Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for June 25, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 15 years ago

    Iā€™d give ā€˜em a 30% discountā€¦

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  2. 5346ae65734b4d0e82350407ef0d8e00 250
    cleokaya  over 15 years ago

    I think it is from the glassoid period.

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  3. Purposeinc wolf
    ladywolf17  over 15 years ago

    Donā€™ you just hate it when mom spoils the fun.

    Hey Margueritem I see you changed avatars again. This one is so much better than that last one. Iā€™ll give you two thumbs up.

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  4. Purposeinc wolf
    ladywolf17  over 15 years ago

    To the one who is called musicnut. Iā€™m a little bit curious kind of, and want to know what kind of music do you enjoy.

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  5. Emerald
    margueritem  over 15 years ago

    ladywolf17: I had to change it, it was scaring peopleā€¦

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  6. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 15 years ago

    Just call it the ā€œPiltdown manā€ and youā€™ll make big bucks.

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  7. Superman 20logo 3
    Jor-El  over 15 years ago

    When I was a kid, I dug up a set of sterling silverware. I thought I had found a pirateā€™s hidden treasure. My mom was furious as it turned out to be her expensive flatware that my brother had mischievously buried in the back yard. So much for a little kidā€™s imagination.

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  8. Bc14b
    D-i-c-e-R  over 15 years ago

    eBay + fraud + letter of authenticity = $$$$

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  9. Black wolf
    wolfbyte36  over 15 years ago

    So much for fame and fortune. Looks like Hobbes will have to wait a little while longer for babes.

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  10. Avatar
    tyrannusbe  over 15 years ago

    Oh well, some babes flaunt all over those ā€˜experimental artistsā€™ as well. Slight change of plans, same result.

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  11. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  over 15 years ago

    A discounted dino?

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  12. Cutiger
    rentier  over 15 years ago

    No skeleton, but funny trash - modern art!

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  13. Trop light
    JonD17  over 15 years ago

    @marg, yeh 30% sounds about right. @wndrwrthg, how about meltdown man?

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  14. Thumbnail.aspx
    carpetinwater9  over 15 years ago

    Time to start a new dig.

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  15. Cutiger
    rentier  over 15 years ago

    Sell it for 9 billion dollars at museum for modern art!

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  16. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  over 15 years ago

    Is that a piece of chain in there? Could be the Missing Link.

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  17. Jd single barrel
    Groversfather  over 15 years ago

    Maybe Calvin and Hobbes have unearthed the ultra rare Trashasaurus Rex ?!?!?

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  18. Av 5363
    prasrinivara  over 15 years ago

    Spot-on LX013ā€“or how about directly to the middleman (National Endowment of Arts) for $9.5 B?

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  19. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  over 15 years ago

    Babes, fame, power and Porsches down the drain. I know the feeling.

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  20. Simon
    comicgirl1000  over 15 years ago

    Margueritem what did it look like

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  21. 47ce755f1e4db65 animal
    theplasticcactus  over 15 years ago

    Ray C: Ha Ha, not that funny

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  22. Missing large
    Marderofski  over 15 years ago

    @ Ray C

    Is that a piece of chain in there? Could be the Missing Link.

    Okay, that one hurt my pun control center.

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  23. Reddog
    unemandarine  over 15 years ago

    Calvin you should try the Guggenheim Museum, they usually show very bold pieces, at least in Bilbao they doā€¦

     •  Reply
  24. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    A scream! So Mom did burst his bubble after all. It just had to happen. Sheā€™d never play along.

    I wonder what kind of price Calvin actually expects to get now. Hobbes can now forget about the babes. That discovery wonā€™t impress them much - if at all.

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  25. Eww
    Ivy0730Lcsq  over 15 years ago

    oh Mom! give us a break!

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  26. Giant tuba
    musicnut1986  over 15 years ago

    Bummer, there goes the Porsche. Maybe a running condition Yugo, if there is such a thing.

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  27. Giant tuba
    musicnut1986  over 15 years ago


    I listen to everything I come across, because all music can elicit an emotional response which must be felt and experienced. Having said that, I do not particularly enjoy most opera (donā€™t like people yelling at me), classic country & western (donā€™t care for the nasal singing style), or rap (again, the yelling and violent negative message). I particually like 40ā€™s big bands, 60ā€™s - 80ā€™s rock, delta blues, most jazz, most classical music, and world music. Currently going through my celtic collection. What are your preferences?

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  28. Nanny poo
    carmy  over 15 years ago

    One dudeā€™s trash is another dudeā€™s treasure.

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  29. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    musicnut1986, you must have some collection. Iā€™ve got some vinyl that spans the 60ā€™s to early 90ā€™s and some CDā€™s as well, but nothing like what I think youā€™ve got. Agree with most of your tastes though classical is not me - though I like some of it. Iā€™m currently listening to a Glenn Miller CD for the drive at 5.

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  30. Giant tuba
    musicnut1986  over 15 years ago

    I wish to point out that my earlier post was in respone to a direct question and not a hijack attempt.

    BC13, Iā€™ve been collecting music for about 30 years. Iā€™ve got approx 1500 LPs and 2500 CDs. I had about 800 mp3 downloads before my hard drive failed on my old computer so I lost them. Most of those were pretty obscure pieces that Iā€™ll probably never be able to find on vinyl or plastic. (Remember kids, BACKUP your computers)!

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  31. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  over 15 years ago

    Oh I still think Calvinā€™s thing is just an abstract sculpture for one cent, not million dollars.

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  32. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  over 15 years ago

    musicnut1986, I agree about the need to back up your computer. Especially files you donā€™t want to lose. I know a guy who has lots of genealogy data, and he keeps five sets of backups. In three different states.

    We laugh, but he has yet to lose any substantial amount of data.

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  33. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    musicnut1986, I was just curious. You are the serious collector, no doubt. My collection is about a fifth of yours, but with similar tastes it would appear. Iā€™ve all but stopped collecting, unless for replacement. Thanks.


    Wildmustang1262, I wouldnā€™t call it art - though for some reason Calvin thinks he can still sell it. as such. His feet havenā€™t landed on solid ground yet after his talk with Mom. Heā€™ll have to find out the hard way.

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  34. Missing large
    JoStra15  over 15 years ago

    I still think he should sell it to the museum of modern art

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  35. Purposeinc wolf
    ladywolf17  over 15 years ago

    that would be pop music for me.

    Iā€™m not hijacking, I just like to get to know some of you is all..

     •  Reply
  36. Giant tuba
    musicnut1986  over 15 years ago

    ladywolf, Thatā€™s where I started, except it was rock rather then pop. I was given my first two LPs when I was in Middle School, In-A-Godda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly and Led Zepplin II. Just enjoy listening to what you like.

    Now, will (can) Calvin get anything for his discovery?

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  37. Old joe
    ratlum  over 15 years ago

    the construction of the artifacts is priceless mom should be very proud of our little genius

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  38. Missing large
    dudeabideshou  over 15 years ago

    to Musicnut and others:

    Think I started my music collection in mid-teens around 1964 with The Animalsā€™ Greatest Hits. Parents gave me Beatles ā€˜65 album that Christmas, as best I remember.

    Unable to count my albums (yes, I still have a working record turntable) and CDs, but have a huge amount of blues, rock, classical and jazz available at any time.

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  39. 535658 339209472866364 1297576458 n
    cwreenactor  over 15 years ago

    Definitely shades of Piltdown Man.

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  40. Foxhound1
    bald  over 15 years ago

    calvin should take his find to a flea market, people will buy anything at those

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  41. Purposeinc wolf
    ladywolf17  over 15 years ago

    You know now that I think about it, with the economy in such a bad state I donā€™t even think that a 30 % discount would even be offered to Calvin.

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  42. Cutiger
    rentier  over 15 years ago

    The Porsche will come true!

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  43. Don quijote
    lebron  over 15 years ago

    Back when I was Calvinā€™s age, we would have gotten a dime for the bottle, then gone to DQ for a small ice cream cone. I guess that makes *me* a dinosaur. Anyone else here remember the DQ 5Ā¢ kiddie cone in the 60s?

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  44. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  over 15 years ago

    When I was small, 5 cents got you an ice cream cone - one ball. For 6 cents, you could get a Mello-roll. This was a cylinder of ice cream - had more ice cream than a ball - and you got to watch the man behind the counter as he carefully unrolled the cardboard that was wrapped around the cylinder, then removed it, and then removed the cardboard circles at each end of the cylinder. The ice cream definitely tasted better than a regular ice cream cone, but at least part of that was getting to watch the performance!

    I still remember watching in breathless fascination!

    This was in the ā€˜50ā€™s.

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  45. Thumbnail.aspx
    carpetinwater9  over 15 years ago

    Hey Guyā€™s Tomorrow is going to be a new day. Letā€™s start a new adventure. Ok ? Letā€™s Go.

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  46. Simpsonized me close up
    mrprongs  over 15 years ago

    Still, very creative.

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  47. 2008 1223 barbie
    Koolcoman  over 15 years ago


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  48. Missing large
    Morninglatte  over 15 years ago

    We used to go to the Y in the 60ā€™s in 8th grade on Saturdays for girls basketballā€¦and then walk to a DQ nearby. My mom had 6 kids so inevitably I had empty pocketsā€¦but a friend whoā€™s parents had a store always gave her some changeā€¦and she always generously bought me a burger for about 35 cents I think. Mmmmā€¦just a little burger with catsup and pickles. Saturday heaven. How do I choose and avatar??

     •  Reply
  49. Missing large
    Morninglatte  over 15 years ago

    I appologize for that having nothing to do with Calvin. I got lost in the DQ daydream i guess. i was a small town kid from a creative family thoughā€¦and spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to get rich on some idea or another. So I can identify with Calā€™s hopes. Reality can set in hard as you get older. Butā€¦Iā€™m still daydreaming!

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  50. Missing large
    czalvin  over 15 years ago

    Calvin could give it for ā€˜Art from Wasteā€™ workshopsā€¦ heā€™s put it together quite well!

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  51. Predestined
    magpiesrule  over 15 years ago

    I had to buy a new stylus for the turntable. took 3 months to order 1 and cost an arm and a leg. Have since gone over to the dark side and bought an I pod that holds 30000 songs. - Only got 24000 songs to go!

    Oh and I have had to buy an external hard drive now to store the files as a back-up and nowhere near as much fun as searching dirty second hand record shops.

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  52. But eo
    Rakkav  over 15 years ago

    What are the odds of all that trash showing up at one particular spot? Calvinā€™s family must live on a landfill.

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  53. Hobbesheart
    tis4kis  over 15 years ago

    Ah yes, the infamous Piltdownasaurus. Calvinā€™s a genius.

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  54. Cutiger
    rentier  over 15 years ago

    When my children were small, we had so few money and we collected the empty bottles and from the returnmoney we bought icecream or something to drink for our children!

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  55. 192
    tgpLMT  over 15 years ago

    Could probably get fifty bucks on ebay

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  56. Missing large
    saturntv  over 15 years ago

    If all else fails, the Museum of Modern Art might take it.

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