Heart of the City by Steenz for February 24, 2009

  1. Pc1
    TheDOCTOR  about 16 years ago

    DARN! You took my line!!!!* Every time I go to my IN-LAWS, I see Mrs. Angelini &vice-versa.

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  2. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  about 16 years ago

    How come I never got a lunch like that!

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  3. Simpsonized me close up
    mrprongs  about 16 years ago

    Religious experience in school? Nope. Violation of separation of church and state.

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  4. Missing large
    rmbdot  about 16 years ago

    As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school.

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  5. Sixshotprofile
    Decepticomic  almost 4 years ago

    Let us pray… for churros.

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