FoxTrot by Bill Amend for June 21, 2009
Roger: Jason, how do I view it? Jason: Go to your e-mail. computer: Blip! Documents folder erased. Jason: Scroll down to the one labeled "To Dad". computer: Blip! Music folder erased. Jason: Now click on that. computer: Blip! Photos folder erased. Jason: There should be a link. Click on that. computer: Blip! Hard drive reformat commencing. Roger: I think I did something wrong. Jason: Clearly, sending Dad an e-card for Father's Day was a mistake. Peter: So when was our last backup?
sjackson547 over 15 years ago
Some people just destroy any and all technology they come in contact with…
possiblekim over 15 years ago
Whoaaa….. How is iot possible to format computer with few clicks
rayannina over 15 years ago
It’s not. FAIL, Amend!
pitboss67 over 15 years ago
StrangeTikiGod over 15 years ago
Oh for the love of pete, rayannina, you’re expecting verisimilitude from a comic strip? Fail at life, rayannina!
It’s called “creative license.” Get over yourself.
D-i-c-e-R over 15 years ago
Do you think my dad would be insulted if I emailed him this strip for Father’s Day?
SaintRCat over 15 years ago
I’m calling deliberate sabotage on this strip.
pomy2191 over 15 years ago
roger you did everything wrong
Zorro1967 over 15 years ago
sjackson547 is correct. I know a woman who can screw up her computer just like Roger. She is cursed.
Hugh B. Hayve over 15 years ago
Some of you bring up a good point, it is tough to screw up a computer the way Roger is, the reformatting tools are deep in the admin menu.
Machtyn over 15 years ago
Ah, you all don’t get it. Jason being the uber-geek, but also being 10 years old, tries out EVERYTHING. Including stupid spam e-cards… even the ones that contain viruses. He unwittingly sent his father a virus laden e-mail.
Of course, they have a mac. And Macintosh’s don’t get viruses…
LibrarianInTraining over 15 years ago
Roger should know by now to just let his kids do computer stuff.
And yes, it’s possible to be electronically cursed. My boss is. Half the reason my work is never done is because I’m always troubleshooting all her problems.
JonD17 over 15 years ago
D-i-c-e-R said, about 7 hours ago
Do you think my dad would be insulted if I emailed him this strip for Father’s Day?
Only if he could open it, D-i-c-e-R
@ doctortoon, doggone it doc, you beat me again!!
Ginrummy33 over 15 years ago
“Macs don’t get viruses”? Only because so few people use them that it’s not worth the effort to create viruses for them. If their popularity exceeded Win-pc machines then we’d see a different story. There is no magic built-in anti-virus protection inherent in the mac operating system.
JacaByte over 15 years ago
sudo rm -r /*
Indeed, it’s easier than you think. ;)
Rakkav over 15 years ago
This thread is even more interesting than the comic.
pccman over 15 years ago
The reason it formatted so easy is that Jason has all of the computer commands set to a single click for himself.
chromosome Premium Member over 15 years ago
Don’t most computers pop up windows asking you if you’re sure yow want to delete something? Or maybe Jason found a way to remove those.
This comic reminds me of when I first learned to use computers and was afraid I’d do things like that.
Kaytebb over 15 years ago
Yeah those controls usually are buried deep with in the admin sections but I’ve come home and had my mom say she needed help with the computer and that’s exactly where she was. I just stared and said “How did you even find your way into this part of the computer?!!”
And it’s a comic strip people! If he put every step in there it would take 5 hours to read and be boring as hell. Get over it. And no, they’re right, macs don’t get viruses. Or crash every 5 minutes, refuse to run programs or hardware for no apparent reason, or…oh… sorry. :D
Happy father’s day all!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Kaytebb It’s alright. I have Vista myself. Everything you say goes wrong, and more. And I often end up where I shouldn’t be and wonder how to get back out! LOL
musicnut1986 over 15 years ago
Remember, this is a comic strip, not real life. In the make believe world of a comic strip an older character who obviously in real life would have become an adult prior to becomming exposed to computer technology WOULD be able to totally screw up a pc in a few key strokes. Just accept and have fun.
Happy Fathers Day to us fathers.
foxtrotluver99 over 15 years ago
sigh roger plz take a computer class!
foxtrotluver99 over 15 years ago
rayannina said, about 20 hours ago
It’s not. FAIL, Amend!
rayannina you fail at life!
M H MacGregor Premium Member over 15 years ago
You removed my hand picked comics and editorials and I am finding it difficult to get them back, if not impossible.
What do I do?
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
My dad (who is in middle management and works with a computer) very nearly did this, I managed to stop him before he wiped everything out. Sadly, my 87-year-old grandfather is more computer literate than my dad.
JacaByte over 15 years ago
My sister (who was 5 at the time) had gotten loose with the computer and had almost re-formatted the hard drive once. Or so I’m told… I was two at the time.
While we’re in the midst of a platform war, I’d like to point out that it’s much harder to reformat a hard drive in Unix/Linux than in OS X or Windows. In Unix you’ll get a message from fdisk saying
Are you really sure you want to perform these actions? (Yes/No) Y Please answer using complete words. (“Yes” or “No”) Yes
And if you get the jitters at any point, pressing ctrl+c will get you out of it and dump you back into the terminal.
flintcrow over 15 years ago
The whole ‘incompetent, idiotic Dad’ has gotten pretty tiresome by now i.e.: Family Guy, Simpsons, or anything else on T.V. etc. Yes, I know it’s just a comic strip.
Creative license? Sure, a little creativity and originality would be great.
So, today I’ll raise a beer to all us Fathers out there who ARE loving, competent, intelligent, hardworking and never give up and man up everyday despite our current culture.
farren over 15 years ago
I’d like to point out that if there is an “fdisk” command in Unix or Linux, it isn’t a real Unix. And to point out that the Foxes don’t have either an Apple or a PC - they’ve got an iFruit.
HillBilly_Huny over 15 years ago
WTH? You all are missing the main point…. “IT’S A FRICKIN COMIC STRIP” I can’t believe you are all over thinking a comic strip. In a comic strip anything can happen; it’s up to the writer. It’s just supposed to be funny. It is clear to me none of you have a sence of humor.
JacaByte over 15 years ago
Have you heard of xkcd?
Of course we have a sense of humor, you just don’t get it. :P
theIrishman over 15 years ago
LOL! I work with people like this! Oh and all you mac lovers,
Macs can and do crash Macs don’t run half the apps you can run on a win os. Macs don’t have viruses because viruses written for windows are done by mac users. Minority doesn’t rule. If mac were able to come out with a better and more user friendly os then guess what…uh.. microsoft would be scared and we would all be mac users! LOL In some ways I wish this were the case as microsoft would get of its lazy butt and have better quality control!Rakkav over 15 years ago
Someone came up with a list of mock acronyms and forwarded them on the Internet; and though I’ve used both PCs and Macs and appreciate them both, this one stuck the hardest in my mind:
MACINTOSH = Most Operations Crash, If Not, The Operating System Hangs
BirishB over 15 years ago
willing … suspension … of … disbelief
666gocom666 over 15 years ago
jacaByte: You get a similar warning from OS X, and for all the computer newbees, in all systems, you can’t format the hard drive when started to it. You have to boot to another disk, such as a floppy diskette (ancient stuff), and external Firewire drive, or a CD/DVD. The details mentioned in this comic are about Windows. Typically, you can’t delete the “Documents and Settings” folder either. Windows installs system files (amazing but try) in the user’s folder.
joeshmo30 over 11 years ago
well, i have read all the comics from this point on, im moving on to pearls before swine so bye everyone!
Fugazi 8 months ago
I swear I LOL’d with the first 5 panels