FoxTrot by Bill Amend for August 23, 2009

  1. Palm
    SGIBeachbum  over 15 years ago

    If it’s in Peter’s bedroom the popcorn machine needs to be way bigger.

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  2. But eo
    Rakkav  over 15 years ago

    I miss Charades!

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    saturntv  over 15 years ago

    I’m with Rakkav.

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  4. Douglas   headshot
    kraftjeff  over 15 years ago

    Isn’t this a repeat from a couple years ago? Or at least last year?

    Dang - still getting “vacation time” and only drawing one strip a week now…..

    Not totally complainin cause I still like the toon but.

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  5. Dim2
    farren  over 15 years ago

    Would you rather he did zero strips per week? For what it’s worth, I can’t remember seeing this one before…

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  6. Possiblekim2
    possiblekim  over 15 years ago

    Bill Amend said that the syndicate screw up with the new colour palette wihtout telling him. Therefore, this week comic strip will be a rerun from the past.

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    rcoaster  over 15 years ago

    Ah, that explains why it was a bit outdated by not including a Blu-Ray player with Netflix streaming capability… :)

    Syndicates are evil. I saw some complaining from cartoonists lately. Hope they don’t go the way of Calvin and Hobbes.

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    kfaatz925  over 15 years ago

    I’m wondering where Peter’s bed, closet, desk, etc. fits in with all this.

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  9. Libraryscience
    LibrarianInTraining  over 15 years ago


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  10. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago

    @ Doug Squared,

    Yeah, this is a repeat. I was disappointed, for the same reason as you. I wait until Sunday for my Foxtrot fix and it’s a repeat.

    I’d like to know if Bill Amend has any other projects going on. Does anyone know? You know how sometimes these guys will be doing two or three things at once, like Brian Bassett with Adam@Home and Red and Rover. It might not be Foxtrot, but it’d still be good to see his other work.

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  11. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago

    LIT, thanks for sharing! That was great. I wonder how long they can keep that up before the Evil Empire shuts ‘em down.

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  12. Text if you d like to meet him
    Yukoneric  over 15 years ago

    Some of us went without newspapers for 10+ years. Almost all of these are new to me; thank you very much.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Thank You Librarian for that entertaining link to Goofy. I remember seeing that short in the theater a couple years ago, preceded National Treasure 2 if I recall correctly

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    wayne goodridge Premium Member over 15 years ago

    you all just remember one thing people-he retired last year. there all repeats. plus i dont think peter is going to sleep at all or do homework(if he did at all before)

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  15. Douglas   headshot
    kraftjeff  over 15 years ago

    Dear Bill,

    It is time for you to amend your news page :D… —————————— Maybe after Jason deleted the WOW webpage he (Bill) is lying low and hoping they had the server backed up. Or he procrastinated so badly playing WOW and forgot that little thing called a deadline. —————————— Red what Amend did was a Berk Breathed and went Sunday only. —————————— To the rest of you my first post was done in frustration. Unemployed and having a heck of a time finding a job period and Mr. Amend Fox Trot is my sanity pack for the week. With a repeat I really have no sanity relief. —————————— Dypak - Please tell me the other job isn’t the store greeter at Barnes and Noble… “Hi welcome to Barnes and Noble… you will find my latest book in the humor section” and then rope off the store so everybody has to pass his book to get to what they really want. —————————— I’m now going back to bonking my head on a wall and hope that some sort of inspiration comes forth… that or another concusion.

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  16. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  over 15 years ago

    Librarian: Great link, thanks (liked that picture of Walt Disney on the shelf). BTW, are you still interested in old movies? I recently scored a copy of Disney’s “Song Of The South”, which is very hard to get nowadays. Also got his “So Dear To My Heart”. I started a movie blog, called “Ushindi’s House Of Movies”, but have absolutely no idea what to do with a “Blog”. Sorry, I’m getting off track here. ( And if you are not the REAL “Librarian”, then burn this message BEFORE reading)

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 15 years ago

    Took the words right out of my mouth, kfaatz925.

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    Ronshua  over 15 years ago

    LibrarianInTraining – Thanks for the flash-back . Sunday afternoon ( after Church ) 35 cent Matinee & and on that first 12 inch family TV . I didn’t recollect it until the ” peanuts ” came fling out of the doors , windows & eves , for the third time I almost soiled my self . All comic lovers should see your offering on the BIG screen in the center of the third row as I did . Thanks again .

    PS , ah word of wisdom – be careful of using the hehehe thing . I can’t remember using it but a well meaning critic said I did . For which I received a free Mexican Hat dance . I most likely needed one for something anyway . Again BE CAREFUL life’s dance lessons can be brutal . HAHAHA hehehhe hope the grammer cops miss that . hehehe… go batroom again .

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    Ronshua  over 15 years ago

    First time read I thought , Peter , Raisinets , Orange 50/50 bars , chocolate ice cream Bon Bons , Junior Mints , Dots , JuJuBees and Dubble Bubble and Black Jack for under the seats .

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  20. Libraryscience
    LibrarianInTraining  over 15 years ago

    Ushindi, yes, it’s really I. And I’m still interested in old movies. But my allergies have been acting up, and I have an upset stomach to boot. Curse the day my hubby bought microwaveable corn dogs!

    I’ll hafta Google that blog I suppose, unless you have a link?

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  21. Libraryscience
    LibrarianInTraining  over 15 years ago

    Douglas, I shall pray for your job situation. My father himself has been unemployed for a year, and now it looks like he may get a 4 month temp job. I hope everything works out for you.

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  22. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  over 15 years ago


    There’s nothing there yet - write something, and maybe I can figure out what I’m supposed to do with this thing.

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    Marcuspuppy  over 15 years ago


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    miniwidge  over 15 years ago

    anyone see the tagline? “cow that is dancing”?…. stranger and stranger

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    JimmieJames88  over 15 years ago

    actually, i think this is an old comic. like, 4 years or something

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  26. Jellyfish
    Me_Again  almost 15 years ago

    Sounds like me, except for the fact that I HATE candy and soda.

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    Boxo croco says happy derby  almost 5 years ago

    Jason will set that all up, for a fee

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    _Kvill  almost 3 years ago


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    Huxinator  over 1 year ago

    I have a brilliant idea! Maybe, he can put a bed in his room!

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