FoxTrot by Bill Amend for August 28, 2005
Jason: Check it out! Dad said I could have his old briefcase! Now I can keep my homework nice and crisp when I go to and from school! And I can change the lock combination daily, to thwart any would-be homework thieves! And if it's really important homework, I can handcuff it to my wrist, like they do with things like nuclear secrets. Peter: And when your classmates shoot spitballs at you for being such a dweeb, you can use it as a shield. Jason: Ooo - I hadn't thought of that!
jslicer9 over 13 years ago
good one, i had forgotten that one lol
LieutenantCommanderData over 10 years ago
I did that too,,, except I used a portable safe, and wrote in a code none of my classmates could read…cursive (sigh… it is a sad world when cursive is valid encryption in high school.)
MC and Splat2 Fan over 3 years ago
somehow i just noticed that the foxtrot logo changes color every sunday