Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for July 26, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 15 years ago

    I feel your pain with the soggy suit, Calvin. And yes, it is better to just dive in and get it over with.

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  2. Irish clover.svg
    johnnydoc5  over 15 years ago

    Hobbes, you were right, don’t worry. Calvin’s way is no good at all, his feet would be numb by the time he even got halfway in.

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  3. Nanny poo
    carmy  over 15 years ago

    Relax, you all will get used to it soon enough.

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  4. Cutiger
    rentier  over 15 years ago

    Some prefere to go in sloly, others don’t worry to do it quick, so each one is right, how you like it!

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    stormyluv  over 15 years ago

    i’m for the pull the bandaid off quick type thing. jump on in and get it over with. lol

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  6. Cutiger
    rentier  over 15 years ago

    I like hanging ears of Hobbes in the last panel!

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  7. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    I always go into the water slowly when it’s cold. I also peel the bandaid of slowly, too.

    Love Calvin’s comeback in the last panel. And Hobbes ears are drooping some. That may not have happened had he gone in slowly.

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  8. Darth pingu large  2
    green_engineer  over 15 years ago

    Reminds me of a time when I was taking my time getting into an ice cold pool on holiday, and my sister very thoughtfully decided to push me in and get it over with.

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  9. Gd
    Bittermelon of Truth  over 15 years ago

    Calvin, it’d be much worse if there were leeches in the lake. Trust me. :o)

    green_engineer: I hope you pulled her in afterwards!

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  10. Avatar
    tyrannusbe  over 15 years ago

    I like to take it slow too. Unfortunately the local swimming lake is packed with annoying water-splashing and/or mud-throwing kids. Much like Hobbes here.

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  11. Cutiger
    rentier  over 15 years ago

    Hobbes will get problems by drying his furcoat!

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    carpetinwater9  over 15 years ago

    Ninth frame: CANNONBALL!!!!!!

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    alondra  over 15 years ago

    It’s better to just jump in and have a few seconds of discomfort before you get used to the water than that slow little by little thing which takes forever. Same with bandaids.

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  14. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 15 years ago

    There is a little masochistic pleasure going in slow

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  15. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 15 years ago

    When I was little, I had to get used to doing it quick and getting it over with. My older brother made sure that’s what I liked. So that’s the way I am now!

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    cleokaya  over 15 years ago

    I too jump in and get it over with. Swimsuits do cling an make you cold. I prefer skinny dipping.

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  17. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  over 15 years ago

    How can Hobbes get soaked soooooooo WET after he jumps in the water? Put Hobbes in the washing machine to rinse the wet soak out of his!

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    rudy996  over 15 years ago

    aaaaahh chicken soup.

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  19. Hyacinth macaw
    sjoujke  over 15 years ago

    Calvin will have to be content with the fact that he will dry out alot faster than Hobbes.

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  20. Image001
    grammahotsho  over 15 years ago

    Don’t go swimming alone. And don’t go swimming with HOBBES!

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    pibfan868  over 15 years ago

    I wade in or dip my feet in first, and that’s my mid-life choice. Before that I was a jump in first, find out later person!

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    JP Steve Premium Member over 15 years ago

    A heated swimming pool, that’s *my* mid-life choice!

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  23. Daffodil
    DawnAvril  over 15 years ago

    I dip my foot in then go back and sit down on the beach in the shade. Don’t have to worry about a wet bathing suit that way. And I’m not brave? like Cleo!

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  24. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  over 15 years ago

    Oooo, I remember that freezing water well! We kids could hardly wait for the snow to melt so we could take our first brave plunge of the season. There was no right or wrong way to avoid the pain.

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  25. Old joe
    ratlum  over 15 years ago

    I hate guys or gals that jump in and spoil the long delightful joy of getting wet very slowly

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  26. Creek
    mjtempke  over 15 years ago

    Oh, Hobbes!! You are something else!! lol

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    Saucy1121 Premium Member over 15 years ago

    I prefer the jump in quick solution. However, since I usually swam in the lower Chesapeake Bay, it was qualified by jump in quick AFTER a look around for jellyfish.

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  28. Bacon
    Zippy007  over 15 years ago

    The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

    Proverbs 27:12

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  29. Bacon
    Zippy007  over 15 years ago

    The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

    Proverbs 27:12

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  30. Smiley3
    mntim  over 15 years ago

    You think Patton ever read that Bible passage? Doubt it. One of his sayings was, “Never take counsel of your fears.” He was a jumper-inner. Of course, he spent four years at West Point learning how to jump in. I say, wait four years, then jump in.

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  31. But eo
    Rakkav  over 15 years ago

    And yet, Calvin, you are still alive in the last panel.

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    lightartsteacher  over 15 years ago

    If you are swimming the the warm waters off Hawaii, or in the Balinese islands, Pulai Seribu, or the coast of of Okinawa, Yes! jump in! If it is the Californian seaside, or Texas near Corpus Christie ,inch in or even better, don’t go at all. Freezing!

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  33. Webcam45
    sundaecone888  over 15 years ago

    My take? Do half-and-half. I’d be timid to jump straight into frigid water, but halfway through the experience, I’d take the plunge. This is pretty much how I handle life situations, by the way. Take your time; there is no rush…but you do have to face it sooner or later.

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  34. But eo
    Rakkav  over 15 years ago

    Jungian psych is at work again here. Calvin, a P, keeps his options open until the very last second; Hobbes, a J, heads straight for the goal. Both approaches have their merits, but neither makes the water any warmer. :)

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  35. Auzoka70 13 shinchan 3
    corpuskevin  over 15 years ago

    In South Texas, the water is always in the mid to upper 80’s this time of year. In lake or gulf. It must be nice to cool off that way.

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    Comic-Nut  over 15 years ago

    Oh, tigers and cats just love the water. Watch Discovery or the Learning channel and look at some of those tigers wade in and swim. As much as cats don’t like getting soaked, there are a few that just love it.

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  37. Dreamer
    Donna White  over 15 years ago

    Some of my cats love the water. I have one who will follow me into the shower. Another one runs and hides as soon as he hears the water running.

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