or 30’s to work towards a degree, but when one is in their 50’s, we need practical education, especially if we’ve got to work.
MisngNOLA over 14 years ago
Good morning all. Grog can I get the Jake Blues Special, you know, 4 fried chickens and a Coke, please?
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Rmom, I went through University at night while doing my day job in ny 20’s & 30’s. Fortunately I was able to save up enough to take a leave of absence to finish off my final year.
But when you’re taking courses, people notice. Even if your company doesn’t pay for your tuition, Kab, keep your H.R. department informed of the courses you are taking as well as your boss.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Morning, MisngNOLA My pleasure!
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
Good morning, misngNOLA Wow 4 fried chickens. That would last me a week three meals a day.
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Grog where I work at won’t make any difference. People who are full time they notice. There is absolutely no advancement in my pt position. Where as full time, unless budget cuts happen. can get financial help. The Admin Assist where I work at laked 17 hours she took all classes needed to get her degree. She is in a position she will not want to leave as she lives 10 min away. I would only, and classes start next month taking either on line or morning only leaving evening to study. Just I’m not spring chicken and employer’s are mostly highering young ones. One regret I did start this over 10 years ago gone for an Assoicates though I never had Alegbra.
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Rmom you could check with either where you live of Wichita Public School tell them what you did work as a Para.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Are you bedward bound, Doc?
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Kab - I don’t want to work 5 days a week. With my husband working in SE KS, we need to get our house ready to sell, so I need some time to work on that. Also, need some time to go to his trailer every so often, as he only takes the trash out, but doesn’t clean it. If I end up working in a public school, I’ll work closer to home in one of the smaller districts.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Night Doc T, Pleasant Dreams
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Morning Everyone
I am fairly sure that I am going to fail the sleep test. I woke up lots last night. And still didn’t sleep all that long overall. Do you think I will have to study for another test?
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Luv - All I can recommend when I had a sleep test, is to try to get as little sleep as possible in the preceding 24 hours. I think I might have rested, but I don’t think I actually fell asleep. Part of that is because I had to lay on my back with the things stuck to my head, and I usually sleep on my side. Doc - Is that the trick to getting males to work?
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Doc, do you think your cats could teach me to stay asleep? The doctor suggested that if I fail this test, my brain never falls asleep like it is supposed to. No wonder I am so looney.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Hmmm………… I was kind of hoping to learn to sleep ‘normal hours’ as well as staying asleep. Aren’t cats light sleepers?
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Doc - When I try to motivate my hubby that way, he’s too tired to do any work afterwards. Snerk! How would you recommend I motivate my sons?
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Before I go and get ready to eat lunch, change then go. Rmom where is SE KS will be moving to? Just wondering. I do wish you luck on selling the place your at. For sleep I have a very hard time and comments on gocomics don’t help that much. I usually will read my big book. Over halfway for that. See all later.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Sounds like Boots would be the trainer best for me.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Are you sure I won’t be the one giving lessons? Imagine the trouble we could get into together!!!!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Morning, LuvH8
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Night, Doc
I don’t think LuvH8 needs lessons.
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Rmom I realize not everyone works at Cessna, by the way my hubby retired from Cessna after 36 years. Wish it was longer but he doesn’t, use to work for the west one then some hotshot said move everyone to Pawnee one, year after he left layoffs galore.
Grog, LuvH8 I wish I could do like our cat does sleep alot instead of being up till 1 am or longer. Then he will be noisy at night and if I go in living room he wants attention then goes to sleep. Go figure. Well all I leave in twenty mins of misery. I’ve heard of people saying at least you have a job and there full time, Let them work pt no time off, see if their tone changes. Our church goes to that area there is a church camp Christain churches uses. Some Baptist goes to OK I think.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Well, I’m going to head out for a bit while there’s a break in the weather.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Quabaculta over 14 years ago
Good afternoon, Tribe
Been a busy day getting not much done. Went early to the plasma place and I still had to park at the McDonalds and wait…wait…wait…wait. I got out of there about 12:30. Got home about half an hour or so (had a few more errands) and am hoping not to fall asleep so I can get some stuff done. At least my desktop is 2/3 clean now. It hasn’t been this clean since I moved it back here, and even then all I did was sweep the stuff off into an 18 gallon tub.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi Quaby - Glad to see you.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Hello & Good Bye Grog
Hello Quaby & Sojo
Quaby, isn’t that what those 18 gallon tubs are for?
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi LuvH8 - WARNING - Factoid: Humans usually take a while to fully wake up. Cats though have a chemical in their brains that allows them to go from a deep sleep to fully awake almost instantly. That may be why they appear to be a light sleeper. It allows them to be able to defend themselfs when attacked while their sleeping!
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Well, that is interesting. Do most animals have the same or similiar chemicals in their brains?
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good afternoon everyone!
Break/Lunch time!
George Arnold over 14 years ago
LuvH8 - I don’t know but doubt many do. I just heard that about cats.
Hi ♠Lonewolf♠ - Glad your pool was good last night!
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
I just heard cats will start eating you as soon as you are dead. Maybe they don’t like cold food?
Hello Lonewolf
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Maybe they just know as soon as dinner is served! :-)
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Hi, LuvH8 & Sojo.
Thanks, I shot well for a change! LOL
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Hey! They won’t let me shoot! Just because………….
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Quabaculta over 14 years ago
Hey LuvH8, they won’t let me carry 9” nails beca…..uhhh, long, long story…..
I am feeling much better right now, my hubby got his unemployment backlog. He’s studying hard and still sending out applications, fighting the 20-somethings for those service jobs. Sigh. Hang on until May. Hang on until May.
Be going to Wal-Mart tomorrow morning, mostly for hamburger and sauce fixings. Going to make spaghetti sauce, gravy meat and some other stuff for freezing. And, since we have grocery money this week I will stash most of my blood money this week in the ‘mine’ envelope.
Got to run, time to start making jewelry once again.
bmonk over 14 years ago
If Tarter Sauce is very unhip, is Steak Tartare also unhip?
Good AFTERNOON, Tribe!Our night was hot and stuffy, even after two rows of thunderstorms (including some hail, twisters, and the like). However, a gentler, third storm this morning finally cooled things off. All is right with the world–or so it seems on a day like today.
DocT & RwB, about the waste of time, money and energy on girls: reminds me of the fellow who inherited a fortune. He spend half of it on wine, women, and song–and wasted the rest.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good afternoon, Tribe.
I’ll provide a link to my photobucket account for those of you who would like to see my photos of planes, trains & automombiles and the Cowboys’ Stadium:
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good afternoon everyone!
Hi, Grog.
Like I said………………awesome pictures!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Hello, Bmonk!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Hello, ♠Lonewolf♠!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Grog - - - -Are you working this week?
bmonk over 14 years ago
Hi, Grog and ♠Lonewolf♠!
lewisbower over 14 years ago
LUVH8 I definitely reccomend cats for sleeping. During my 45 minute afternoon nap (I can hear snickering) my male curls up next to my chest. When I am forced to watch something on TV, my female is on my lap sleeping with me. Both cats require constant attention during waking hours, theirs not mine.
On a personal note, thank you for the sympathy I requested ( how do you type sarcasm print on a computer?) You guys act like it was my fault I got sick. Mommy Mommy. These big boys forced me to drink beer and smoke marijuana. Yeah, I know where to find sympathy, in the dictionary between———–
lewisbower over 14 years ago
I still love ya TRIBE
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
Hello TRIBE.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
♠Lonewolf♠, I go back to work tomorrow. Oh, joy!
Lewreader, I hope you’re feeling better now.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Hello, Ladywolf
bmonk over 14 years ago
@Lewreader, don’t you know you’re not supposed to mix psych drugs and alcohol?
Or is it drugs and ice cream?
Quabaculta over 14 years ago
Hey Grog How’s the great state of Texas?
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Or is it psych drugs and nuclear coffee?
bmonk over 14 years ago
I think it’s nuclear coffee and anything.
But drugs and ice cream sounds suspicious to me.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Quaby, I love Dallas. I hope to move back up there soon enough. I’m growing tired of these soggy Houston summers,
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
I can’t blame you there Grog.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Hi Quaby & Ladywolf.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Like I said before…………………You’re alright in my book, Lewreader
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Well, I haven’t a clue what I’m going to have for dinner, but it’s time to go see what I can put together.
I’ll catch y’all tomorrow!
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
Hi ♠Lonewolf♠, bmonk, and Quaby.
Quabaculta over 14 years ago
Grog You dislike soggy summers and you want to move to Dallas? Dude, watch the weather channel for a bit before making that decision. It’s not quite as bad as Houston, but it comes a close second.
Hey, but if there’s stuff there you like, it will outweigh the soggy factor. I know there ain’t enough here to keep my a** in the armpit of the universe even if it was extremely nice weatherwise (it is better than Houston). I wanna move back to Houston, to where there’s life and stuff (yeah, yeah, and traffic and crime and summer mornings which are like coming out into a sauna)
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi to all since I last commented. I checked all the PB updates, updated my good photo software I have and started working on my Africa photos. As that was on my other computer I wasn’t checking comments for a while.
Lewreader - You do have my sympathv! (Been there, done that, like happens to a lot of us.)
Grog - I looked at your photos, brought back a lot of memories of things. Thanks for taking and posting them, I really enjoyed looking at them!
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Good evening all. Rmom I was surprise you mentioned the aircraft com by name. I wasn’t expecting you to list where you where moving. Afternoon just as boring. Mentioned to the boss about an idea when I finish scanning he doubt if his boss would go for that. I just wanted to stay business. Absolutely no sympathy at all. Scanning is moving to fast. Guess I better contact this one Jr. college I hope I can afford it. And better yet I hope I can sleep tonight. Haven’t been able to. Soon I will go for a walk. Later all.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi Doc - I have had recipes for a lot of things. I also have a cookbook for cats (actually it’s for making food for cats). I don’t have any recipies for cat brains, don’t think it would work, and couldn’t do that to a cat anyway! LOL
Hi Kab!
lewisbower over 14 years ago
GROG You mean you don’t mix dope and booze? Someone ought to tell Hollywood. I’m allergic to booze. When I drink I break out in handcuffs, but you got me on the dope. I take my drugs as prescribed by all six doctors. This causes hell with my HMO but They haven’t caught me so far.BMONK scares me with talk of NUC COFFEE and ice cream.
Since the dastardly deed by SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED, I don’t have any ice cream in the house. Maybe I’ll detox myself for a few days.
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Hi, tribe! This is off the current topic, but is so cute I had to share…Savannah
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Doc - With some cats I’ve had, I’ve wondered how they survive so long without brains. LOL! Kab - It was the only way I could figure how to tell you whereabouts in SE KS. We did get a little over an inch of rain the other night. Most of it missed us until Sunday evening.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Bye Doc - Have a good night!
Hi Rmom - That is a good link!
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Hi, Sojo! Even though I don’t have any daughters, I did think it was cute.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Time for my zzzzzzzzz’s. Have a good turnover!
♪☼ P&L ☼♪ ≡≡ POOF! ≡≡ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
hi everyone i’m back from doing necessary chores.
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
Good night, Sojo! It is extremely quiet here, guess I need to head to bed too.
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
See you later then Rmom
Quabaculta over 14 years ago
Quiet is an understatement. Time for bed….or at least rest, for me.
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
No bed time for me. not until after the turnover.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good evening everyone!
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
All quiet before the storm.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
What storm??!!