FoxTrot by Bill Amend for February 12, 1998
Peter: Jason, I don't think you understand how fifth-grade romance works. Jason: What do you mean? Peter: If you make your Valentine's card for this girl too obnoxious, she's going to think you like her. If you make it too nice, she's going to think you like her. And if you make it too plain vanilla, she's going to think you're just playing hard to get. Jason: Well, what can I write so she won't think I like her?! Peter: Actually, I moved on to sixth grade with fifth still a mystery. Jason: I suppose I could do it in code...that might buy me some time.
The Ever-Convenient Object's Shopping Mall over 4 years ago
If she’s anything like me, it won’t throw her off a bit. ELOO FLSKHU OLYHV!