Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 17, 2009
Roland: "Sorry I didn't tweet yesterday, gang... Sometimes I just need a 'me' day." Alex: "Woke up in strange apartment, so running late. Thank God for iPhone GPS." Sid: "Let's not throw stones at AIG bonus holdout guy. May have had his reasons. For instance, who among us has never had a serious coke problem?" Rick: "BTW, FYI, I May have 2 let my houseboy go. Just wanted 2 give u heads-up because I know some of u were close 2 Ling." Zeke: "Bumped into an old stalker of mine at Borders. She'd lost some weight and looked terrific, but I tweeted 911. Cops arrived from three states." Zipper: "Woke up feeling hopeful, then remember prevailing mood is anger. Got cable-ready by stabbing self w. fork. Good 2 go." Producer: Roland, when'll we be getting you back? Roland: "Going down 2 lobby 4 shoeshine. Sometimes just need 2 get out of the bubble." The tweets of Roland Hedley.
wndrwrthg almost 16 years ago
There are plans to disrupt communications by an electromagnetic pulse created by nuclear explosions, my question is: When can we look forward to it?
Radical-Knight almost 16 years ago
Roland, a celebrity in his own little world. What, he hasn’t cured the planet of aids or considered running for office?
Wildmustang1262 almost 16 years ago
Quit tweeting on your cellphones or pagers whatever!
Rodney99 almost 16 years ago
Has anyone else noticed that the word “Twitter” contains the word “twit”?
Durak Premium Member almost 16 years ago
So Rick Redfern gets fired but Roland Hedley can keep a job? That’s just not right.
benbrilling almost 16 years ago
Someday he will twitter one tweet too many… Twitter is for the birds… I liked Hitchcock’s birds better.
laughaday almost 16 years ago
To Dypak: Right on! I was about to make the same comment. In fact, that may be one of GBT’s messages to us.