FoxTrot by Bill Amend for June 08, 2008

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    hajile  over 16 years ago

    total lol!!!

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    DoomedToFail  about 15 years ago

    Then they will only do 0.01% of what andy asks.

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    Daniel Bryner Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Jason must be rubbing off on him.

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    garf19  over 14 years ago

    thats just like my mom

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    Nuttypearls115  over 12 years ago


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    Hero Plays  over 6 years ago

    This is counter-intuitive, actually. the reason he’ll do 1% of a normal job is that he figures it’s a pretty small effort. But if you give him a job that’s overwhelming when fully carried out, he will think that each job will be as hard as all 100 put together. So say goodbye to that 1%, Andy.

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