Heart of the City by Steenz for August 06, 2001
Mom: Time marched on and Karl continued to teach me what he knew about the movies..Well, I saw this film once.. Karl: No no no! Not "film" movies! See this? Plastic and emulsion! That's film! Out there, in the theater, that's movies! When you start calling it "film", you elevate it to an art form..Then it no longer has to be entertaining! Good God, you wouldn't call "silly putty" "clay" would you?! Heart: Sounds like ol' Karl inhaled a little too much film cleaner. Mom: Hey, Iw as young, and everything he said seemed like gold. Mom's Back Story The Fox Theater, early 1980s
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
Yeah, I’m not really following Karl’s point either.
MS72 over 3 years ago
Yeah, I get it. You thread the film thru the projector and turn on the motor. Everything runs just fine, but nothing appears onscreen. Light passing thru the film projects images on a screen, and … MOVIES!