Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for January 08, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    Imagine that! I wonder what other miracles will occur?

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  2. Tubbsbottl lll
    gigabyte03  about 16 years ago

    I always thought my father wise and knowledgeable. I was always amazed that at every turn, he knew what I was talking about.

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  3. 1228212205147
    kiMoi  about 16 years ago



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  4. Cougar
    shadowcougar8  about 16 years ago

    I know people who will avoid the obvious in order to be afraid. It supports an agenda. When it was predicted that 2007 would be the hottest year in recorded history, the media was all over it. The fact that it wasn’t even close recieved little-to-no attention.

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  5. Dancing carlton
    tmcphail  about 16 years ago

    Kids are just so cute. They always think THEY have the answers. How cute.

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  6. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  about 16 years ago

    “When I was eighteen, my father was quite stupid. Wben I was twenty-two I was amazed at how much my father had learned in just four years” … Mark Twain

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  7. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  about 16 years ago


    Your Twain quote expresses the sentiments of many of us. I felt that way about my Dad and my grown children are now saying that they to felt that way.

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    Susie88  about 16 years ago

    Old dad is ancient and wise indeed!!

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    isserley  about 16 years ago

    @shadowcougar8 “confuse, if you can´t convince”

    dude, thanks, for over a year I´m considering signing up for an account, you finally made me do it.

    You´re right, 2007 wasn´t the hottest year, but it was really close, according to NASA. quote: “Climatologists at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York City have found that 2007 tied with 1998 for Earth’s second warmest year in a century.”

    nuff said

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  10. O rry
    Knirt  about 16 years ago

    Oh, how interesting this NASA discussion on our C&H stripes :)

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  11. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    Children never seem to question or doubt the wisdom or knowledge of mothers.

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    Unclebup  about 16 years ago

    Hobbs looks equally stunned.

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  13. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 16 years ago

    I recall there are several hilarious incidences where Calvin gets duped by his dad’s colorful explanations of scientific matters. Thankfully, his mother’s there to straighten things out.

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    jason.pollock2  about 16 years ago

    GLOBAL WARMING!!!! Run for the hills. Don’t tell Al Gore or he will send Manbearpig to kill you. Look, here’s the deal, the earths climate is CONSTANTLY changing no matter what we as humans do or don’t do. 30 years ago they were worried about the next Ice Age and now its global warming, guess what it will get cold again Calvin, just keep your sled handy and tiger to keep you warm and you’ll be alright.

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  15. Cutiger
    rentier  about 16 years ago

    Together with Hobbes it’s certainly warm enough!

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  16. Dscn0861
    benoire  about 16 years ago

    bleeep it. I was looking forward to a few days of napalm and cookies. Oh well…back to work I guess.

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  17. Cartoon character
    DesultoryPhillipic  about 16 years ago

    NASA admitted they made a mistake in their calculations after being caught. 1934 was the hottest year of the 20th century.

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  18. 00000
    alondra  about 16 years ago

    Global warming doesn’t exist. Look at all the snow we’ve had this year.

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  19. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  about 16 years ago

    Hey, look at the weather on Northwest state (WA.) they have big floods out there! whoa! That did not make any sense! Snow melted fast and created big flood everywhere.

    Calvinator says: Hobbs looks equally stunned. Make Hobbs thinking/pondering more seriously.

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    tabbylynn  about 16 years ago

    he doesn’t give his dad much credit does he? he looks so amazed that his dad could possibley be right about anything. poor dad.

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  21. Chromeboy
    chromeboy  about 16 years ago

    Gweedo Murray says: “It’s that wise father school they go to before they’re allowed to have kids.” … if that were only true these days…

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  22. Image001
    grammahotsho  about 16 years ago

    Bill Watterson doesn’t miss a trick when he illustrates and he takes us places with Calvin and Hobbes where we all love to go! By the way, it is grammahotshot which comes from a grandchild that I called my little hotshot.

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    Elyseettinger  about 16 years ago

    Why are they walking through a forest on they’re way home? If they’re not on the way home then why is calvin carrying his books?????

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    scruffyspiff  about 16 years ago

    I am wondering how people estimate “Global” warming by looking at local snow, or temperature in a particular year. Though climate of a region is affected by local parameters, it is governed by many different factors which occur worldwide. And may be we should start looking at events happening in far off places, and not just here in US.

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  25. New4deer
    4deerinmyyard  about 16 years ago

    Folks, it’s like this. Storms are highly energetic events. Even storms which we groundlings perceive mostly as wet or cold stuff landing on the ground are highly energetic events in the upper atmosphere, where the real activity is. Therefore, on a global scale, the more energy stored in the atmosphere, the more energy available to pump into bigger storms. Furthermore, the warmer the oceans, the more evaporation; the more water vapor in the atmosphere, the more ammunition available for those energetic events to slam onto the ground in the form of wet or cold stuff. Furthermore yet, as the ocean warms at the equator and those warmer ocean currents slowly curl north and south, that messes around with the jet stream, generally shoving the north-to-south dip (in the northern hemisphere; I don’t know what happens in the southern hemisphere) farther inland, which brings polar air farther south over more of the continent.

    Therefore, as the planet warms (and the evidence is incontrovertible; even the diehards at Skeptical Inquirer have come around), expect more storms, more violent storms, more extreme LOCAL temperature fluctuations (including down as well as up), more damaging storms of all sorts. Droughts AND floods; ice-storms AND heat-waves. Hunker down; it’s going to be a bumpy ride for a century or more. Everywhere.

    And then, if enough freshwater melts out of the Greenland ice mass and Arctic sheet ice to stop the Gulf Stream ocean pump that is the heart that powers the circulatory system of the planet…. Brrrr!

    So, please, everyone, let’s all try to make our carbon footprints carbon tiptoes. Our great-great-grandchildren will thank us.

    (By the way, the coverage I’ve seen has been fairly inclusive in identifying past, present, and future bearers of responsibility, all around the world. As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” And as one of Pogo’s friends, I think it was Churchy, said of Deacon Mushrat, “He ain’t innocent o’ nothin’.”)

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    dsbairdks  almost 16 years ago

    How smart is Dad?

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    dsbairdks  almost 16 years ago

    Dad is suddenly smart

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