FoxTrot by Bill Amend for January 13, 2004
Peter: What are you geeks doing? Jason: Having a math showdown. We challenged each other to recite pi backwards. Marcus: Whoever goes first loses. Peter: No, I think whoever enters this room loses. Jason: I am so infinitely not close to going. Marcus: Ha! I'm infinitely-plus-one not close!
jslicer9 over 13 years ago
hmmm… I give up what is it lol XD
Sylvannis over 13 years ago
Pi goes on forever. thus whoever finds a digit to start on has lost, because there is no end to pi.
wolfyclub about 13 years ago
Or you could say: [the infinity sign], 4, 1, . , 3
coolguy3145 almost 13 years ago
But Infinity + 1 is still infinity, Marcus obviously missed 5th grade MIT for that lesson
Mark Thames over 11 years ago
You just can’t treat infinity as a number, Marcus.
gocomics almost 11 years ago
He should’ve said 2^(infinity), the cardinality of the reals (if we assume infinity is the cardinality of the natural numbers)
AsrielTriforce over 5 years ago
Haha, it’s a trick because pi is infinite; they both win.
TraverseIce over 4 years ago
marcus is winning with the oldest trick in the book
SuperCharged5- almost 4 years ago