Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 17, 2009

  1. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  almost 16 years ago

    There are plans to disrupt communications by an electromagnetic pulse created by nuclear explosions, my question is: When can we look forward to it?

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  2. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  almost 16 years ago

    Roland, a celebrity in his own little world. What, he hasn’t cured the planet of aids or considered running for office?

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  3. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  almost 16 years ago

    Quit tweeting on your cellphones or pagers whatever!

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  4. Pak protecteur
    Rodney99  almost 16 years ago

    Has anyone else noticed that the word “Twitter” contains the word “twit”?

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  5. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    So Rick Redfern gets fired but Roland Hedley can keep a job? That’s just not right.

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  6. Cheetah crop 2
    benbrilling  almost 16 years ago

    Someday he will twitter one tweet too many… Twitter is for the birds… I liked Hitchcock’s birds better.

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  7. Missing large
    laughaday  almost 16 years ago

    To Dypak: Right on! I was about to make the same comment. In fact, that may be one of GBT’s messages to us.

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