FoxTrot by Bill Amend for March 08, 2003
Paige: Will you forgive me, mother? Andy: What for? Paige: For the way I treated you after Quincy chewed up my photo. I saw you felt guilty and instead of forgiving you, I made you jump through all sorts of hoops. Now I feel guilty. Andy: And you want me to forgive you?? Paige: I suppose now you'll teach me a lesson. Andy: Exactly. You're forgiven.
Creature950 over 13 years ago
Spoken like a true parent.
Marathon Zack almost 9 years ago
Perfect ending to this story.
Hobbes over 6 years ago
I like this ending
Big Nate's Chezdoodles (Now FOX news reporter) almost 3 years ago
alexzinuro over 2 years ago
It’s a shame that it didn’t continue with Paige calling Nicole about this.
Paige: Nicole? There’s something I have to tell you. My Mom’s letting my autographed Backsync Boys photo get ruined was completely an accident on her part. I took advantage of her guilt. Anyway, the Backsync Boys sent me 20 more autographed photos, so I was wondering if you’d like half of them?
Nicole: Ten autographed Backsync Boys photos?! Sure, thanks! Thanks for being honest with me about it, too.
Paige: Would you like to speak to her?
Nicole: Okay.
Paige: She’s right here. Mom? It’s Nicole.
Andy: Hello? Nicole?
Nicole: Hi, Mrs. Fox. I heard you and Paige had a conflict about her Backsync Boys photo.
Andy: Yes, but we’re good now.
Nicole: Glad to hear it. Thanks for letting me know.
Andy: You’re welcome. Bye.
(hands the phone back to Paige)
Paige: I guess we shouldn’t get so emotionally attached to our favorite entertainers, right?
Nicole (chuckles): Right.
Paige: I’m on my way over with ten of the photos.
Nicole: Thanks—wait, is Quincy’s cage locked?
Paige: Let me ask Jason. I’ll be right back.
(She locates him)
Paige: Jason, is Quincy’s cage locked?
Jason: Sure is.
Paige: Good, thanks.
(Picks up the phone)
Paige: Yep, his cage is locked. As an added precaution, I’ve put the ten photos that I’m keeping for myself…somewhere secret.
(She’s put them in her bedroom closet)
Nicole: Good thinking. See you soon.
Paige: Bye.
Nicole: Bye.
(They hang up, and Paige brings Nicole ten of the photos)
benjnavarro28 10 months ago