Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for August 29, 2009

  1. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  over 15 years ago

    President of what - the inmates social committee?

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  2. Hyacinth macaw
    sjoujke  over 15 years ago

    I think the USA. It can’t be Canada - we’d just send them to our version of the Senate.

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  3. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  over 15 years ago

    Ahhh …I can see the colors…where’s Tidler in these trying times…

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  4. Artrazz 2
    fredbuhl  over 15 years ago

    I wish mine would just run away.

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  5. But eo
    Rakkav  over 15 years ago

    The cream rises until it sours…(Lawrence J. Peter)

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  6. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  over 15 years ago

    I’m from Vermont, been there, done that. He screemed and blew it. Dodged a bullet.

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  7. 58430009345da8c9d22ff1
    hawkeye761  over 15 years ago

    Our governor runs off to Argentina to see his soul mate.

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  8. Large tv test pattern  color
    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 15 years ago

    R.I.P. Senator Edward M. Kennedy (1932-2009). Thought it be a fitting tribute to the character portrayed in this strip as him as well as that of late house speaker Thomas “Tip” O’ Neal.

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  9. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member over 15 years ago

    sjoujke - eh, it is called the Senate in Canada.

    We have the House of Commons, which is elected officials. We have the Senate, who are appointed by the Gov. General

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  10. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  over 15 years ago

    In OUR state, old governors usually make license plates.

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  11. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  over 15 years ago

    Rakkav - Isn’t that the same of rising to your level of incompetence?

    FishStix - I’m gonna guess California.

    Puddleglum1066 - I’m gonna guess Illinois.

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  12. 64449 wallpaper400
    Ronshua  over 15 years ago

    Ya and prisons fuller than a South Caralina Dog Tick .

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  13. Boop3 copy
    bmwk12ltc  over 15 years ago

    Puddlegum1066 could be from Louisiana. We put ours in Jail to. Gives them a chance to rest up.

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  14. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  over 15 years ago

    Our governor paid enough of her taxes to become Obama’s HHS Secretary.

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  15. J d fishing  color
    shermscott  over 15 years ago

    Yeah RRAmom, and we’re paying for it now.

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  16. 64449 wallpaper400
    Ronshua  over 15 years ago

    FishStix – I tell ya down town Sacramento is infested with malefactors . Maybe after the outlaw down-size , there will be room for their parasite hides . Hope is eternal I’ve heard .

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  17. Artrazz 2
    fredbuhl  over 15 years ago

    Our governor could probably contribute more if she WAS as hooker. She’d do less damage.

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  18. Vaction 2007069
    Randyt8  over 15 years ago

    Our governor should be in jail, but somebody had the charges dropped just a few days ago, even though he corrputed the procurment system and got $100,000 in campain funds in return, and the company got a $1,000,000 no bid contract.

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  19. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  over 15 years ago

    There’s something to be said for “Never Re-Elect An Incumbent”, but we’ll need a much better-informed electorate to keep it from being a Brazil (the movie) nightmare…

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