FoxTrot by Bill Amend for March 06, 1998

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    penguin56  almost 9 years ago

    that means over 1,000 miles per hour O_o

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    AntSize  almost 7 years ago

    That’s… (research)… Mach 1.3.

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    Sorenson278  about 4 years ago

    Peters Accually pretty smart. I’ve noticed that he is pretty good in school and the like, where as Paige is kinda Dumb

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    SuperCharged5-  over 3 years ago

    that is… several times faster than escape velocity. you need to be able to anchor yourself to the earth while going back in time somehow

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    david.e.french  about 2 years ago

    How about 88?

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    alexzinuro  about 1 month ago

    According to Incredible Comparisons (©1996) by Russell Ash, the speed of light is 670,616,629 M. P. H.. Exceeding it would require traveling at at least 983,571,056 feet per second.

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