FoxTrot by Bill Amend for July 06, 1997
Girl 1: Waht's on the lunch meny today? Girl 2: Hot dogs and potato chips. Girl 1: Didn't we have that yesterday? Girl 2: That was hotdogs and corn chips. Girl 1: I must say, the punch at this camp is pretty tasty. Girl 2: Mmm. Jason: It's not punch. Marcus: It's bug juice. Girl 1: Ha ha. Girl 2: Get real. Jason: We're serious. They scrape all the bus corpses off those electric insect zappers each morning and run 'em throught a juice machine. Marcus: Now do you think it's so tasty? Girl 1: Grow up. Jason: It's true! Marcus: Just ask any of the counselors! We heard it straight from them! Girl 1: Doofi, we say them making it in the back. They use these big jugs of flavored syrup. Girl 2: Sheesh! How gullible do you think we are?! Jason: Apparently not as gullible as us. Marcus: Well, shoot. Then I guess this dead mosquito isn't supposed to be floating in my cup.
JasonFoxIsMyHero over 14 years ago
LOL there’s a Boy Scout song called “Bug Juice” about that joke.
Me_Again over 14 years ago
LOL really? How does it go?
rgcviper over 6 years ago
Doofi … love it. Made me laugh, as my Random comic tonight.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
I never went to camp and turned down a chance to join the Boy Scouts.
Schadenfreude about 5 years ago
Ah yes the plural of doofus is doofi
GothyStitch about 5 years ago
Completely missed opportunity by the boys here… few strips back the girls were sweeping out bug carcasses from their cabin, all the boys had to do to prove their point was to mention that and stating that the juice was the reason for the carcasses!